Affected by a novel coronavirus, our government announced all enterprises will remain closed till February 9.
Our government announced it will delay resumption of work to February 9.Your understanding and support will be highly appreciated.在我看来,不需要长篇大论告知,中国作为世界经济大国,此事一出,各国媒体争相报道,很多客户多少心里有数。多余的解释,还会引起不必要的不安。长话短说即可,大多数客户都能理解且致以问候。
is determined and capable of winning the battle against the
coronavirus. We all take it seriously and follow the government's
instructions to contain the spread of the virus. The atmosphere around
remains optimistic to some extent. The epidemic will be eventually
controlled and killed.中国有决心、有能力战胜这次疫情,我们也都认真对待和配合,按照政府指示,控制病毒传播。在某种程度上,周边氛围保持乐观。这种流行疾病最终会得以控制和消灭的。
We are
afraid that the schedule of your order may be changed due to the delay
of production. We'll keep you updated.恐怕你订单的排期会因为生产的推迟而改变,我们会进一步告知进展。
regret to inform you that the delivery will be delayed due to the novel
coronavirus. We'll keep tracking the status and try our best to
expedite. Sorry for the inconveniences caused and thanks for your
The delayed shipment is not just from us, but from the sub vendors, logistics, and all other related support systems.To avoid any negative impact, I suggest that you may consider delaying your trip to China.为了避免任何负面影响,我建议你要考虑下延迟来华行程。
Fake news. Thanks for helping prevent the spread of these rumors if possible.I believe, China's speed, scale and efficiency of response is rarely seen in the world.我相信中国应对此次疫情的速度,规模和效率在世界上都是很少见的。关注实时查询工具,不被滞后和不准确的信息影响或拖累。