
预告|基地第65期学术沙龙: 应急与危机管理中的网络治理:压力下的组织协同

2016-05-08 应急管理研究基地 应急管理研究基地
【编者按】欢迎参加清华大学公共管理学院中国应急管理研究基地第65期学术沙龙: 应急与危机管理中的网络治理:压力下的组织协同。The 65th Saloon of CCMR: Network Governance in Emergency and Crisis Management: Interorganizational Coordination under Stress.

【题  目】应急与危机管理中的网络治理:压力下的组织协同【时  间】2016年5月13号(周五),晚19:00-21:00【地  点】清华大学公共管理学院302会议室
【主讲人】Naim Kapucu,中佛罗里达大学(the University of Central Florida)公共管理学院院长、教授【主持人】吕孝礼,清华大学公共管理学院助理教授,中国应急管理研究基地副主任【评论人】张强,北京师范大学社会发展与公共政策学院副教授、副院长
Date:Friday, 13th May, 2016Time:19:00-21:00 PMVenue:Room 302, School of Public Management, Tsinghua University
Keynote Speakers:Prof. Dr. Naim Kapucu, Professor and Director of the School of Public Administration, University of Central Florida (UCF)Discussant:Prof. ZHANG, Qiang, Associate Professor, Vice Dean, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal UniversityChair:Prof. Dr. Lv Xiaoli, Assistant Prof., School of Public Management, Tsinghua University; Vice Director, Center for Crisis Management Research, Tsinghua University

Lack of coordination has been repeatedly highlighted as a critical failure in emergency response to extreme events including Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Katrina, and the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. The purpose of this presentation is to articulate a multi-mode, multi-link emergency management network governance framework for understanding interorganizational coordination in emergency and crisis management.

Kapucu博士是中佛罗里达大学(the University of Central Florida)公共管理学院教授和院长,他也是该大学公共和非营利管理研究中心的主任(2008-2011)。Kapucu博士著作涉猎广泛,包括公共政策和管理、危机领导、非营利领导和灾害管理等。他是《复杂性、治理和网络》杂志的副主编,也是《公共行政评论》的编辑委员会成员之一。目前,Kapucu博士还担任《美国公共行政评论》杂志的书评编审,同时也为20多家杂志负责编辑和审稿工作。Kapucu博士的主要研究兴趣是应急和危机管理、组织学习和设计。他的著作包括:《应对恐怖主义行动的网络治理》(2012)、《管理突发事件和危机》(2013)、《灾害恢复:跨学科视角》(2012),《灾害与发展》(2015)。

Dr. Naim Kapucu is Professor and Director of the School of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He is, also, the founding director of the Center for Public and Nonprofit Management (CPNM) at UCF (2008-2011). Dr. Kapucu has published widely in areas of public policy and administration, crisis leadership, nonprofit management and disaster management. He is the founding Associate Editor of the Complexity, Governance, and Networks. Furthermore, he is an editorial board member of Public Administration Review. Currently, Dr. Kapucu was the Book Review Editor of the American Review of Public Administration (2010-2016), along with serving as an editorial board member for 20 other journals. Dr. Kapucu's main research interests are emergency and crisis management, network governance, dynamic network analysis, decision-making in complex environments, and organizational learning and design. He is the author and editor of many books including: The Network Governance in Response to Acts of Terrorism (Routledge, 2012), Managing Emergencies and Crises (with Alp Ozerdem, Jones & Bartlett, 2013), Disaster Resiliency: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (with Hawkins, and Rivera, Routledge, 2012), and Disaster and Development (with Liou, Springer 2015). 


