
GEE虚拟专刊系列三 | CO2 capture, storage, and utilization

GEE编辑部 绿色能源与环境GEE 2022-10-23

Virtual Special Issue:

CO2 capture, storage, and utilization

Green Energy & Environment (GEE) 虚拟专刊“CO2 capture, storage, and utilization”已正式上线,本专刊选取GEE期刊2019年至今发表的二氧化碳捕集、封存和利用相关文章19篇。收录文章列表如下,欢迎大家阅读、分享和下载!


1Research paper

New solvent blends for post-combustion CO2 capture

Hanna K. Knuutila*, Rune Rennemo, Alinda F. Cftja


Citation: H.K. Knuutila, R. Rennemo, A.F. Cftja, Green Energy Environ. 4 (2019) 439-452.

2Research paper

Kinetics study of CO2 absorption in potassium carbonate solution promoted by diethylenetriamine

Rouzbeh Ramezani*, Renzo Di Felice


Citation: R. Ramezani, R.D. Felice, Green Energy Environ. 6 (2021) 89-93.

3Research paper

High CO2 absorption capacity of metal-based ionic liquids: A molecular dynamics study

Biwen Li, Chenlu Wang, Yaqin Zhang, Yanlei Wang*


Citation: B. Li, C. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, Green Energy Environ. 6 (2021) 253-260.

4Research paper

Efficient fixation of CO2 into propylene carbonate with [BMIM]Br in a continuous-flow microreaction system

Yuxin Wu, Yuncheng Ding, Jianhong Xu*, Yundong Wang*, Kathryn Mumford, Geoffrey W. Stevens, Weiyang Fei


Citation: Y. Wu, Y. Ding, J. Xu, Y. Wang, K. Mumford, G.W. Stevens, W. Fei, Green Energy Environ. 6 (2021) 291-297.

5Research paper

Assisting Bi2MoO6 microspheres with phenolic resin-based ACSs as attractive tailor-made supporter for highly-efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction

Xiaochao Zhang*, Guangmin Ren, Changming Zhang, Jinbo Xue, Qiang Zhao, Rui Li, Yunfang Wang, Caimei Fan


Citation: X. Zhang, G. Ren, C. Zhang, J. Xue, Q. Zhao, R. Li, Y. Wang, C. Fan, Green Energy Environ. 6 (2021) 693-702.

6Research paper

Photoreduction of CO2 in the presence of CH4 over g-C3N4 modified with TiO2 nanoparticles at room temperature

Ming Chen, Jiachen Wu, Chongchong Lu, Xiao Luo*, Yangqiang Huang*, Bo Jin, Hongxia Gao, Xiaowen Zhang, Morris Argyle, Zhiwu Liang*


Citation: M. Chen, J. Wu, C. Lu, X. Luo, Y. Huang, B. Jin, H. Gao, X. Zhang, M. Argyle, Z. Liang, Green Energy Environ. 6 (2021) 938-951.

7Research paper

Nanocomposite membranes with high-charge and size-screened phosphorylated nanocellulose fibrils for CO2 separation

Ragne Marie Lilleby Helberg, Jonathan Ø. Torstensen, Zhongde Dai, Saravanan Janakiram, Gary Chinga-Carrasco, Øyvind W. Gregersen, Kristin Syverud, Liyuan Deng*


Citation: R.M.L. Helberg, J.Ø. Torstensen, Z. Dai, S. Janakiram, G. Chinga-Carrasco, Ø.W. Gregersen, K. Syverud, L. Deng, Green Energy Environ. 6 (2021) 585-596.

8Research paper

Structured NiFe catalysts derived from in-situ grown layered double hydroxides on ceramic monolith for CO2 methanation

Huong Lan Huynh, Wakshum Mekonnen Tucho, Zhixin Yu*


Citation: M. Chen, J. Wu, C. Lu, X. Luo, Y. Huang, B. Jin, H. Gao, X. Zhang, M. Argyle, Z. Liang, Green Energy Environ. 5 (2020) 420-432.

9Research paper

Converting poly(ethylene terephthalate) waste into N-doped porous carbon as CO2 adsorbent and solar steam generator

Changyuan Song,  Boyi Zhang, Liang Hao, Jiakang Min, Ning Liu, Ran Niu, Jiang Gong*, Tao Tang*


Citation: C. Song,  B. Zhang, L. Hao, J. Min, N. Liu, R. Niu, J. Gong, T. Tang, Green Energy Environ. 7 (2022) 411-422.

10Research paper

Cyclic oligourea synthesized from CO2: Purification, characterization and properties

Ruhui Shi, Haiyang Cheng*, Hongxiang Li, Peixuan Wu, Chao Zhang, Masahiko Arai, Fengyu Zhao*


Citation: R. Shi, H. Cheng, H. Li, P. Wu, C. Zhang, M. Arai, F. Zhao, Green Energy Environ. 7 (2022) 477-484.

11Review article

CO2 capture and conversion to value-added products promoted by MXene-based materials

Yu Chen*, Chong Liu, Shien Guo, Tiancheng Mu*, Lei Wei, Yanhong Lu*


Citation: Y. Chen, C. Liu, S. Guo, T. Mu, L. Wei, Y. Lu, Green Energy Environ. 7 (2022) 394-410.

12Research paper

Ionic liquids/deep eutectic solvents for CO2 capture: Reviewing and evaluating

Yanrong Li, Zhengxing Dai, Zhibo Zhang, Shaojuan Zeng, Fangfang Li, Xiangping Zhang, Yi Nie, Lei Zhang, Suojiang Zhang*, Xiaoyan Ji*


Citation: Y. Li, Z. Dai, Z. Zhang, S. Zeng, F. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Nie, L. Zhang, S. Zhang, X. Ji, Green Energy Environ. 6 (2021) 314-328.

13Research paper

Machine learning-based ionic liquids design and process simulation for CO2 separation from flue gas

Kai Wang, Huijin Xu, Chen Yang*, Ting Qiu*


Citation: K. Wang, H. Xu, C. Yang, T. Qiu, Green Energy Environ. 6 (2021) 432-443.

14Research paper

Mechanism of CO2 reduction in carbonylation reaction promoted by ionic liquid additives: A computational and experimental study

Kai-Lun Bi, Bao-Hua Xu, Wei-Lu Ding, Li-Jun Han*, Lin Ji*


Citation: K.-L. Bi, B.-H. Xu, W.-L. Ding, L.-J. Han, L. Ji, Green Energy Environ., doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2021.04.008.

15Research paper

Phthalocyanine-derived catalysts decorated by metallic nanoclusters for enhanced CO2 electroreduction

Jiacheng Chen, Jiayu Li, Jing Xu, Minghui Zhu*, Yi-Fan Han*


Citation: J. Chen, J. Li, J. Xu, M. Zhu, Y.-F. Han, Green Energy Environ., doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2021.05.006.

16Research paper

Novel in-capsule synthesis of metal–organic framework for innovative carbon dioxide capture system

Wei Yu, Ming Gao, Guanhe Rim, Tony G. Feric, Mark L. Rivers, Ammar Alahmed, Aqil Jamal, Ah-Hyung Alissa Park*


Citation: W. Yu, M. Gao, G. Rim, T.G. Feric, M.L. Rivers, A. Alahmed, A. Jamal, A.-H.A. Park, Green Energy Environ., doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2021.08.002.

17Research paper

Sunlight-controlled CO2 separation resulting from a biomass-based CO2 absorber

Shiming Zhang, Qianhao Pan, Yapei Wang*


Citation: S. Zhang, Q. Pan, Y. Wang, Green Energy Environ. 7 (2022) 566-574.

18Research paper

Accelerated prediction of Cu-based single-atom alloy catalysts for CO2 reduction by machine learning

Dashuai Wang1, Runfeng Cao1, Shaogang Hao*, Chen Liang, Guangyong Chen, Pengfei Chen, Yang Li, Xiaolong Zou*


Citation: D. Wang, R. Cao, S. Hao, C. Liang, G. Chen, P. Chen, Y. Li, X. Zou, Green Energy Environ., doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2021.10.003.

19Research paper

Tailor-made microstructures lead to high-performance robust PEO membrane for CO2 capture via green fabrication technique

Wei-Shi Sun, Ming-Jie Yin, Wen-Hai Zhang, Shuo Li, Naixin Wang, Quan-Fu An*


Citation: W.-S. Sun, M.-J. Yin, W.-H. Zhang, S. Li, N. Wang, Q.-F. An, Green Energy Environ., doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2022.01.016.



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