Field Day #2 愿404没有404
“Field Day” 是武汉独立厂牌 Field Ring Records举办的线下系列活动,由厂牌下音乐人在不同场地举办新颖特别的音乐活动。届时会根据不同的场地情况,利用灯光、投影、全息纱幕等视觉方式,尝试做出不一样的现场。
本月16号,将在404 club 举办的“Field Day #2“演出,现场会装配投射全场的激光投影,音乐人方面邀请了厂牌下的实验蒸汽波风格的Nightswimmer与模块合成器音乐人Mindexxx,给大家带来一场与众不同的电子音乐现场。同时还邀请音乐DJ:Jay Weights ,Slot Canyons与Ens,将Techno,House,后朋克音乐巧妙的融合,激情碰撞。
独立电子音乐制作人Night Swimmer来自湖北武汉,凭借其19年5月在Bandcamp和网易云音乐发布的专辑《山水》被场域唱片(Field Ring Records)发掘。在《山水》发布五个月后Night Swimmer在场域唱片旗下发布了新专辑《惊流》,深受听众以及轻松调频、Live Beijing Music等音乐媒体的喜爱。
Night Swimmer的音乐注重于结构美感以及氛围构造,同时也不因此失去舞曲本身的律动及乐趣。得益于对现代电子元素熟练而大胆的运用以及优秀的旋律创作能力,Night Swimmer毫不费力跳出了时代束缚,在各类音色和采样中创造出自己的另类风格。最近,他将开启新的演出来为即将在Field Ring Records发行的新专辑《暇野》预热。
Night Swimmer is an indie electronic musician and producer based in Wuhan, who was discovered by Field Ring Records shortly after his acclaimed self-titled album SHAN SHUI came out in 2019 on Bandcamp. Five months later, Night Swimmer released his album Shock River under Field Ring Records and received wide positive reviews from music media and critics, including music media like Live Beijing Music and EZFM.
His music carries a devoted passion for antique atmospheres and structural refinement, while pulsating with grooves and elements of dance music at the same time. Indebted to his voracious digesting of alternative and electronic music, Night Swimmer keeps on working to provide music that agilely and experimentally blends elements and samples across genres and cultures while still maintains melodic nostalgia. Recently, he’s gonna appear in live-shows again after one year of carving for his new album titled XIA YE in store. XIA YE will also be released under Field Ring Records very soon.
live set兼具功能性和实验性,擅长用传统的鼓机、灵活的采样以及别具一格的模块合成器系统制造出令人难忘的声响
the live set of MINDEXXX is a combine of functionality and experimentality, normal drum machine, flexible samples and unique modular synth system are used to arrange unforgettable sound scenes
3.Slot Canyons (DJ)
Slot Canyons (DJ) will bring his eclectic mix of moody electronica music and post-punk classics.
4.Jay Weights(DJ)
在被关在中国外9个月后,Jay Weights 将在404重新为你带来充满想象力、实验性的House音乐、Techno音乐和deep disco音乐。
After 9 months locked out of China, Jay Weights will reacquaint you with the experimental end of house, techno, and deep disco music this Saturday at 404
无浪潮彻夜狂嗨风格音乐人,风格基于工业 与 house的巧妙结合,鼓与贝斯疯狂的震动,旋律简单悦耳,让人不可自拔。
He is the king of Tiger Spring
本次现场VJ视觉由视觉艺术家Hor 倾情演绎。
Field Day#1 全息投影@ prison
FieldRing Records is an independent label for a bunch of artists who want to make sounds from an otherworldly world. It was established by Ryan and DaFei in 2019
已签约合作艺术家:Slot Canyons,Nightswimmer,Frankfurt Helmet,Noise Arcade,DBZHMG.