Shanghai Set for Wettest Winter in History with More Rain Coming
By Yuzhou Hu
Despite the sun tentatively returning during the past few days, it is already planning another break from the city, as the rainy weather is predicted to return to the city, starting from tonight, reports Shine.
During the past few months, residents of Shanghai have been constantly puzzled by the ultimate question – "When will the sun come out?" In consequence, the sales volume of umbrellas and clothes dryers on Taobao has sextupled, reports The Paper, and some netizens even made memes poking fun about the non-stop drizzle.
Have you bit the dust? Image via 中国国家地理/Weibo
The Wandering Sun, 'the sequel to the hit film The Wandering Earth,' now playing in Shanghai. Image via 上海发布/Weibo
Based on the statistics of Shanghai Metrological Bureau, we have experienced 46 rainy days in all since December 1 of last year, which is very close to the records set in 1919 and 1969 in Shanghai’s weather history, when civilians lived through 50 and 49 wet days respectively. Considering we still have a long way to go before the arrival of spring, this winter has a good chance of chalking up a new record.
What has bothered Shanghairen as much as the downpours is the lack of sunshine. Shanghai usually receives four to five hours of sunlight per day, and a total of 431 hours of sun in winter. This year, the sun has graced the city for a mere 145 hours.
According to the Weather Chanel, the wayward celestial sphere will be absent without leave for most of the next two weeks. If it's any comfort, the weather may snap back to normal from next Sunday. Here's a glimpse of the weather forecast for the following days:
[Cover image via Pexels]
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