英国皇家化学会的物理化学领域期刊 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 近期发布「气相中的分子动力学」(Molecular Dynamics in the Gas Phase) 专题合辑的征稿通知,向相关领域的广大科研工作者征集投稿,至 7 月 28 日截至。
本专题合辑由瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学 Henning Zettergren 教授和法国国家科学研究中心离子、材料和光子学研究中心(CNRS-CIMAP) Alicja Domaracka 研究员担任客座编辑。
This themed collection aims to highlight recent experimental and theoretical advances to unravel the connection between the initial energy transfer in interactions between isolated molecules or clusters and photons, electrons, or heavy particles (ions, atoms, molecules), and the related molecular dynamics on timescales spanning more than twenty orders of magnitude - from attoseconds to minutes and beyond. This new knowledge is important for fundamental atomic and molecular physics, chemical physics and physical chemistry, and for a broad range of applications in e.g. astrophysics and -chemistry, atmospheric science, radiotherapy and radiation damage on the nanoscale.This call for papers is open for the following article types: Communications
Full papers
您可以通过投稿系统(https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pccp)向本专题合辑投稿,请在投稿系统中“Note to the Editor”中备注您的稿件来自公开征稿。
Office reserves the right to check the suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of both the journal and the collection, and the inclusion of accepted articles in the final themed issue is not guaranteed. All submissions undergo our fair and impartial peer-review and accepted articles will be published online in a citeable form, included in the web collection and published in an issue as soon as they are ready.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
2-年影响因子* | 3.945分 |
5-年影响因子* | 3.861分 |
最高 JCR 分区* | Q1 物理-原子分子&化学 |
CiteScore 分† | 6.3分 |
中位一审周期‡ | 40 天 |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) 报道物理化学、化学物理和生物物理化学的前沿进展,所发论文包含了对物理化学的重大创新和/或见解。该刊发文范围很广,包括光谱学、动力学、统计力学、热力学、电化学、催化、表面科学、量子力学和理论发展。本刊也注重发表对物理化学带来重大创新和/或深刻见解的跨学科研究成果,例如聚合物和软物质、材料科学、纳米科学、能源,表面/界面和生物物理化学等学科。该刊由英国皇家化学会出版,并由 19 个不同国家和地区的化学学会共同拥有。
Associate editors
* 2021 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2022)
† CiteScore 2021 by Elsevier
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