University of Edinburgh 最新世界排名27名 —— The Times Ranking 2018
Founded in 1583, the University of Edinburgh is the sixth oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Britain and Ireland’s seven ancient universities. It is madeup of three colleges: Humanities and Social Science, Science and Engineering,and Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Within these three colleges, there are 20academic schools. A total of 20 Nobel laureates are affiliated with the University of Edinburgh. These include winners of Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Peace, Literature and the Memorial Prize in Economic Science. Alumni include Charles Darwin, David Hume, Alexander Graham Bell andSir Arthur Conan Doyle, among many others.
爱丁堡大学是一所享誉世界的一流综合研究型大学,位于英国苏格兰首府爱丁堡市,创建于1583年,是英语国家中第六古老的大学。爱丁堡大学是苏格兰大学中入学竞争最激烈、申请难度最高的大学之一,录取率仅为8%-10%左右它是唯一的同时身为罗素集团、科英布拉集团以及欧洲研究型大学联盟成员的苏格兰大学。 达尔文、大卫·休谟、亚当·斯密、麦克斯韦、亚当·弗格森、詹姆斯·莫里斯以及英国前首相温斯顿·丘吉尔等诸多名家均曾在爱丁堡学习或从事研究。
2018 | 27 |
2017 | 27 |
2016 | 24 |
2015 | 36 |
2014 | 39 |
2013 | 32 |
2012 | 36 |
2011 | 40 |
Undergraduate: +44(0)131 650 4360
Postgraduate: +44(0)131 650 4360
爱丁堡大学 官方2018年新生申请手册,包含本科和硕士两份材料(79页和21页),下载请后台回复 关键词 0107:
1. 2018队长申请福利包下载链接(包含:20封顶级PS,10份CV模板,20封Reference Letter模板,10封实习证明模板)
2. 注明申请学校,拉入-2018 爱丁堡大学答疑微信群(每人限加3个群)
3. 2018 爱丁堡新生qq群:576213524(群内有学长答疑哦!)
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