
Young Bird Plan前三季完整版纪念专辑全面上市

2016-04-25 YoungBirds编辑部 YoungBird

『 YoungBirds 02将于5月面向全球发行,即日起
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1/3kiosk | YoungBirdPlan2014最终轻盈地落在蛇口大成面粉厂磨机楼屋顶一角,为这座后工业城市在海港之上筑起一方温巢,自此幕天席海,听风话雨。经历压缩的室内、释放的绿庭与悬浮的上空,人们在产业快速升级的码头边重拾久违的“日常性”。这种不安且跃跃欲试的悬挑姿态,正是嫩鸟的精神图腾:年轻、冒险、求知,且无所畏惧。

The ‘1/3 kiosk/YoungBirdPlan2014’ was eventually built in the corner of the rooftop of Grinder Building at the Dachan Flour Mill, creating a ‘breeding ground’ above the port for the post-industrial city of Shenzhen, where one can listen to the wind and the rain. The compressed interiors, terrace full of greenery and cantilevered roof enable us to regain the long-lost sense of daily life, at dockside where rapid industrial updating is under way. Such ambitious posture is symbolic of ‘young birds’-adventurous, fearless and persistent in their pursuit of knowledge.


2016年,Young Bird Plan将踏上全面国际化和公众化的征途,探索更多的领域和专业。选择《YoungBirds》02作为Young Bird Plan的前三季完整版专辑在此刻面向全球发行。

YoungBirds Issue 02 dedicated to the past three Young Bird Plan competitions is being released across the globe at a time when the competition is embarking on a new journey towards popularity with the masses and international exposure to expand into more fields.

Young Bird Plan [ DNA ]

What Makes us Unique? 

 ↓ 作品落地

Young Bird Plan设计竞赛最大的优势在于它不是一个“纸上谈兵”的竞赛,每一季竞赛都是针对一个实际需要被建造落地的目标提出命题。参赛选手在竞赛中脱颖而出的同时,也将拥有职业生涯中第一个面对真实基地和建造环境的机会。赛制的设置在保证专业水准的同时也赋予参赛者更多的实战体验。在作品深化环节,选手会在导师指导下完善作品,与业主、材料商、工程咨询单位、施工与监理单位多方协调,体验作品从实施到落地的全过程,这样的实践可以“逼迫”他们迅速成长,加速他们完成从“嫩鸟”到拥有独立思考能力和实战经验的建筑师的蜕变。

| 杂志涵盖YoungBird Plan 2013 作品制作剖析 |

Production of winning works of Young Bird Plan 2013 


The most notable advantage of the Competition is that it focuses on implementing the works rather than finishing on papers. It enables contests to have an opportunity to build their first work. Not only does its complete regime ensure high caliber, it also offers participants more experience. At the updating phase, they improve their work under the instruction of their mentor and coordinate with the client, material supplier, engineering consultancy, construction and supervision companies, leading the entire process. Such practice propels them to become experienced architects with independent thinking.

| 杂志涵盖YoungBird Plan 2014 落地作品剖析 |

Insights into completed works of Young Bird Plan 2014

 ↓ 名师指导

Young Bird Plan的导师们是新一代的建筑师,他们活跃在建筑实践的第一线,大多有双重的教育背景或文化背景,无论是实践作品还是思想理念,已经具有很大的社会影响力并备受业界赞誉。他们有各自的建筑理想和积极的生活态度,同时又身体力行的进行建筑实践,他们的职业状态是可以影响年轻人的,所以他们的教授可以让选手感受到对建筑的热情和执着,这种直观的形象远远胜于书本里的说教,也是整个项目中最令人感动的部分。

| 杂志全面呈现 Young Bird Plan 2014 TOP9评选现场 |

Scene of selection of TOP 9 of Young Bird Plan 2014

Mentor’s Guidance

Active on the frontline of architectural practice, the mentors, most of whom has overseas education or cultural background, have exerted a huge impact on the society and won plaudits within the industry, with their outstanding works and concepts. They have their own ideals and upbeat attitudes toward life and keep practicing. Their instructions could thus make contestants feel their sustained passion for architecture, the most moving part in the whole project, which is much more effective than indoctrination in textbooks.

| 导师参赛者面对面指导 |

Face-to-face instruction

| 杂志涵盖Young Bird Plan前三季9强作品诠释 |

Youngbirds Issue 2 offers insights into

 TOP 9 works of the past Young Bird Plan competiotions

 ↓ 跨界评委

Young Bird Plan最与众不同的优势是评委团的建立模式。从第一季开始就以评委会成员涵盖设计产业多个领域(文化、金融、地产、艺术、传媒、制造)为原则,六位评委以产业链内不同环节不同专业背景(文化官员、学者、建筑师、艺术家、材料商、发展商、专业媒体人、策展人、评论家)的决策者的视角来考察作品。通过每位评委的意见和最终决策,参赛者可以体会到一个好的设计作品不仅仅要有一个好的想法,更需要得到产业链内不同行业、不同角色的决策者对其的认可。

| 杂志全面呈现Young Bird Plan 2015“评审工作坊” |

The jury of Young Bird Plan 2015 gathered at Review Workshop in Shekou

Interdisciplinary Jury

The most extraordinary feature lies in the founding of the six-member jury panel. The organizer has long adhered to the principle that it should be multidisciplinary (spanning the fields of culture, finance, real estate, media, manufacturing, etc.), allowing the judges (as official in charge of cultural affairs, academic, architect, artist, material provider, property developer, media professional, curator, critic) to review the finalist works from the perspective of decision makers in diverse segments. Their comments and decisions make contestants realize any excellent work requires not only a good idea, but also recognition by such decision makers.

| 杂志涵盖Young Bird Plan线下活动现场 |

Overview of Young Bird Plan offline events

| 杂志涵盖前三季竞赛大事记和花絮 |

Timeline & behind-the-scenes glimpse of the last three competitions




Isa Ye

Publisher & Editor-in-chief of YoungBirds

Founder of YoungBird







| Young Bird Plan 2013全程回顾 |

Young Bird Plan 2013 Review





| Young Bird Plan 2014全程回顾 |

Young Bird Plan 2014 Review

Words from the Editor-in-Chief

Ma Yansong once asked me, “what I could do if I left domus?”

Due to the recession of both the real estate and print media sector last year and all the setbacks I had when I came back to work from delivery, I found it really hard to answer that in just one sentence.

| Young Bird Plan 2015全程回顾 |

Young Bird Plan 2015 Review

Then I came to realize that it was absolutely possible to launch, one decade ago, an original design magazine, which could not only reflect the reality of Chinese design in an objective manner, but also make its employees proud by staying profitable. However, with the arrival of the new media era, such opportunity has gone up in smoke. In this respect, we have been overtaken by our counterparts in other Asian countries like Japan and South Korea.

The year 2013 saw the slight declination of the real estate market. Though I had been aware of the impending crisis, I still worked hard on the nine product lines night and day, along with my employees. Now I know that all these efforts have been turned into several new contracts, and there is nothing else.

| Young Bird Plan影响力 |

Influence of Young Bird Plan

This year YoungBird is embarking on a new journey to become more popular and internationally exposed. 

We wish to be part of some fulfilling projects through attempts to gain foothold in the architecture and design sector whiling reaching other fields such as industrial design, landscape design, or even art.

“All that is real is rational.” said the German philosopher G. W. F. Hegel. In this constantly changing age, it is important to follow our heart and look for right questions, instead of giving seemingly right answers to wrong subjects.


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