A+TALK建谈·专访|Kim Herforth Nielsen:自然博物馆中要尽可能多地呈现自然
本期『A+TALK建谈·专访』采访丹麦3XN A/S创始人、深圳自然博物馆的项目总监Kim Herforth Nielsen。
Kim Herforth Nielsen
丹麦3XN A/S的创始人和负责人。曾获丹麦最高建筑荣誉奖C.F. Hansen MEedaille. 1986年他与另两位合作伙伴一起创立了3XN。
项目名称:深圳自然博物馆项目地点:深圳市坪山区燕子湖片区总建筑面积:约10.5万平方米项目单位:深圳市文化广电旅游体育局建设单位:深圳市建筑工务署设计单位:贝加艾奇(上海)建筑设计咨询有限公司、3XN A/S、筑博设计股份有限公司、中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司项目进展:土石方、基坑支护和桩基工程收尾,总承包单位已进场施工
Design is inspired by the site
The first thing we do when we go into a competition or a project is to investigate the site and the atmosphere of the place. And we noticed that this site was at the edge of the Shenzhen city, out towards a big park, and with a view to the Yanzi Hill, with the river delta in front of it. And that actually became very much the inspiration of what we wanted to do.
It is a natural history museum, so we wanted to really to tell the story about nature in the form of the building.So, our first inspiration in the project came from the delta itself. At the same time, we wanted it to connect to the place in a more profound way than it’s location. So, we were also inspired by traditional Chinese architecture, and the link that you can find between nature and design in Chinese architecture. I think that was what we tried to do.
Once we had been inspired by the river delta, we looked into all kinds of rivers and the forms and patterns they make in nature. There is a phenomenon you often see in nature When we got the idea about inspired into the inspiration from the river delta, we looked in how rivers have caught into nature. And you see that in China, in many other places, like Grand Canyon, and that actually became some of the inspiration for how we work with the design.
You can see here on the model I have here behind me, a model that we did after the competition, that the building is designed to have this carved out, riverlike form. Another thing that was important for us was to relocate the nature on the building as well. We always want to give something more than a building back to the client.
And our idea here was to not only to make a museum that you could go into, but that you can walk on as well. We wanted to reestablish the whole landscape on top of the building . So it becomes a place for the citizens of Shenzhen to come and enjoy themselves. From the botanical garden we put on the roof, visitors can enjoy the view out to the Yanzi Hill and to the river delta and the big park. Being able to see the city and the park – these things were key to the concept of the building.
The overall shape of the building
The climate in Shenzhen is very hot. So we knew that, especially when walking on the landscape on the top of the building, we would need shading structures. So we had to take that seriously in the walking on the park here and with the trees on the roof that can be shading as well. The whole layout is meant to be for hot days and for shading as well.
The water is of course physically cooling, and it is a nice element when it's very hot. When you think about the design of the building from inside as well, the facade really helps, in that sense, because it is self shading. It does not allow too much sun heat to come into the building in the way that we design it with the baffles here. On the side of the mellows you can rest on the outside . So, the whole design is connected in that sense, and uses a natural stone material as the cladding of the building, also light colored museum that reflects the sunlight also helped in keeping the building cooler. This has been part of our ideas about the design as well.
As I said before, the whole shape of the building is inspired from nature, the random, organic nature of how water carves into the landscape. The whole building has this natural form, a form that became a challenge for us when designing and planning how to build it.It took precise, parametric design to come to the best solution – one that would unite beauty and practicality.
Interior Architecture
The interiors were, of course, key to the entire design. This building is not only designed from the outside!Conceptually, there’s a series of big cones in which the exhibition areas are housed. Each of these cones are linked by the sinuous form – almost a shell – that forms the buildings exterior. So you can walk from one cone to the next, but you could also walk directly to the cone or to the exhibition that you really want to see. The interior layout was very carefully considered – also so that each visitor can choose their own path and experience.
So you can see the building as inspired by the nature on the outside, but on the inside, it is designed out from a wish to have your own way and have a series of exhibition areas shaped like cones where you can walk directly to one or you can walk from one to the next. This complex system is put together by the outer shape.
Advanced building information modeling technology
We had a series of parametric designs to work on all the different shapes, the inside shapes of the cones, the outside shape of the façade – and to link all these pieces together. It has also been a powerful tool to coordinate construction. With such an organic form, construction becomes a very complex challenge. So the project involves a huge number of things that have to be connected and solved – all while remaining elegant.
This museum, in this form, would have been almost impossible to design 10 years ago. But today, when we had these tools in parametric design, we can design it. And you can do it in a rational way that is buildable as well. There was a lot of different challenges that we had to put into the structure. So the structure needed to be very flexible, and very strong at the same time.
Presenting Nature
Another thing that has been important for us is to have as few columns inside as possible In nature you don't have columns, and we didn't want the nature to compete with columns and be overpowered . When you come in there, you see the whole thing as a light natural movement from one cone to the next cone. And from the outside, you see this natural movement from the outside as well.
Another challenge was the facade with the windows. We didn't want to take a traditional approach to buildings and windows. We wanted the structure to be able to have openings where could have windows, but to be part of the structure as well. When you see the model here, you can see that these we call them baguette. That is the whole facade opens up where you need to have daylight in and out, and closes it where you don't need to have it. So the whole system, whole idea about the design is had to create it, also to have possibilities of daylight inside the building.
It was very important for us as it is a natural history museum to have the materials as natural as possible. The outside is not aluminium at all. It is natural, a Chinese stone. It was important to us that local stone was used, to further link the building with it’s place, history, and nature. So it has a reference to China as well.
I could say that I think this museum will be unlike any anything else in Shenzhen, maybe in the world. Our idea is it should be an icon for Shenzhen at the end. For us it is not a building, but an emblem for the city and its nature and history. And when it's finished, I cannot wait till it's being built.
When it's finished, it'll stand like a monument of natural history and monument to Chinese architecture. And I think that's very important for us. It gives something back more than just being a building. It is sort of a what we're trying to do is a poetry about history, naturally history, nature. And it could also be a poetry about Shenzhen at the end.