

X美术馆 X美术馆 2021-02-05

海报设计:Ken Wenrui Zhao, Youngjin Park





Curator: Michael Xufu Huang
Assistant Curator: Edel Yuqing Yang

2020.12.6 - 2021.2.28


X Museum Gallery1-4

X美术馆将于2020年12月6日至2021年2月28日于馆内呈现展览“伊西·伍德: 无伤大雅”。作为艺术家伊西·伍德在亚洲的首个美术馆个展,“伊西·伍德: 无伤大雅”的展览作品奏响一曲将幽默和间离效果注入消费符号的哑剧,给日常生活染上一层超现实主义色彩。“伊西·伍德: 无伤大雅”由X美术馆馆长黄勖夫与助理策展人杨宇青共同策划。

X Museum presents “Issy Wood: Good Clean Fun” on view from December 6, 2020, through February 28, 2021. As the artist Issy Wood’s first museum exhibition in Asia, “Issy Wood: Good Clean Fun” configures a pantomime for consumption signage with humor and estrangement, offering a surreal outlook on everyday life.  “Issy Wood: Good Clean Fun” is curated by X Museum director Michael Xufu Huang and assistant curator Edel Yuqing Yang. 

伊西·伍德, 《棘手的问题/车厢内部》, 2020, 丝绒布面油画, 1200×1600×45mm

Issy Wood, Trick Question/Car Interior, 2020, 

oil on velvet, 1200×1600×45mm

致谢艺术家, 卡洛斯/石川画廊

courtesy the artist & Carlos Ishikawa Gallery

伊西·伍德, 《棋盘/车厢内部》, 2020, 丝绒布面油画, 1400×1005×45mm

Issy Wood, Chess / Car Interior, 2020, 

oil on velvet, 1400×1005×45mm

致谢艺术家, 卡洛斯/石川画廊

courtesy the artist & Carlos Ishikawa Gallery


“Issy Wood: Good Clean Fun” showcases the artist’s recent practice which exploits a variety of mediums, ranging from velvet to vintage garments. Many of the artworks uncover how the artist transliterates the visual vocabularies of digital gadgets into figurative paintings and real spaces. Depicting modern ephemera such as porcelain tableware and car interiors, Wood’s works spell out a contemporary negotiation with bodies and objects through subtle composition reminiscent of the Japanese mono-no-aware arenas. 

伊西·伍德, 《篝火》, 2020, 丝绒布面油画, 1850×2900×50mm

Issy Wood, Bondfire, 2020, oil on linen, 1850×2900×50mm

致谢艺术家, 卡洛斯/石川画廊

courtesy the artist & Carlos Ishikawa Gallery


Alongside her paintings, the exhibition also presents the artist's texts, music, garment, and tile installations, revealing her myriad inspirations from classical still-life and auction catalogs to Internet pictures. Upon her wide spectrum of practice, Wood’s works often create a phantasmagoric world where the muted objects solicit our contemplations and reflections on the interiority and impermanence of things.

伊西·伍德, 《你随意就好(大号)》, 2020, 丝绒布面油画, 1200×1600×45mm

Issy Wood, Help Yourself(Large), 2020, oil on linen, 1200×1600×45mm

致谢艺术家, 卡洛斯/石川画廊

courtesy the artist & Carlos Ishikawa Gallery

从用静物的光泽致敬古典绘画的巧夺天工到用装置援引当代艺术中对材料物性的使用,“伊西·伍德: 无伤大雅”通过四个连续展厅的作品讲述艺术家创作的多种层次。作品标题往往介于华丽和讽刺之间,讽谏社交媒体的无事生非。展出作品在拜物的光晕下泛着忧郁的底色,形成一种反差,使无生气的物件成为能动的主体,回应着关于物件何以成为艺术的永恒疑问。

The exhibition “Issy Wood: Good Clean Fun” unfolds through four galleries the different registers of the artist’s expansive practices, from exclamations of material lustre alluding to the Renaissance celebration of artifice, to tile installation reprising contemporary moments of objecthood. Oscillating between glamour and satire, her titles often bear references to the non-sequiturs of social media. The revealing contrast between fetishistic gloss and melancholic undertones cast inanimate objects as expressive agents, probing into the longstanding question of how we understand objects through art.



About the Artist

伊西·伍德(生于1993年,美国)2018年毕业于英国皇家艺术研究院,现生活工作于伦敦。她的创作对象主要包括具象绘画、文字、装置和音乐。近期主要个展举办于伦敦金史密斯学院当代艺术中心(2019年)、华沙现代艺术博物馆(2019年)、纽约JTT画廊(2019年)、维也纳D.E.L.F(2018年)、伦敦卡洛斯/石川画廊(2017年)。作品参与的群展遍布伦敦的扎布卢多维奇收藏、里森画廊、白立方画廊、S12画廊、布鲁塞尔Mendes Wood画廊、柏林Société画廊、英国泰特圣艾夫斯美术馆。2019年,伊西·伍德入选福布斯“30 Under 30”艺术文化榜。

Issy Wood (b. 1993, USA) graduated from RA Schools in 2018. She works and lives in London, UK. Her creative practices encompass figurative paintings, texts, installations, and music. She holds recent solo exhibitions at Goldsmiths Centre for Contemporary Art (London, 2019); MoMA, Warsaw (2019); JTT, New York (2019); D.E.L.F, Vienna (2018); Carlos/Ishikawa, London (2017). Her work has been included in group exhibitions at Zabludowicz Collection, London; White Cube, London; Lisson Gallery, London; S12, London; Mendes Wood, Brussels; Société, Berlin; Tate St Ives, UK. In 2019, Issy Wood was listed in Forbes “30 Under 30” Art and Culture list.

伊西·伍德, 《纸巾座写生》, 2020,

亚麻布面油画, 400×300×20mm

Issy Wood, Study for Napkin Holders, 2020, 

oil on linen, 400×300×20mm

致谢艺术家, 卡洛斯/石川画廊

courtesy the artist & Carlos Ishikawa Gallery











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4. 展览开放时间为:周二至周日 11:00-18:00,最后入场时间为17:30(如遇节假日等特殊安排,开放时间按X美术馆官方通知为准);

5. 此项目不支持退款。

伊西·伍德, 《你随意就好(特大号)》,2020,


Issy Wood, Help Yourself (XXL), 2020, oil on linen, 2400×1820×50mm

致谢艺术家, 卡洛斯/石川画廊

courtesy the artist & Carlos Ishikawa Gallery


X美术馆是由艺术收藏家黄勖夫Michael Xufu Huang及Theresa Xie 共同创建的民营美术馆。“X”是两条线的交汇,意指跨领域思想碰撞的无限可能性。秉承着严谨的学术态度及实验性的创新思路,X美术馆聚焦全球语境下中外艺术新力量,同时也囊括其他领域的创意实践,旨在打造一个关注新文化新思想的艺术机构。

X Museum is a private museum founded by Michael Xufu Huang and Theresa Tse. “X” is the intersection of two lines, as well as the conversation of innovative concepts between disciplines and their endless possibilities. Based on critical perspectives and experimental concepts, X Museum is committed to cultivating and supporting emerging artists within a global context while embracing innovative practices, aiming to build an art institution that celebrates new cultures and new ideas.

