Chinese woman pulls hair off zoo camel's coat

2017-06-02 TheWaijiao TheWaijiao

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An elderly woman has been strongly criticised online in China for pulling the body hair off a camel while visiting a wildlife park.

Video footage posted online shows the woman pulling the hair from a camel’s body and putting it in her handbag while visiting Dalian Forest Zoo in Liaoning province on Tuesday.

Other people are heard telling the woman to stop.

Several camels were fenced off from the public at the zoo and there was a sign saying “Don’t touch the animals”.

“Are you going to use it to knit a scarf?” one internet user wrote.

Another said: “She’s taking advantage of her old age.”

The zoo’s administration office has released a statement pledging to enhance surveillance to prevent such behaviour.

It added that the camel was unharmed because it was moulting. The zoo also urged people to forgive the woman.

Chinese media reported on members of the public chasing peacocks and pulling out their tail feathers at a zoo in Yunnan province in February.

In March, a man was filmed throwing rocks at kangaroos at a zoo in Jiangsu province to get them to hop.


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