
新刊 | 英国皇家化学会隆重推出 RSC Chemical Biology

👉 RSC英国皇家化学会 2022-07-02

2019 年 11 月 19 日,英国皇家化学会宣布推出新刊 RSC Chemical Biology —— 作为最新的完全开放获取(gold open access)期刊,发表化学生物学领域尤为重要的研究成果。本期刊前两年论文完全免费发表、开放阅读,稿件处理费用(APC)减免至 2022 年年中。

日本东京大学 Hiroaki Suga 教授作为 RSC Chemical Biology 期刊编委会主席, 表示:“这本新刊将发表化学与生物交叉碰撞产生的重要成果,我会鼓励同行提交他们的高质量工作。”


I’m very excited to take on the role of Chair of the Editorial Board of RSC Chemical Biology which will be launched in 2020. This new journal will publish important research sparked at the interface of chemistry and biology. I’d encourage colleagues to submit their high quality work from basic to translational research to RSC Chemical Biology.


Hiroaki Suga, Editorial Board Chair, RSC Chemical Biology.

英国皇家化学会出版总监 Emma Wilson 博士表示:我们希望这本期刊发表的研究不仅为广大化学科学群体,同时也能够为整个社会带来诸多益处。”


We are committed to the wide dissemination of high quality research, and the launch of our new open access journal –RSC Chemical Biology– represents the next step in enabling us to achieve that. The journal will provide a home for agenda-setting research that we hope will be of enormous benefit not only to the chemical sciences community, but to society at large. I look forward to seeing the first articles submitted.


Emma Wilson, Director of Publishing




RSC Chemical Biology 将是英国皇家化学会旗下首本为作者提供透明同行评审选择的期刊,作者可以选择将决定函、审稿人的评论以及作者的反驳与文章的最终版本一同发表。投稿内容首先由期刊编辑部进行首轮评估,同行评审将由期刊副主编负责。

欢迎点击文末“阅读原文”或在浏览器输入 http://rsc.li/rsc-chembio 访问期刊主页,订阅电子通知接收最新期刊动态。

关于 RSC Chemical Biology

RSC Chemical Biology


 IF: Pending 

Editorial Board Chair

  • Hiroaki Suga
    The University of Tokyo, Japan


RSC Chemical Biology  is a gold open access journal dedicated to publishing and disseminating the most exceptionally significant, breakthrough research and high quality Reviews at the interface of chemistry and biology. All published articles must be of significant general interest to the broad chemical biology community.

We welcome contributions from across the breadth of chemical biology, from the development of new chemical and biological techniques and tools, to studies furthering the understanding and/or manipulation of biological processes at the molecular level. We also encourage translational research that bridges chemistry and chemical biology to medicine.

📧 RSCChina@rsc.org

