
Raemin Zhang 2018-06-02

base living浦三路服务式公寓,在秉承base一以贯之的空间美学下,从上海传统民居石库门中汲取至简灵感;从延承灰底白墙的水墨意境开始,凭借砖瓦和原木打造出新一轮的中西合璧。流火七月,墙外止不住的滚滚热浪;墙内的灰白,没有多余堆砌的简约内设予人一份心静和凉爽。



Constructed from brick and wood, a minimal and simple style that combines both Chinese and Western

base living Pusan serviced apartments, adhering to the distinct aesthetics of base -modern, minimal, and simple - is also inspired by one of Shanghai’s traditional architectural designs: the Shikumen, or stone warehouse gate. By inheriting the concept from Chinese traditional ink wash painting, and constructed from brick and wood, the project showcases the features of the Shikumen, with a style that combines both Chinese and Western.


Shikumen is the most representative residential architecture in Shanghai. It is usually regarded as one of the symbols of modern urban civilizationin the city, has been part of its historical evolution, and is still influencing the urban characters of the city today.

With extensive and thorough research, architects involved in the project have re-imagined the relationship between space and people by applying the unique structure and form of the Shikumen to the Pusan Project.  


Space and dimensions were carefully measured to maximize the use of space



位于浦东世博园地块,紧邻内环高架,base living浦三路距离地铁6号线临沂新村站仅10分钟步程,驱车10分钟可达陆家嘴商业金融区;而周边成熟的配套,则为居住于此地的住客提供了生活上的便捷以及创造出深度探寻本土社区氛围的条件。

Choose from one bedroom, two bedrooms, Shikumen inspired duplex and triplex, and penthouse typologies, you are certain to find a home that suits your needs.


Located at the Expo Site in Pudong, close to the inner ring elevated road, base living Pusan is easily accessible by car or public transportation. It is only ten minutes walk to the nearest metro station, Lin Yi Xin Cun (Line6). The Lujiazui Commercial and Financial Zone is around ten minutes by car. The surrounding compound has a good number of restaurants and shops, making it convenient and fun to discover the local neighborhood. 


Big windows bring in natural lighting 

base living浦三路的另一大亮点在其种类丰富的公共休闲区域。除了广受住客欢迎的大型健身房、影音间、儿童游乐室之外,一楼文艺清新的廊吧带来宾至如归的自在感; 6楼宽敞的公共厨房共享空间成为生日派对、演讲沙龙等活动的理想之选;从共享空间拾级而上便是楼层连廊的屋顶露台,微风习习的傍晚,约上三五知己或和家人一道在露台上BBQ烧烤聚会,惬意非常。

Also worth mentioning is the wide range of public leisure spaces of Pusan. In addition to the gym, video room, kids' playroom-which are all widely popular with the tenants- the bar and lounge on the First Floor brings a feeling of a warm welcome at the door. 

The public kitchen and lounge at 6th Floor can provide plenty of space for birthday parties, and other social activities. A corridor roof terrace can be found upstairs, in between base Pusan, and the twin building next door. You are welcome to invite family and friends to enjoy a BBQ party here, on warm and breezy summer evenings.


A wide range of spacious public leisure spaces

吾心安处是家,欢迎预约浦三路服务式公寓参观,了解租赁讯息,敬请垂询:姚盈,+86 135-6416-5969,joy.yao@yicheng-investment.com

Home is where the heart is. To make a reservation to visit base living Pusan, please contact: Joy Yao, +86 135-6416-5969,joy.yao@yicheng-investment.com

