


Host: Now Xiao Wen, professor at the School of Economics at Zhejiang University joins our discussion on holiday consumption. Professor Xiao, thank you so much for joining us. So what are some of the new trends in consumption that you notice during this Dragon Boat Festival just concluded?

Wen Xiao: Firstly, the popularity of nearby travel destinations has increased, with travel circles within a 2-3 hour high-speed train journey being favored. Data released by Ctrip shows that popular high-speed train routes such as Shanghai-Hangzhou, Shenzhen-Guangzhou, Beijing-Beidaihe, and Beijing-Tianjin, which are within a radius of less than 300 kilometers, are favored. Data from Qunar indicates that due to the duration of the holiday, most trips during the Dragon Boat Festival are focused on nearby and short-distance travel, with destinations reachable within a 2-hour high-speed train ride being more popular.

Secondly, tourism products that integrate cultural activities such as performances and amusement have gained more attention, with summer retreats becoming a new popular project. Flaggy travel has stated that there have been nearly a hundred concerts and music festivals nationwide during this year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday, with many concert tickets being in high demand and hard to come by. The popular hotels near concert venues are also experiencing high occupancy rates, with rooms being difficult to secure. Hotel bookings around concert venues have increased by over 15 times compared to the New Year holiday. Additionally, the 2023 Dragon Boat Festival coincides with the graduation season, and various regions seize the opportunity to launch various innovative activities aimed at festival commodities and tourism products to stimulate consumption growth. For example, Beijing's suburban scenic spots have introduced water activities such as bamboo rafting and paddle boarding, as well as trendy leisure activities like picnic camping and cave cafes, attracting tourists to escape the summer heat. In the Yucheng District of Ya'an City, activities such as the Dragon Boat Festival consumer promotion event and the Cool Summer Beer Festival have been organized to boost consumption and provide a refreshing summer experience.

Host: Very interesting. That's exactly actually matching with my experience because I just went also away to a distance that's like around 300 kilometers from Beijing, visiting a concert. So very good insights. Very interesting. Xiao Wen, professor at the School of Economics at Zhejiang University for us.


