国际视野 | Nature Climate Change期刊目录
Volume 9 Issue 2,
February 2019
Alexander Winter.
Cover Design:
Tulsi Voralia.
Bluetongue transmission risk
Sheep are severely affected by bluetongue, an insect-borne disease. In this issue, Jones and colleagues find the risk of bluetongue is set to expand northward under future climate conditions, with larger and longer outbreaks expected as this century progresses. Shown on the cover is a flock of mule sheep in the United Kingdom.
See Jones et al.
Editorial | 28 January 2019
Thinking about emissions
Global emissions rose in 2018 with the USA increasing its emissions after three years of decline. Understanding the contributing factors is not enough — action at all scales is needed.
Comment | 28 January 2019
Shift the focus from the super-poor to the super-rich
Carbon mitigation efforts often focus on the world’s poorest people, dealing with topics such as food and energy security, and increased emissions potential from projected population, income and consumption growth. However, more policies are needed that target people at the opposite end of the social ladder — the super-rich.
Ilona M. Otto, Kyoung Mi Kim […] & Wolfgang Lucht
Comment | 28 January 2019
Grounding nature-based climate solutions in sound biodiversity science
The current narrow focus on afforestation in climate policy runs the risk of compromising long-term carbon storage, human adaptation and efforts to preserve biodiversity. An emphasis on diverse, intact natural ecosystems — as opposed to fast-growing tree plantations — will help nations to deliver Paris Agreement goals and much more.
Nathalie Seddon, Beth Turner […] & Cécile A. J. Girardin
Research Highlights
Research Highlight | 28 January 2019
Declining yield resilience
Alastair Brown
Research Highlight | 28 January 2019
Demand-side green action
Adam Yeeles
Research Highlight | 28 January 2019
More powerful tornadoes
Graham Simpkins
Research Highlight | 28 January 2019
To engage or not to engage?
Jenn Richler
News & Views
News & Views | 14 January 2019
General and specific motivations
Climate change adaptation encompasses a wide range of behaviours in response to a variety of short- and long-term risks. Now meta-analyses identify which motivational factors are consistent predictors of adaptation action, and which are more context-specific.
Andrea Louise Taylor
News & Views | 21 January 2019
Moving to the South Pole
In the Southern Ocean, climate-driven contraction of Antarctic krill from open ocean toward the frozen continent is a perilous journey. Research now shows that a poleward shift in distribution is accompanied by diminished spatial less habitat, lower densities and larger mean size of adults.
Margaret M. McBride
News & Views | 28 January 2019
Public lands fly under climate radar
Global greenhouse gas emissions are set to rise again in 2018. New research from the United States Geological Survey casts light on emissions from fuels produced on federal lands and finds that they accounted for over 20% of US emissions in recent years.
Nathan Ratledge, Steven J. Davis & Laura Zachary
Perspective | 21 January 2019
Towards operational predictions of the near-term climate
Near-term climate predictions bridge the gap between seasonal forecasts and long-term projections. This Perspective outlines the challenges and opportunities for near-term climate prediction, highlighting the need for co-ordinated efforts to benefit society.
Yochanan Kushnir, Adam A. Scaife […] & Bo Wu
Perspective | 07 January 2019
Taking climate model evaluation to the next level
Earth system models project likely future climates, however, evaluation of their output is challenging. This Perspective discusses new evaluation approaches, considering both simulations and observations, to ensure credible information for decision-making.
Veronika Eyring, Peter M. Cox […] & Mark S. Williamson
Review Articles
Review Article | 21 January 2019
The evidence for motivated reasoning in climate change preference formation
In this Review, a Bayesian framework is used to explain climate change belief updating, and the evidence required to support claims of directional motivated reasoning versus a model in which people aim for accurate beliefs, but vary in how they assess information credibility.
James N. Druckman & Mary C. McGrath
Matters Arising
Matters Arising | 28 January 2019
The role of ocean dynamics in king penguin range estimation
A. J. S. Meijers, M. P. Meredith […] & E. F. Young
Matters Arising | 28 January 2019
Reply to: ‘The role of ocean dynamics in king penguin range estimation’
Emiliano Trucchi, Robin Cristofari & Céline Le Bohec
Letter | 14 January 2019
A reconciled estimate of the influence of Arctic sea-ice loss on recent Eurasian cooling
The connections between Arctic sea-ice loss and severe Eurasian winters are complicated by differences among studies. Correcting model underestimates reveals that 44% of the central Eurasian cooling trend is attributable to sea-ice loss in the Barents–Kara Seas.
Masato Mori, Yu Kosaka […] & Masahide Kimoto
Letter | 14 January 2019
Constraining glacier elevation and mass changes in South America
Synthetic aperture radar interferometry reveals that 19 Gt of ice is lost per year from glaciers in South America — mostly from Patagonia — contributing 0.04 mm annually to global sea-level rise.
Matthias H. Braun, Philipp Malz […] & Thorsten C. Seehaus
Letter | 21 January 2019
Global patterns and dynamics of climate–groundwater interactions
Groundwater model results and hydrologic data sets reveal that half of global groundwater fluxes may equilibrate with climate-driven recharge variations on human timescales, indicating that hydraulic memory may buffer climatic change impacts.
M. O. Cuthbert, T. Gleeson […] & B. Lehner
Letter | 21 January 2019
Krill (Euphausia superba) distribution contracts southward during rapid regional warming
As the southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean has warmed, the distribution of a key species, Antarctic krill, has contracted southwards. This has occurred in tandem with a decline in recruitment of juveniles, linked to increasingly positive anomalies of the Southern Annular Mode.
Angus Atkinson, Simeon L. Hill […] & Sévrine F. Sailley
Letter | 28 January 2019
Physiology and iron modulate diverse responses of diatoms to a warming Southern Ocean
Climate change will alter primary productivity in the Southern Ocean, and warming and iron limitation will influence the composition of diatoms in the region. Optimum growth temperatures are wider than expected, but limited iron will affect which species flourish.
Philip W. Boyd
Letter | 14 January 2019
Bluetongue risk under future climates
Bluetongue risk to livestock across northern Europe is projected to extend further north, with a longer transmission season and larger outbreaks on average. As a result, disease detection and control measures will be increasingly important.
Anne E. Jones, Joanne Turner […] & Matthew Baylis
Article | 14 January 2019
Meta-analyses of factors motivating climate change adaptation behaviour
Meta-analyses with data from 106 studies show that descriptive norms, negative affect, perceived self-efficacy and outcome efficacy are most strongly associated with climate change adaptation, whereas knowledge and experience are only weakly associated with adaptive behaviour.
Anne M. van Valkengoed & Linda Steg
Article | 28 January 2019
Integrity of firms’ emissions reporting in China’s early carbon markets
Accurate emissions data are required to monitor progress towards climate goals. Firms’ self-reported emissions show convergence with independently verified emissions in two pilot emissions trading systems in China over several years, suggesting the effectiveness of oversight and third-party audits.
Da Zhang, Qin Zhang […] & Xiliang Zhang
Article | 21 January 2019
Organic matter from Arctic sea-ice loss alters bacterial community structure and function
Arctic sea-ice melt causes a release of dissolved organic material (DOM) into the surface waters. The increased dominance of first-year ice and DOM release is impacting under-ice bacterial communities.
Graham J. C. Underwood, Christine Michel […] & Boris P. Koch
Amendments & Corrections
Author Correction | 09 January 2019
Author Correction: Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming
Chaoyang Wu, Xiaoyue Wang […] & Quansheng Ge
Publisher Correction | 06 December 2018
Publisher Correction: Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming
Chaoyang Wu, Xiaoyue Wang […] & Quansheng Ge
Nature Climate Change
审核:任宇飞 王冠 王波涛