波兰女诗人辛波丝卡写过一篇关于爱情的唯美诗篇——《一见钟情》,她说:或许他们曾无数次擦肩而过,命运把他们拉近,又把他们分开,在终于见面的那一刻,他们彼此并不记得对方,却感觉那么熟悉,便以为那是一见钟情。或许每个开始,终究不过是一个续篇。编剧 Maggie Stiefvater 说:The world needs more love at first sight. ( 我们的世界需要更多的一见钟情。) 在七夕到来之际,将这首 < Love at first sight > 分享给大家,祝:山水辗转终遇良人。
Love at First Sight
Written by Wislawa Szymborska
that a sudden passion joined themSuch certainty is beautifulbut uncertainty is more beautiful still
Since they'd never met beforethere'd been nothing between themBut what's the word from the street staircase hallwaysperhaps they've passed by each other
perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowda curt "wrong number" caught in the receiver
that Chance has been toying with them
it pushed them close, drove them apart
There were signs and signaleven if they couldn't read them yetfrom one shoulder to anotherSomething was dropped and then picked upmaybe the ball that vanished
There were doorknobs and doorbellswhere one touch had covered another beforehandSuitcases checked and standing side by side
is only a sequel after allis always open halfway throughWislawa Szymborska