

The following article is from 音乐文献编译组 Author 音乐文献编译组

导言:这是一篇怼人的乐评,配合席夫本人的音乐服用效果更佳。今天这篇文章终于让我明白乐评家的嘴有多损了。还记得当年十七岁的斯特恩年少成名,自从看了报纸上写他乐评气得离家出走,从此3年不开演奏会玩命练琴。当年评论斯特恩的不过说了一句,“加州盛产橙子和小提琴家。”就把这个小胖子气哭了……今天这篇席夫的乐评真是无所不用其极地diss他,说他的音乐是催眠曲电梯音乐顺便黑了一把郎朗和休伊特。原文刊登在“乐评人之耳网”(The Critic's Ear)可点击文末阅读原文查看。我们只做搬运,不代表本公号意见,评论家你们是魔鬼吗?!

András Schiff, Piano: Bach, Inventions and Sinfonias


FROM:The Critic's Ear



For those who want to take the plunge into piano playing’s more tepid waters, an András Schiff disc is the ideal diving board. From Schubert to Haydn to Mozart, Schiff treats the music of all composers he plays as elevator music. His discography represents a compilation of bedtime tunes that could transport all but the most irremediable of night owls off to the sandman’s land in the time it took Dorothy to tap together her ruby slippers. Perhaps nowhere is Schiff’s sterile approach more celebrated than in Bach, whose music seems to attract more mediocre keyboardists than a porch light lures moths. What people see in this nosehair-tickling approach to Bach’s rhythmically robust, polyphonically complex compositions will, I’m afraid, forever escape me.


These renditions of the inventions and sinfonias boast nary an individual idea or turn of phrase. To be sure, though, there’s lots of smirking self-styling. With Schiff, you’ve come to the right place to hear insistent, heaving hesitations (second invention); twaddly, prissy staccati (third sinfonia); rushed, tinkly passagework (fourteenth invention); and awkward, anachronistic hand breakings (ninth sinfonia)—in short, his superimposition of tawdry ideas on the music to pander to our look-at-how-original-I-am times. Schiff has become a poster pianist for an age infected by musicological bloviating—an epidemic of windbag posturing inflicted on the world by the so-called historically informed.

席夫对创意曲和交响曲的演绎完全没有融入个人的想法或音乐处理手法。不过,可以肯定的是,他的演奏中有很多具有讽刺性的个人风格在内。在席夫的《第二创意曲》中你可以听到持续的、沉重的犹豫之感;《第三创意曲》满是废话连篇、百无聊赖的断奏;《第十四创意曲》匆忙凌乱而谨小慎微的炫技片段;以及《第九交响曲》中笨拙过时的Hand Breakings——简言之,他在音乐上叠加了各种俗气的想法,以迎合我们的视觉体验。席夫已经成了一个受这个时代音乐膨胀现象的“海报”钢琴家——这是一种由所谓的历史见多识广的人,强加给世界的跟风弄潮装腔作势的流行病。

Schiff and his groupies just don’t seem to realize that his jejeune touches and flaccid dynamics can’t create the illusion that he has something to say. Listening to his bland tone in selection after selection, I felt like a famished dog stumbling around a graveyard, hoping to find some meat on the bones strewn about me. Alas, I’m trapped, starving. And no light can be seen beyond the faceless mass of tombstones, save the sickeningly green glow that surrounds Schiff’s bilious ornaments and touches in such pieces as the third invention or the fifth sinfonia.


Sometimes I wonder whether such recordings are an indication that Bach playing on the piano has become a lost cause. Sorry to say, you can probably do worse with Bach than Schiff—by listening to Simone Dinerstein or Angela Hewitt, for example—two hacks who are now, mirabile dictu, well on their way to becoming forgotten hags. Yes, Schiff may not be quite as crude; his is just cautious, average playing that never pumps the heart or stirs the brain. Even Kissin and Lang Lang have a stronger effect on me: at least they make me laugh.








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