

2017-05-12 YoungBird YoungBird

经过四位专业评审、两位学术顾问和十位大众媒体评审的层层甄选,YoungBird 2017 “Shade-scape凉辰美景”遮阳伞面设计竞赛最终三强正式揭晓。作品中,选手们在点、线、面上的熟练运用,把城市与自然结合,使得伞面设计征集取得了丰富的创意并收获了别样的期待。此次三强神秘面纱终于被揭开,其中是否有你喜爱的那个伞面设计?

After a prudent review by the four juries,  two academic consultants and ten public media, we are unveiling the Top 3 works from the YoungBird "Shade-scape" Sunshade Pattern Design Competition 2017. In these works, the practised usage of the point and line to plane and the combination of the city and the nature by the contestants, letting this competiton to achieve more originality and attract much attention. This time, the Top 3 finalists are finally revealed, check out below if your favorite is among them. 



The Top 3 works are listed in registration-number order.

· YoungBird 2017“Shade-scape凉辰美景”遮阳伞面设计竞赛3强作品:

The Top 3 works from the YoungBird "Shade-scape" Sunshade Pattern Design Competition 2017:

1.  棕榈树/The Palm

报名号/Registration No.:YBP176020


Design Description 


The proposed design is based on the guidelines established in the contest, one of which was to motivate people to enjoy the outdoor spaces by creating an attractive design and at the same time connect them again with nature.


The first thing we did was to analyze the shape of the umbrella looking for elements that could somehow project concepts associated with nature. Later we incorporated patterns inspired by the idea of leaves that fall from a tree but with the disadvantage that could not be placed in the limits of the panel since there was the possibility that they did not unite uniformly with the other panel. 


The final design that was made is very attractive, coherent, inspired by nature and is iconic. It consists of a pattern that simulates the branches and leaves of a palm tree, which at the moment when all the triangular panels are joined, give the person or the user the idea of being under a tree. 


Designer Profile

Samuel Silva Batista/26岁/建筑设计师

Samuel Silva Batista, 26-year-old, architect


Educational background:


Architect graduated from the University of San BuenaVentura, Cartagena in 2013.


Practice of design:

- “报务员纪念馆”项目设计(此报务员为作家加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的父亲)

- 多个高层建筑和住宅项目设计

- 家具、照明设计项目

- Design museum house of the telegraphist (father of writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez) 

- Design of buildings and houses

- Design of furniture and lighting



- 大学研究荣誉奖提名

- 2013年Masisa公司举办的全国建筑比赛第一名

- 2010年圣布埃纳文图拉大学针对弱势群体的公共空间问题举办的国际研讨会第一名

- 2012年阿根廷国际空间学校比赛入围

- Mentions of honor university studies

- First place for the National Architecture Contest Masisa 2013

- First place for the International Workshop on Public Space in Vulnerable Communities - University of San Buenaventura 2010

- Finalist competition international space school, Argentina 2012



- 卡塔赫纳圣布埃纳文图拉大学《Arquitrabe》杂志,第二卷,第四期

- 2012年《塞缪尔·席尔瓦·巴蒂斯塔学术项目中应用的理论依据》

- Arquitrabe Magazine - University of San Buenaventura - Cartagena, Volume 2- number 4

- Theoretical bases applied in the academic projects of Samuel Silva Batista in Year 2012


“The concept that we used part by reinterpreting a palm tree, because if we analyze the shape of the umbrella has a similarity to it. Therefore we designed a simple pattern of lines that pretend to be the branches and leaves of a palm tree, which at the moment when all the triangular panels are joined, give the person or the user the idea of being under a tree. The design is iconic and harmonizes with outer space.”

2. 太阳渐变/Gradient of Sun

报名号/Registration No.:YBP403054


Design Description 


The entire pattern is generated through parametric design, by taking a basic triangular shape and manipulate with a series of different scales using an algorithm. With a gradient of 5 different sizes of triangles, the triangular gradient pattern as a collective generates a dynamic effect, resulting subtle movement in the pattern. 


The production is hence optimised and cost effective. The gradient of triangular pattern reflects the dynamic movement of sun whilst maintaining a timeless and elegance to the overall sunshade design. The pattern allows flexibility to introduce different colour sets to suit different context.


The triangles in the pattern have identical angles to the 8 triangular sunshade units of the umbrella, allows for opportunity to demonstrate accurate industrial craftsmanship. The spacing between triangles in the pattern is designed to allow for enough tolerance for the cutting and collage process. This ensures high feasibility throughout the fabrication process. 


Designer Profile

Huan Khoo/建筑设计师

Huan Khoo, architect


Educational background:

Huan Khoo于2010年获得悉尼大学建筑专业硕士,对使用参数法进行平面设计有着强烈的兴趣。

Huan Khoo graduated from Master of Architecture at University of Sydney in 2010 and has strong interest in graphic design using parametric methodology.


Practice of design:

Huan Khoo是一位在澳洲悉尼工作的注册建筑师,在多个设计领域有着丰富的经验,包括城市设计、零售设计、商业设计、城市规划、商业综合体设计以及定制住宅设计。

Huan Khoo is a licensed architect practicing in Sydney, Australia, with experience spanning across various design fields including urban design, retail, commercial, civic, mixed use and bespoke residential design. 


“The design pattern is based on the triangular shapes of the sunshade unit itself, which consists of a series of triangles in a gradient of sizes. This result in a dynamic pattern whilst being repetitive in the cut out process and enables consistency in the collage process. The production is hence optimised and cost effective. The gradient of triangular pattern reflects the dynamic movement of sun whilst maintaining a timeless and elegance to the overall sunshade design. The pattern comes in several different colours to suit different context.”

3. 城市·影子/City Shadow

报名号/Registration No.:YBP679969


Design Description 


The "city shadow" selects the positive and negative abstract elements applied to the design of the umbrella, and then uses the European church "dome" design. People think that parasols are no longer the kind of confined space, making the people under the umbrella produce a kind of exposure to the illusion surrounding the high-rise.


Taking into account the production and fashion, geometric patterns are based on three-point perspective to complete the production. After the light reaches certain intensity, the ground will also project the same shadow as the umbrella pattern. The patchwork of the shadow is projected on the floor, the table and the body, which is a pleasure to enjoy and relax, and people indirectly enjoy the sun. The front of the umbrella takes into account the echoes of the city, and the abstract elements of the newspaper are used around the umbrella. On the one hand is to reduce the use of too many dark elements of the pattern, on the other-hand makes people seem to be in the bus of 80's to 90's years, while reading and enjoying a little free time.


Because the parasols are usually a large number and large area to appear in some specific scenes, the umbrella with the weather related three colors, from the high floor overlooking, is seem them reminiscent of a blossoming different colors of snow. Although there are a variety of metaphor in an umbrella above, the umbrella will not tell you directly. All the fun of the umbrella have to rely on people to observe and enjoy, which is the original intention of the design.


Designer Profile


Li Shaotian, 22-year-old, Student


Educational background:


I am a sophomore studying product design at Guangdong University of Technology.


Practice of design:


I dropped out of high school in my third year and later worked as a pre-sales product specialist. And for some reasons I was admitted to the Product Design major through self-study afterwards.


As a freshman, I learned a lot from working together with some of the  upper classmen. I prefer to work on creative, amusing and meaningful things which can be put into mass production. In my second term as a freshman, I started to sign up for design competitions and obtained a lot of hands-on experience.


I read plenty of books on psychology and products and did research on people’s behavior in order to improve myself in the first term of my sophomore year. The second term is quite fruitful. Apart from receiving some awards, I have made a large number of physical models and digged into product craftsmanship.


"A reference to silhouette and European church domes, “City & Shadow” features a range of colors representing varied weather conditions. This not only makes the sunshade part of a unique cityscape but also meets the needs of the younger generations. Yet the ultimate intent is to inspire users to slow down a little bit to enjoy life and explore new things."


Congratulations to the Top 3 finalists!



“Halo” Smart Signage Design Competition 2017: Please register by logging into our website www.youngbird.com.cn and download the information kit by clicking on the “read the original post” . 



Click the image to get a clear picture of brief for 

“Halo” Smart Signage Design Competition 2017

