

Mark Smallwood 财策智库

Mark Smallwood 工作于英国,主要为亚洲超高净值家族提供建议,涉及财产和继承计划的结构、持续管理与运营、家族办公室、投资流程和治理。他还担任成功私人企业业务咨询委员会的成员,该企业跨越多个司法管辖区。在金融服务领域拥有近35年的经验,包括在英国、加勒比地区、瑞士、香港和新加坡任职,并曾在全球领先的私人银行担任高级职务,马克拥有独特的见解,为超高净值家族提供独立、无利益冲突的观点,帮助他们客观评估决策过程。




Firstly, an analogy. Having returned to the UK 5 years ago, I needed a hobby and after a trail flight, I chose gliding. To become a fully qualified glider pilot, the syllabus includes a theoretical knowledge test covering 12 key topics including subjects such as Air Law, Meteorology, Principles of Flight, Communications, Navigation etc.


What I learnt during the process was that if I had just done the theoretical test only, or if I was only an expert in one or two subjects, and then stepped into a glider on my own and attempted to take off and land successfully, I would undoubtedly not be in a fit state to write this article. Becoming a competent pilot required the patience and practical knowledge, demonstration and guidance, of a highly experienced instructor who had spent years flying, from jets and helicopters in the Royal Air Force, to 747s with British Airways.The key was to pass on his knowledge and integrate the 12 theoretical subjects into a basic ability to take off, land and thermal safely in a real glider. Even the act of flying solo is simply the end of the beginning, and ahead lie multiple further challenges in developing one’s skill set and capability, but all of this is built on a solid foundation of training, practical competence and experience. The same challenge applies to effectively managing a family office.

As a highly experienced Singapore advisor commented to me, a family office is not a product, it is in effect a platform designed to achieve a set of objectives based on different requirements. This rings true with the established saying that “once you’ve seen one family office, you’ve seen one family office.”
Whilst this may very well be the case, like flying a glider, the practicality of “piloting” a family office, and as such the family office acting as the “pilot” for the extended family, does depend on a selection of key areas of knowledge combined with as broad a range of practical guidance and experience as possible. Passing some theoretical exams or being highly specialised in one component, does not equip the individual to be a competent pilot.
Looking at the wealth management industry in Asia, one sees an incredible skillset that has evolved in the last 20 years or so. Whether it be lawyers, tax advisors, fiduciaries, private bankers, etc. looking at each of these pillars of the wealth management industry one can find excellence everywhere. The problem for the high-net-worth family seeking to establish a competent pilot is that this expertise is in most cases stuck in silos where it cannot meet its full potential. The reason for these silos lies with the business models that most still operate with. Fine for building simplicity and scale, but not for meeting clients’ actual needs.

As with most issues, following the money explains everything. Take for example a professional such as a lawyer or tax advisor. These professionals are paid for their time, and as a result, like private bankers they become transactional – time is money…money is time. “How much is it to set up a family office?”, “How much is it to set up a trust?”, “How much is it to advise me on cross-border tax issues”. The answer reflects the time requirement, and professionals are judged on Key Performance Indicators such as hours billed last week, how many Venture Capital Companies did you sell, etc.

Private bankers will be familiar with the issues, “How much for a trust?” – any answer is normally met with “…but I have $20 million with you….please discount the fee…” or “…my other banker says he/she can do it for…” (the answer is always… not enough).
私人银行家对这些问题应该很熟悉:“建立信托需要多少钱?” —— 会有很多回答“……2000万美元……请打个折吧…”或者“…我的另一个银行家说他/她可以为我做…”(答案总是……不够)。

The issue is that whilst there are highly competent professionals and wealth managers operating within their particular skills set, few of them are being paid to think holistically or have a complete overview of the clients’ family, business, personal and liquid assets let alone the complexities of their structures, banking relationships and overall wealth management needs. Furthermore, few have the experience and training to think holistically even if they could. This of course is to be expected when the business model channels the approach into a silo.
The HNW families establishing and running family offices require a high-level relationship view but the nature of the business of the service providers is that they provide a transactional service in order to meet the economic metrics of their business.
The solution to the problem requires two approaches. Firstly, as in learning to fly a glider, whilst theoretical knowledge will not enable you to safely fly the aircraft, it will provide you with the essential knowledge base. Secondly, the only way this theoretical knowledge base can evolve into safe practical flying is for there to be continuous oversight and guidance of the student by an experienced pilot who develops the student’s ability over time, and in due course the student themselves will advance to being an instructor.
In the real world of wealth management, the theoretical knowledge base is relatively straightforward to deliver. There are several Learning and Development platforms (including the Wealtra platform of Hubbis), that are designed to and continue to evolve in their delivery of relevant theoretical content for the wealth management industry. The challenge lies in finding the pilots – bankers are very good at banking, but not so good at drafting trusts – lawyers are very good at drafting trusts but lack the intricate knowledge of banking and asset management. Worst of all of course, is that a banker is not qualified to give tax or legal advice, whilst the lawyer is not qualified to provide regulated investment advice.
在财富管理的实际世界中,理论知识基础相对来说是相对容易学习的。有几个学习和提高平台,专门设计和不断发展以提供财富管理行业的相关理论内容。挑战在于找到飞行员 ----银行家非常擅长银行业务,但不太擅长起草信托文件 ---- 律师非常擅长起草信托文件,但缺乏银行和资产管理的专业知识。最糟糕的是,银行家没有资质提供税务或法律咨询,而律师没有资质提供受监管的投资建议。
Whilst there may be a very small number of practitioners who have the necessary holistic general knowledge and experience to act as a pilot, the real quality of a competent pilot requires three critical components:
Firstly, they must, through years of experience, have a broad general understanding of the wealth management space, and must be a credible person to engage with a successful businessperson or HNW individual and their family. In other words, they are typically more experienced and older.

Secondly, the economics of their business model must lend itself to a transparent transactional relationship with the family. The answer here is that they need to be engaged on a retained basis, with no other sources of income directly or indirectly from the client’s activities, in order to provide impartial, objective advice.
Thirdly, they are most likely going to be a “jack of all trades, and a master of none….” – or perhaps one or two - indeed this is precisely what the family will need. What is vital is that the value proposition depends upon their ability to act as an effective “Chief Operating Officer”, co-ordinating the team of skillsets to optimise the outcome and to communicate effectively with the client and their family. This team of skillsets might be substantially internally based for the larger organisations whilst the smaller organisations will need to engage third parties exclusively.
When one looks at most of the professional segments providing services to family offices, most are not operating under a business model that is conducive to the required holistic relationship. Siloed experts offer excellence in their field but lack the breadth of knowledge and experience; whilst they have to operate in a transactional environment, imposed by their businesses, that constrains the desire and ability to develop the close personal relationships and overview that most HNW families require.
For the private banks, they need to operate via a segregated entity. In effect, a multi-family office, distinct from the core private bank, which operates on a fee-only (retained basis), and by contracting out services to regulated entities (including its own private bank and investment bank) operates with a different cost basis to the main private banking operation. Clients will pay a premium to be managed by a brand name, but nevertheless for this transparent fee service, a cost model must match the economics of the business model and clearly reflect the potential for some obvious conflicts of interest.
The independent asset manager or multi-family office is ideally suited to this setup, but it requires sufficient scale to enable the carry of the dedicated holistic team. If one thinks of the mass affluent financial advisory models or the registered investment advisor models of the UK or US, which are fee-based, one can see how this can be achieved. Indeed, this is being done at scale and for HNW families in these jurisdictions where holistic financial services have been operating for decades now.

So, to conclude, to meet the demands of the family office market in Asia, the service providers must adapt their service and business model and become compatible with the specific needs of the HNW families. It is by no means rocket science as a simple look at how things are done in many of the more experienced markets, illustrates the path that needs to be taken.
The challenge as always in Asia, is to de-transition from the transactional view to the relationship view. This challenge is becoming more achievable as the evolving transparency in financial affairs, forces people to take a professionalised approach to managing their wealth.The companies that adapt their business models and economics (either within their core business or through a satellite) will achieve the significant upside potential, whilst those that do not, will have to keep chasing the next pay cheque. The key to the process is to examine the current business model under which one operates and adapt it to the changing market.





主要作者:Mark Smallwood免责声明:“财策智库”公众号涉及的内容仅供参考,本公众号所发文章代表作者个人观点,不代表本公众号立场,同时不构成对所述产品及服务的出价、征价、要约或要约邀请,不构成买卖任何投资工具或者达成任何合作的推荐,亦不构成财务、法律、税务、投资建议、投资咨询意见或其他意见。对任何因直接或间接使用本公众号涉及的信息和内容或者据此进行投资所造成的一切后果或损失,本公众号不承担任何法律责任。公众号内的文章版权及相关权益归相关内容提供方所有,如涉及侵权等问题,请联系微信号:happykorea01







