




Photography began in 1839 and was not popularized until the 1850s with the development of new photographic paper and wet collodion techniques. During the late 19th century, photography flourished in China with the arrival of foreign photographic artists. And the traditional look of China has been captured by the foreign artists.


In 2006, the University of Bristol of England began the 'Historical Photographs of China' project which aims to collect and digitize photographs of China owned privately by British people.


Now, more than 22,000 photos of China taken between 1840 and 1949 have been collected in the project, including some historical photos of Canton(Guangzhou). These historical photos record landscape, buildings, lifestyle, customs of Guangzhou from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China.



Today, let’s take a close look at some historical photos taken in Guangzhou, through which we can get a glimpse of the landmarks and cityscape of Guangzhou at that time.


珠江 The Pearl River


The Pear River is the iconic landscape of Guangzhou. There were houses and a large number of boat dwellers along the river during the Qing Dynasty.

广州珠江,船只云集,可见广州港口之繁华,约摄于1880-1890年之间。Boats on the Pearl River, Canton, 1880-1890. Image courtesy of University of Bristol Library Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

广州珠江,约摄于1921-1923年。View of the Pearl River, Canton, 1921-1923. Image courtesy of Davidson, Francis Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).


广州城门 City gates of Guangzhou

广州正北门,今称大北门,在今解放北路与盘福路相交处,是明代合筑三城时,把象岗山凿开个缺口建成的,所以在所有城门中地势最高,摄于1893年。Looking over tiled roofs toward Canton city wall and gate, 1893. Image courtesy of Edward Bangs Drew Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

远眺广州城,远处为正南门,又称大南门,位于今北京路与大南路相交处,因在省城中轴线上,门内外都是官府大道,摄于1921年。Rooftop view of a street in Canton, and the South Gate of the city in the distance, 1921. Image courtesy of Trobridge, George Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).


越秀山和镇海楼 Yuexiu Hill and Zhenhai Tower

广州观音山(现在的越秀山)和镇海楼,约摄于1870年。Kun Yam Hill (Yuexiu Hill) and Zhenhai Tower, Guangzhou, photograph by A Chan (Ya Zhen) in 1870. Image courtesy of Bayley, Arthur Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

广州镇海楼,约摄于1880-1890年间。Zhenhai Tower, Canton, 1880-1890. Image courtesy of University of Bristol Library Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

广州镇海楼,摄于1893年。Zhenhai Tower, Canton, 1893. Image courtesy of Edward Bangs Drew Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

广州镇海楼和城墙,约摄于1910-1913年。Zhenhai Tower and city wall, Guangzhou, Guangzhou, 1910-1913. Image courtesy of Rue, Henry Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).


六榕寺花塔 The Flower Pagoda


First built about 1,500 years ago in Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Flower Pagoda was destroyed by fire around the 10th century, along with the temple.


In 1097 in the Northern Song Dynasty, the pagoda was rebuilt on the previous site. The pagoda looks gorgeous with different bright colors and shines under the sunlight, for which people start calling it the Flower Pagoda.

广州六榕寺花塔,约摄于1863年。The Flower Pagoda, Guangzhou, 1863. Image courtesy of Vacher-Hilditch Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

广州六榕寺花塔和周边居民建筑,约摄于1870年。The Flower Pagoda and rooftops, Guangzhou, photograph by A Chan (Ya Zhen) in 1870. Image courtesy of Bayley, Arthur Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

俯瞰广州城,远处珠江帆影,近处古城楼房,六榕寺花塔矗立,约摄于1870年。Overview of Guangzhou, 1870. Image courtesy of Vacher-Hilditch Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

广州六榕寺花塔,摄于1880-1890年间。The Flower Pagoda, Guangzhou, 1880-1890. Image courtesy of University of Bristol Library Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).


琶洲塔 Pazhou Pagoda


The octagonal Pazhou Pagoda was first built in 1600 in the Ming dynasty on Pipa Zhou, an islet in the shape of a Chinese lute located 2-3 kilometers away from the north shore of the Pearl River.


Pazhou Pagoda, along with Chigang Pagoda nearby, might be built at first for the reason of "Fengshui (geomancy)", but turned out to have served as beacons for merchant ships sailing towards Guangzhou via the ancient Maritime Silk Road.

广州琶洲塔,塔的前面是海棠寺,摄于1875年。The Pazhou Pagoda (Whampoa Pagoda) and Haitang Temple, Guangzhou, 1875. Image courtesy of Royal Hampshire Regiment Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol


万寿宫 The Emperor’s Temple


Built in 1713 during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor’s Temple (present-day Worker's Cultural Palace at Wenming Lu, Yuexiu district), functioned as a place to worship the emperors.

广州万寿宫,约摄于1880-1890年间。The Emperor’s Temple, Guangzhou, 1880-1890. Image courtesy of University of Bristol Library Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).


广东贡院 Guangdong Examination Hall



The Guangdong Gongyuan, or Guangdong Examination Hall, was originally built in the western part of Guangzhou city in the Song Dynasty, and moved to the location of today's Wenming Lu in the 23rd year of Emperor Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty. Now only the Mingyuan Building remains.

广东贡院,远处是如今尚存的明远楼,两旁是号舍,摄于1880-1890年间。The Imperial examination cubicles, Canton, 1880-1890. Image courtesy of University of Bristol Library Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).


沙面岛 Shameen Island


Shameen Island, previous known as Shicuizhou, is an elliptic sandbar in the Liwan district of Guangzhou. From the Song to the Qing Dynasty, it served as an important port for Guangzhou's foreign trade.


After the second Opium Wars (1856-1860), the territory was divided into two concessions, given to France and the United Kingdom. It was then embanked and turned into a prosperous foreign enclavewith western-style buildings.

广州沙面堂,摄于1896年。Christ Church, Shameen, Canton, 1896. Image courtesy of Carrall Family Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

广州英格兰桥(今沙面西桥)和沙基涌,摄于19世纪20年代。The English Bridge and Shameen Creek, Canton, 1920s. Image courtesy of Trobridge, George Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

停靠在沙面岛埠头的小船,摄于1893年。Sampans on waterfront, Canton, 1893. Image courtesy of Edward Bangs Drew Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).


石室圣心大教堂 The Sacred Heart Cathedral


The Sacred Heart Cathedral, also known as the Stone House by locals, is a Gothic Revival Roman Catholic cathedral in Guangzhou. With a history of over 130 years, the cathedral is the largest Roman Catholic church in the Guangzhou archdiocese and the largest cathedral with Gothic style in China and Southeast Asia.

广州石室圣心大教堂,摄于1893年。Looking over tiled roofs toward church steeples, Canton, 1893. Image courtesy of Edward Bangs Drew Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).


车歪炮台 Chewai Fort


Built in 1817 on Guigang Islet(near present-day Nanshitou, Haizhu district) in the Qing Dynasty, Chewai Fort was situated on the south channel of the Pearl River and played an important role in resisting the invasion of British warships in Guangzhou during the First Opium War.



Back then, foreigners used to call the south channel of the Pearl River as Macao Waterway. That’s why the fort was called Macao Fort as well.

广州澳门炮台(亦称作车歪炮台),摄于1893年。Macao Fort, the Pearl River, Canton, 1893. Image courtesy of Edward Bangs Drew Collection and Historical Photographs of China, University of Bristol (www.hpcbristol.net).

Editor: Yuan



