


In Mozambique, 70% of the population lives below the poverty line. This difficult economic situation, most severely affects the situation of children. Frequently, the lack of financial resources is a significant barrier to the enjoyment of their fundamental rights. They experience many problems; such as the inability to access school, health-care, and housing…


In Mozambique, one child out of five is not educated. Preschool is neither mandatory nor free.


For those who go to school, study conditions are very different from the conditions of those in developed countries. The buildings, school equipment and facilities (chairs, tables, desks…) are in bad shape or absent.


Moreover, the figures show a discrepancy of the education between boys and girls. The classes have a majority of young boys. This is inpart because of the profusion of harassment and sexual violence in schools toward girls.


Besides that, in Mozambique, 14% of children between two and nine years old are disabled. They are often hidden away by their families –in effect rendered invisible – and are vulnerable to discrimination as well as an increased risk of violence. These children need greater support from their families and better access to education, which would enable them to attend school with their peers. But that can only happen if the necessary facilities, equipment and training are provided.

主办方将在Estamos Juntos倡议和非政府组织Somos del Mundo的帮助下,帮助一位莫桑比克教师Assa,为身患残疾,并遭受社会排斥的儿童建立一个儿童中心。YoungBirdPlan作为Archstorming此次竞赛在中国的独家合作伙伴,线上报名通道已经全面开启。

In the current competition, we will help Assa, a Mozambican teacher, build a center for children with disabilities and affected by social exclusion, with the help of the Estamos Juntos Initiative and the NGO Somos del Mundo. Young Bird Plan is the exclusive partner of this competition in China and its online registration channel has been officially launched!


Mozambique borders Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Swaziland. Its long, Indian Ocean coastline of 2,500 kilometers faces east to Madagascar. About 70% of its population of 28 million (2016) live and work in rural areas. It is endowed with ample arable land, water, energy, as well as mineral resources and newly discovered natural gas offshore; three deep seaports; and a relatively large potential pool of labor.


Unfortunately, families in Mozambique are struggling to cover even their most basic needs, such as running water, proper sanitation and regular access to food. Income distribution remains highly unequal in a country where the richest twenty percent control over half of the national household income.


A few years after peace could be secured in Mozambique, disastrous floods destroyed much of the country's infrastructure during a time in which it wasslowly rebuilding itself. Rural Mozambique is frequently affected by droughts.Famine is widespread and many locals suffer from illnesses that are directly related to it. For the average Mozambican, life expectancy is as low as 58 years. The country has one of the highest HIV rates in the entire world: 12.3 percent of the population are HIV-positive, meaning that roughly 3.6 million Mozambicans are living with the disease.


In March 2019, the coastal city of Beira was hit by a tropical cyclone that affected 1.7 million people across Mozambique, including an estimated 260,000 children. Devastating floods damaged bridges and roads, which stopped the delivery of food and other emergency supplies. Public water supplies were unable to be treated, leaving many Mozambicans susceptible to water-borne diseases such as cholera and malaria. Up to an estimated 50 per cent of the annual crop production was destroyed, leaving many without food or means to anincome.


Although there have been impressive steps forward in terms of school enrolment, only 40 percent of children who attend school complete their primary level education. From this, only 16 per cent of children go on to secondary education. Factors such as lack of safe school spaces and early marriage and pregnancy are major reasons for children to not complete school. Around 40 per cent of girls have given birth before they are 18 years old, and half are already married.


An estimated 1.2 million children do not attend school at all. At least a basic level of education is of considerable importance for growth and development and empowers the child to break the vicious circle of poverty when becoming an adult. On average, Mozambicans complete only 3.5 years of schooling.

赛赛区(Xai-Xai District)是莫桑比克西南部加扎省(Gaza Province)的一个区。该区的行政中心是雄圭内(Chongoene)。该区位于该省南部,与北部的希布托区(Chibuto District)、东部的曼雅卡泽区(Manjacaze District)、东南部的比伦内·马希亚区(Bilene Macia District)和西部的绍奎区(Chókwè District)相邻。南临印度洋。该地区面积为1,908平方公里(737平方英里)。

Xai-Xai District is a district of Gaza Province in south-western Mozambique. The administrative center of the districtis Chongoene. The district is located in the south of the province, and borders with Chibuto District in the north, Manjacaze District in the east, Bilene Macia District in the southeast, and with Chókwè District inthe west. In the south, it is bounded by the Indian Ocean. The area of the district is 1,908 square kilometres (737 sq mi).


The school will be located in a plot betweenthe cities of Xai-Xai and Chongoene, approximately 1 km away of the road that connects them.


In the current competition, the study of the site characteristics is very important, since the school will be built by volunteers and construction workers with no help of heavy equipment like excavators.


For that reason, you must consider the current topography of the site and make sure the future school is adapted to it.


The site has a rhomboidal shape. The long sides measure 82,58m and 76,96m, and the short ones 34,41m and 37,83m.


The plot has some bushes that will be removed, so there's no need to consider them in your design. Besides that, you will also find a big tree, known as Marula or Canhoeiro (Sclerocarya birrea), in the middle of the site. The fruit of that tree is commonly used in the zone to produce a cream liqueur known as Amarula.That tree can be preserved or removed, it is up to you.


The principal road that connects the cities of Xai-Xai and Chongoene is 800m northwest of our plot. The access road of the school will come from the northeast and will be located on the side that measures 76.96m.


The topography study reveals that there's a slight slope in the plot. The highest point has an altitude of 63m while the lowest point registers and altitude of 60m. Please remember that the ground will be prepared and leveled with small equipment, so take the topography into account in your designs.


A detailed topographic plan of the site will be sent after registration.


Mozambique has a tropical to subtropical climate, with some semi-arid regions in the southwest of the country. The east consists of lowlands while the west is more mountainous.


Mozambique has a coastline of 2,700 km. Average temperatures are highest along the coast as well as in the south of thecountry (20-26°C) and lower in high in land regions. There are seasonal temperature variations, with a cool dry season from April to September (coolest months are June – August) and a hothumid season from October to March (warmest months are December – February).

北部降雨量最高(1000毫米/年),东南部降雨量最低(500毫米/年)。当然,根据地形特征也有所不同– 沿海地区海拔较高处降雨量最多(800- 1,200毫米/年)。该国最干旱的地区是南部内陆地区,部分地区年降雨量仅为300毫米。降雨主要发生在11月至4月的炎热季节– 集中在12月至2月之间降雨。在这个季节,北部月降雨量为150-300毫米,而南部月降雨量为50-150毫米。

Rainfall is highest in the north (1,000mm/year) and lowest in the southeast (500 mm/year), but also varies according to topographic features – with most rainfall in higher areas and along the coast (800- 1,200 mm). The driest area of the country is the southern inland area, where some locations receive only 300 mm of rainfall per year. Rainfall mainly occurs during the hot season, from November to April – with the majority falling between December and February. The north receives 150-300 mm of rainfall per month during this season, while the south receives 50-150 mm per month.


Mozambique is frequently affected by tropical cyclones which mainly occur during the hot, humid season. In January 2012, forexample, cyclone Leon-Eline affected 4.5 million of its population.


This competition gives you the opportunity to work in the creation of a school in an under developed country. But not only that, in this case the school will be designed for disabled and socially excluded children, so the challenge is even bigger.


The goals of this project will be:

- 教育性:打造一个孩子可以开启他们教育之旅的地方。设计一个让他们感到舒适的空间,让他们有家的感觉。为孩子们建造一个绝对安全、儿童友好型空间,一个可以让他们学习、玩耍、奔跑和探索的校园。

- EDUCATE: create a place where kids can start their educational journey. Make them feel like home by designing a space where they feel comfortable. Build kid-friendly spaces that are completely safe for them, a school where they can learn, play, run, and discover.

- 社会融入性:由于这所学校将接纳残疾儿童和受社会排斥儿童,因此帮助他们融入社会至关重要。我们可以通过建筑设计创建融入空间,让他们不会感受到排斥。这是一所充满活力的学校,学生们可以在这里与周围的环境进行互动。

- INTEGRATE: since this school will accommodate disabled children and kids in social exclusion, it is fundamental to work in their integration in society. We can help them through architecture by creating adapted spaces where they don't feel rejected. Adynamic school where they can interact with each other and the surrounding environment.

- 可持续性:项目必须使用当地材料,建筑系统容易构建,并应在能源方面实现自给自足。项目本身必须尊重自然,以便教育孩子们正确的与自然环境进行互动。

- BE SUSTAINABLE: the projects will have to use locally sourced materials, easy to build constructive systems, and should be self-sufficient in energy terms. They have to be respectful with nature in order to teach the kids the proper way to interact with their natural environment.


To achieve the objectives set, the following indicative program is proposed:


The proposed program should have the following characteristics:

- 六间教室:学生将根据年龄分组,年龄层分别从0岁到5岁。每班至少25名学生。六间教室应该包含两个儿童适用的嵌入式壁橱,孩子可以存放私人物品,以及两个成人适用的嵌入式壁橱,放置在儿童无法触及的高度,可以让老师存放教学材料。

- Six classrooms: where the children will be grouped according to age, going from 0 to 5 years old. Each class will have a minimum of 25 students. They should include two accessible built-in closets where the kids will keep their belongings, and two built-in closets, in a non-accessible height to them, where the teachers will keep the teaching material.


Each class should have a storage space wherethe teachers will keep bigger materials such as mattresses, pillows, etc. Inorder to exploit all the available space of the room, this storage can be elevated and only accessible by teachers via a staircase. Although other ways to resolve it are also accepted.


Everyday, after lunch, the kids take a nap in the classrooms, so the space has to be adapted according to each activity.

- 卫生间:男生厕所4个,配备2个淋浴和2个水池,女生厕所4个,配备2个淋浴和2个水池。

- Bathrooms: 4 toilets for boys, with 2 showers and 2 sinks, and 4 toilets for girls, also with 2 showers and 2 sinks.


- Storage rooms: two storage rooms, one for the cleaning material and one for the school material.


- Dining room: besides the dining space, it should also include a 8 sinks close to the entrance door where the kids can clean their hands, or one long sink with 8 taps.


- Infirmary: with a sink and a built-in shelving, high enough to be inaccessible to kids.

封闭式厨房:将会配备一个工业灶具,厨房用具和两个冰柜。一张大桌子(约5米x 0.6米),方便处理和准备食物。三个带排水功能的厨房水槽,以及两个内置搁架(每个架子约2.5米x2米)。

- Closed kitchen: it will have an industrial cook stove, kitchen appliances and two freezers. A large table (approximately 5m x 0.6m) to facilitate food handling and preparation. Three kitchen sinks with drainer andtwo built-in shelves (each one measuring 2.5m x 2m approximately).


- Pantry: to store food and beverages. It will also have two fridges. All the walls should have shelves and this space has to be placed near the closed kitchen. It has to have a highly effective ventilation system while making sure animals and insects can't get in. It has tobe placed in the coolest place of the plot in order to benefit the food conservation. In a country like Mozambique, creating an effective pantry is a huge challenge because of the climatic conditions and the abundant and resistant variety of insects and other pests.


- Open kitchen: in Mozambique it is very typical to cook inan open kitchen with a traditional wood stove. It is very important that thekitchen is open (and also roofed) so it can ventilate. At the same time, it is also crucial that the kids can't get in, since it could be dangerous for them. A solution for this is to build a low wall around the kitchen to prevent the students from getting in.


- Multipurpose space: intended for different educational activities, celebrations or parent meetings. It will also be used for educational staff training sessions. Ceilings must support the weight of at least four fans.


- Offices: one of them will be used by the principal and the secretary, and the other one will be used for the school management and janitor.


- Teacher's room: a personal space for teachers during class breaks or meetings. It should have shelves and atable of approximately 50x180cm. It should also include two sinks with hot and cold water connection.


- Adults bathroom: with two toilets, one shower and one sink. This space should be close to the teacher's room.


You should also consider a big open space where kids can play and have contact with nature. Part of this space will also include an orchard where kids can learn about care and cultivation of the land and collaborate in the long term with theself-sustainability of the Institution.


The escolinha will need a covered school yard of approximately 100㎡ where the kids will play protected from any weather conditions.


In this competition the winning project is going to be built, the chosen proposal will be used as the basis of the final project. That is why materials and building techniques will be crucial.


The main materials of the area currently usedfor construction are clay, wood, stones and steel. Clay and stones are used to make bricks, having two different brick typologies: clay bricks and concrete bricks. The first ones are more economical than the second ones.


The two other structures used as the most common structural systems are wood structure or metallic structure.


Material costs typically account for more than 50% of total construction cost. These costs have been high because the most valuable materials are imported with high transportation/logistic costs and import duties. Only the most basic materials are sourced locally – e.g. cement and wood – even steel has to be imported.

因此,使用当地的材料建设幼儿园会非常有趣,比如使用压缩土块(CEB )和木材。

For that reason, it is very interesting to work with local materials for the preschool, like CEB (compressed earth blocks) and wood.


For the roof, they mainly use dried grass ceilings or iron sheets.


Participants can also consider the option of improving the constructive systems and bring new ideas, but always thinking that the resources and financial capacity of the project are limited. If a participant team decides to include a new material to the construction, make sure it is affordable and achievable for an NGO working in a third world country.


Remember that, since they still don't have electrical network, solar panels will have to be considered in your proposals. Also, in order to have hot water, the school will also have solar thermal collectors.



The water provision must be covered by a water tank of 16m³, so participants will also need to keep an area toubicate it. It would be really interesting to consider a rainwater collection system. This water should be directed to the tank. There's a system developed in Brazil that is starting to be used in Mozambique, you can check it out in this page: http://www.asabrasil.org.br/acoes/cisternas-nas-escolas


The school will have a septic tank to treat the waste waters. Make sure the water tank and the septic tank are located where they work best for those spaces using water (bathrooms, kitchens, dining room, teacher's room and infirmary).


The ceilings will have to hold the weight of big fans in some of the spaces, for example two fans in each classroom, or four fans in the multipurpose space.


All rooms must have a sufficient number of windows to make the most of daylight and provide good ventilation to the environment.


The windows and doors that face the outside should be very well protected from rain, so the roofs should protect these openings.


A perimeter wall should be included to protect the school, although, depending on your design, the building itself could function as a perimeter barrier.


The school must have four emergency exits.


All spaces should be adapted to children with disabilities.


Any architecture student or professional architect can participate in MOZAMBIQUE PRESCHOOL, regardless of their nationality. Likewise, people from other disciplines can also participate, such as engineers, philosophers, sociologists, photographers, etc. Not being necessary the presence of an architect in the team, although it is recommended. Teams may be formed by a maximum of four (4) members and a minimum of one (1). All team members must be 18 years of age or older.


The registration fee must be paid per team, regardless of the number of members (1-4 people).


In the event that a team or participant wants to participate with more than one proposal, it will be necessary to register twice (or as many times as proposals will be submitted), paying the full price corresponding to each registration.


Under no circumstances may jurors, the organization or persons directly related to the jury participate in this competition.


Prizes totaling 10,000€ + CONSTRUCTION, broken down as follows:

一等奖  1st PRIZE 

6,000欧元+ 项目落地  6,000 € + PROJECT CONSTRUCTION

二等奖  2nd PRIZE 

2,000欧元  2,000 €   

三等奖  3rd PRIZE 

1,000欧元  1,000 €   


500欧元  500 €   


500欧元  500 €   



In addition, the winning projects or finalists will be published in magazines, blogs or architecture web pages, social networks or the Archstorming website and designverse website.


*Depending on the country of residence of the winners, the prize may be subject to the withholding or payment of taxes foreseen in the law of that country.

即日起 早鸟报名阶段开启


2019年9月4日 早鸟报名阶段关闭


2019年9月5日 正常报名阶段开启


2019年10月2日 正常报名阶段关闭


2019年10月3日 优先报名阶段开启


2019年11月5日 优先报名阶段关闭


2019年11月6日 延迟报名阶段开启


2019年12月1日 截止提交作品


2019年12月2日-2019年12月15日 评审决议


2019年12月17日 公布获奖名单



* Registration deadline for participants in China is subject to Beijing Time (GMT+8).

No submissions will be accepted after the general deadline indicated above: 23:59:59 Los Angeles time (UCT / GMT-7) or PDT.


Registration fees will depend on the registration date, and will evolve as follows:










Young Bird Plan is the exclusive partner authorized by Archstorming in China. Participants in China can complete your registration and payment process on designverse(www.designverse.com.cn)and must full in your mobile phone number and email address. In order the registration to be successful, the team must pay the fee corresponding to the registrationdate. Once the registration and payment process have been completed, there will be no refunds.   


For details of the payment method, please refer to the designverse website (www.designverse.com.cn)

报名及付款成功后7天内,中国国内参赛者将收到 Archstorming 发送的邮件,其中包括竞赛材料,以及报名编号。该编号必须放在参赛团队提交的参赛材料的显眼位置,最好是右下角。

Within 7 working days after registration and payment, the organizer team will send a confirmation email that will include the work material, as well as the registration number. This number must be placed in a visible spot on the team's competition board, preferably the lower right corner.


The jury will evaluate the projects based on the proposed objectives, the main being the creation of a preschool in Xai-Xai with the indications provided in this briefing. The jury is free to add other criteria that they consider important for the creation of the school.


A total of 50 proposals will be selected for the final round. Among the 50 finalists, the jury will choose the winner, the second and third place, the 2 special honorable mention, and the 10 honorable mentions.


