

2016-11-03 思维科学会





这个解读有个很不平常的开始语。第2至6节是一种介绍性词语,好像一个主持人在做一个郑重的过渡,以衬托出主要发言人。这样的方式在所有解读中是绝无仅有的。不清楚是谁在做这位主持人---是凯西灵魂的另一部分、是另外的灵性个体,还是其它什么?总之在介绍中凯西和他的“这项工作(The Work)”被誉为“基督意识的先驱者(Forerunner)。”我们假设这既指解读所包含的真理,也意味着凯西表现出的灵性能力。










This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, 

Virginia Beach, Va., this 1st day of May, 1934, in accordance with request made 

by those present.



Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mildred Davis, L. 

B. and Hugh Lynn Cayce.



Time of Reading 3:35 to 4:00 P. M.

格秋:你将有此房间里凯西这个身体和探索的心智,他得到下周一他将演讲的关于“基督再临” 的信息。你将给出在这个公开场合他应该传递的关于这个题目的资讯。

1. GC: You will have before you Edgar Cayce, present in this room, and his 

enquiring mind in relation to the talk which he expects to give next Monday 

evening on the "Second Coming." You will give what he should present at this 

open meeting on this subject.


2. EC: That which crowds in at the present may be well for those present, but 

would it be well for those in open meeting? From this experience, though, there 

may be gathered that which has been given and that which may be helpful to many 

in the comprehension of that which is the experience of those that seek through 

such channels to have for themselves the experience that may be had by those 

here in this room in the present.


3. Be mindful then, each of you, of that ye may inwardly experience in that 

which may be given you.


4. For, those experiences that have been told you of the vision [See EC's dream 

of a.m.] of the gathering of those that were known to many in this present land 

and in the lands abroad were in reference to just those things that may be said 

respecting the Coming.


5. Many of these have ministered, have preached concerning this Second Coming. 

Not a one but what has at some time left the record of his contemplations and 

experiences in those environs, whether made in the heart and mind of his hearers 

or in the written word; yet here today, in what ye call time, ye find them 

gathering in a body to LISTEN to that as may be given them by [Edgar Cayce?] one 

who is to be a forerunner of that influence in the earth known as the Christ 

Consciousness, the coming of that force or power into the earth that has been 

spoken of through the ages.


6. Listen, while he speaks! [Edgar Cayce?]


7. Ye, my brethren, in your ignorance and in your zeal have often spoken of that 

influence in the earth known among men as the record made by those that would 

influence the activities in the religious or spiritual life of individuals 

through the ages, as a record of the Son of man as He walked in the earth. 

Rather would ye listen and harken to those things as He spoke when He made those 

inferences and illustrations as to how those had closed and did close their ears 

to what was actually going on about them; yet they knew Him not! He, our Lord 

and our Master, was the first among those that put on immortality that there 

might be the opportunity for those forces that had erred in spiritual things; 

and only through experiencing in a manner whereunto all might be visioned from 

their greater abilities of manifesting in the various phases, forms and manners 

as they developed through that ye know as matter, could they come to know how or 

why or when there was made manifest in any realm spirit that was good and spirit 

that was in error. For, He gave thee, had ye not KNOWN the Son ye would NOT be 

condemned in thine own self. For, condemnation was not in Him, but "ye are 

condemned already." And in the coming into the influence of those that would 

open themselves for an understanding might there be the approach to Him. He has 

come in all ages through those that were the spokesmen to a people in this age, 

that age, called unto a purpose for the manifestation of that first idea.


8. Readst thou how the sons of God came together, and Satan came also? "Hast 

thou considered my servant? Hast thou seen his ways?" And the answer, even from 

the evil force, "Put forth thine hand - touch him in those things that pertain 

to the satisfying of desire that is flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face." 

Then, "He is in thine hand, but touch not his soul - touch not his soul!"


9. So we see how that the coming into the earth has been and is for the 

evolution or the evolving of the soul unto its awareness of the effect of all 

influences in its experience in the varied spheres of activity; and that only in 

Him who was the creator, the maker, the experiencer of mortality and spirit and 

soul COULD this be overcome.


10. Then, the necessity. For, has it not been said, has it not been shown in the 

experience of the earth, the world, from any angle it may be considered, that He 

has not willed that any should be lost - but has prepared the way of escape in 

Him, the Maker?


11. But who is the worthy servant? He that has endured unto the end!


12. Then, He has come in all ages when it has been necessary for the 

understanding to be centered in a NEW application of the same thought, "God IS 

Spirit and seeks such to worship him in spirit and in truth!" 


Joseph, David和那些准备耶稣到来的人们实践过。你看过他的灵作为引导人在所有层面的活动中---无论何地、何色、何种,在居于肉体的人们的身心中掀起波澜。

13. Then, as there is prepared the way by those that have made and do make the 

channels for the entering in, there may come into the earth those influences 

that will save, regenerate, resuscitate, HOLD - if you please - the earth in its 

continued activity toward the proper understanding and proper relationships to 

that which is the making for the closer relationships to that which is in Him 

ALONE. Ye have seen it in Adam; ye have heard it in Enoch, ye have had it made 

known in Melchizedek; Joshua, Joseph, David, and those that made the preparation 

then for him called Jesus. [GD's note: Essenes, School of Prophets started by 

Elijah. See Malachi 3 and 4] Ye have seen His Spirit in the leaders in all 

realms of activity, whether in the isles of the sea, the wilderness, the 

mountain, or in the various activities of every race, every color, every 

activity of that which has produced and does produce contention in the minds and 

hearts of those that dwell in the flesh.


14. For, what must be obliterated? Hate, prejudice, selfishness, backbiting, 

unkindness, anger, passion, and those things of the mire that are created in the 

activities of the sons of men.


15. Then again He may come in body to claim His own. Is He abroad today in the 

earth? Yea, in those that cry unto Him from every corner; for He, the Father, 

hath not suffered His soul to see corruption; neither hath it taken hold on 

those things that make the soul afraid. For, He IS the Son of Light, of God, and 

is holy before Him. And He comes again in the hearts and souls and minds of 

those that seek to know His ways.


16. These be hard to be understood by those in the flesh, where prejudice, 

avarice, vice of all natures holds sway in the flesh; yet those that call on Him 

will not go empty handed - even as thou, in thine ignorance, in thine 

zealousness that has at times eaten thee up. Yet HERE ye may hear the golden 

sceptre ring - ring - in the hearts of those that seek His face. Ye, too, may 

minister in those days when He will come in the flesh, in the earth, to call His 

own by name.


17. We are through. 


