我的天啊,居然造出来了 | Completed Projects 2014

2016-04-08 Young Bird Plan YoungBird YoungBird

『Young Bird Plan:迅速影响和覆盖华语世界的专业设计竞赛核心品牌,正在为中国青年设计力量的崛起创造一切可能。关注YoungBird公众号,了解更多竞赛及其他内容』

在Young Bird Plan的组织下,联合主办方、深化设计单位、监理方、施工方、导师以及参赛选手六种不同身份协同建造,实现五件作品的最终落地。

The top five works were completed jointly by theco-organiser, design-update corporation, supervisory company, constructioncontractor, mentors, as well as the finalists, led by Young Bird Plan.



Each and every man passionate about design dreams of seeing their own design become a reality. It is the most impressive thing to turn a conceptual design into an actual building. Experiences accumulate, leading to an unparalleled path, mirrored in the finalists' following aspirations. 


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1/3Kiosk | YoungBirdPlan2014

建筑师 | 左龙、王雪培    导师 | 李兴钢


Architect: Zuo Long & WangXuepei   Mentor: Li Xinggang

“ Young Bird Plan 其实早就不能用常规建筑设计竞赛来定义了,设计过程中我们一直在考虑实施的可能性,还脑补建成后的实际效果,这可能是和其它概念竞赛最大的不同。具体来说,一般的概念竞赛,做完整理一下渲染图和模型照片便存档手工;投标竞赛如果赢了,便会来到下一阶段的修改和深化,幸运的话才会被建造。但Young Bird Plan最令人惊喜的地方,是它将实际建造纳入竞赛本身,因此参与者不仅是概念的表述者,也是建造者。这种模式改变了参赛者对竞赛的设计思路,即在设计之初,参赛者便需要同时考虑建造方式和可操作性。Young Bird Plan所提供的,不仅是展示自我的机会,更是提携青年建筑师成长和实践的沃土。”


Young Bird Plan has long been beyond the definition of an ordinary architectural design competition. We thought about the feasibility and fleshed out the actual effects in our minds throughout the process. This distinguishes the contest from others. Specifically, when participating in a conceptual contest, all one need to do is come up with a design, sort out the renderings and images of the physical models and keep them on file;  if one wins a bid, he will advance to the next phase of updating his work,  which may be implemented, if luckily enough. The most amazing part of this contest is that it focuses on construction,  which makes contestants both the narrator of a conceptand the builder. Such model changes the contestants’ mindset, i.e. they need to take account of both the approach and feasibility right from the outset. What the contest has provided to young architects is not only an opportunity of displaying their talent, but also a “fertile ground” for their practiceand growth. 

—    ZuoLong & Wang Xuepei


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一扇之间的延伸 | YoungBirdPlan2014

建筑师 | 陈鹍、李姿娜   导师 | 刘珩

A House Without Roof/YoungBirdPlan2014

Architect: Chen Kun & LiZina   Mentor: Liu Heng

“ 我们所理解的Kiosk是一种让人亲近且有参与感的建筑。参与性在这个自媒体时代显得尤为迫切与需要。在这个亭子里面,事情不再是非此即彼的事实,它是一种多方向的网络交织。吸引眼球不再仅是一个视觉冲击力,更是一种参与者关注事件的拉长。在Young Bird Plan 竞赛中,别人以为我们造的是一个房子,其实我们造的是一个梦。”


Our understanding of “Kiosk” is that it’s a structure open to visitors that inspires sense of participation which is becoming increasingly essential andpressing, especially in this age of “We Media”. Things are no longer black and white here. Instead, they are intertwined. Appealing to the public is not only aimed at producing visual impact, but extending the timespan participants concentrate on the structure. People tend to think we built a house.Actually we have built a dream.

—Chen Kun & Li Zina


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开辟 | YoungBirdPlan2014

建筑师 | 蔡长泽、董笑笑   导师 | 华黎


Architect: CaiChangze & Dong Xiaoxiao  Mentor: HuaLi

“ 开辟的姿态是一个具有隐喻性的基本形式,它不仅象征着第一批蛇口开发者对无名山及其周边地区的地貌改造:开拓者们将整个无名山劈成两半,为蛇口工业区开辟宝贵的土地;同时,该作品也是这个小房子进行使用时的基本动作:所有既定或者偶发的使用方式都需要从原始状态打开它,即进行两个或者多个的组合。所以,每次既定或者偶发的使用都是在重复,来回忆第一批蛇口开发者在那个年代伟大的成就,从而激发更多样的城市事件。Young Bird Plan 过程中,我们研究在有限空间范围内所能容纳的城市事件的可能性,这是一次很有意义的实践,我们将公共空间的可能性付诸现实。”


The form of “Split” is a metaphor. It is symbolic of the first pioneers’ transformation of landscapes of the Mount Nameless and its surroundings: they split the mountain in half and turned it into valuable land for the development of Shekou Industrial Zone. Meanwhile, its name embodies the way people use the kiosk: any visitors need to open it from its original state and find more ways to assemble the units. Therefore each planned or occasional usage reminds us of the remarkable achievements made by the pioneers. We also studied the possibilities of holding events within the limited space. It is very meaningful because we have turned the potential of creating public space into a reality.

—Cai Changze & Dong Xiaoxiao


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花之伞 | YoungBirdPlan2014

建筑师 | 潘卡林、仇沛然   导师 | 刘宇扬

Flower Umbrella/ YoungBirdPlan2014

Architect: Pan Kalin & Qiu Peiran Mentor: Liu Yuyang

“ 施工过程,是设计师的梦想和现实碰撞在了一起,是方案在遭遇现实问题时需要不断做出调整但却不丢弃原本的设计概念的训练过程。还没入行时,有幸和都市实践的刘晓都老师有一次不期而遇的交谈,也是我在参加 Young Bird Plan 竞赛过程中不断回旋于脑海的话:‘一个建筑师的高明之处不是在于要求客户百分百的按照自己的想法落地,而是在遇到现实问题的冲击的时候,如何通过委婉的设计手法,保留住设计中最核心的价值。’我想,这也是花之伞的建造对我们的意义吧。”


Construction is a process where designers’  dreams collide with the reality, where constant adjustment has to be made without discarding the original concepts when the proposal turns out to be unpractical. Before I Started my career in the architecture sector, I once came across Liu Xiaodu, the co-founder of URBANUS, who said to me, “A sophisticated architect would not ask his client to implement his work in the way he expected, but know how to retain the core values of his design through alternatives when faced with practical problems.”  These words kept resonating in my mind throughout my participation and explain what the construction of “Flower Umbrella” means to us.

—Pan Kalin


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Kiostree | YoungBirdPlan2014

建筑师 | 邵帅、刘振   导师 | 董功


Architect: ShaoShuai & Liu Zhen  Mentor: Dong Gong

“ 深圳没有农村。一河之隔的香港水田,提醒着栋栋高楼的深圳这边曾经有过的田园时光。随着工业化消失的不仅仅是农村,还有人和自然互动的关系。然而随着城市化时代的来临,那些改革开放早期的工厂也慢慢变成历史。这次 Young Bird Plan 之旅,我们又开始重新思考人与农业、人与自然的关系。我们希望这次因为竞赛所诞生的Kiostree,能够唤起一丝这还未走远的记忆和情感。我们想在城市中寻找一颗荔枝树,用四片钢折伴围绕它。那时,人们从树院看到累累硕果,再登上爬梯伸手摘下红透的荔枝。那一刻,又重新回味曾经在农业社会里,人和自然的礼赞。


There is no countryside in Shenzhen. The rice paddies in New Territories, Hong Kongremind us of the idyllic past of Shenzhen, a forest of tower blocks across the river nowadays. Factories set up in the early days of the reform and opening up have gradually fade into history because of the urbanization drive. Our participation in this contest has prompted us to reflect on the relationship between human beings and agriculture, as well as the nature. We hope the “Kiostree” will arouse these memories and feelings. We seek out a lychee tree in the city, to be surrounded by steel plates. Visitors could ascend the staircase and reachfor the red fruit. At that very moment the close relationship between man and nature in the pre-industrial society would re-emerged.

—Shao Shuai & LiuZhen





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