

2016-11-10 华气能源猎头

【Technews科技新报】东南亚国家大兴土木,加上经济发展消费意识抬头,能源需求量愈来愈高,东南亚国家准备将液化天然气 (Liquefied Natural Gas) 进口量提高一倍,来弥补能源缺口,成为全球液化天然气的最大买主。

  日经新闻报导,未来 5 年,东南亚的能源供应商,将提高液化天然气的接收量从 2,500 万吨到 5 千万吨,约占 2015 年全球天然气运输量的 20%。

  泰国:六成电力依赖天然气,大部分都是国内生产,但随着国内产量下滑以及国内电力需求增加,泰国致力发展再生能源,但再生能源最多只占电力发电的四成,因此需要更多液化天然气才足够应付电力需求。泰国已经准备在 2017 年 3 月前将进口终端的液化天然气量提高到 1 千万吨,扩建运输船舶停靠的新码头,目前两个大型储存塔几乎完成。

  印尼:经济发展快速,国内石油与天然气已经不够应付,印尼若在 2019 年没有找到新的油田,也会开始进口液化天然气,印尼官方已表示,在 2030 年会成为液化天然气的净进口国。印尼国有能源公司也已经在兴建液化天然气的进口终端,将增加印尼进口量超过 1,400 万吨,越南也正在兴建第一座液化天然气进口终端。

  新加坡:也是,2017 年新加坡裕廊岛液化天然气的进口终端接收量,将提高到 1,100 万吨,加上额外建设将可为新加坡带来 1,500 万吨进口量。而新加坡还要做区域天然气交易中心,今年 1 月新加坡交易所引进液化天然气期货产品,让液化天然气价格更准确反映亚洲市场动态。

  报导认为,随着中国大陆需求放缓,全球液化天然气开发投资也受到影响,但长期来看需求会再度增加,特别是东南亚市场。2015 年泰国、新加坡、马来西亚进口大约 580 万吨液化天然气,约占全球交易总量的 2%,到 2021 年,这些国家再加上越南,将会进口 2 千万吨的燃料,到 2030 年印尼加入进口行列,东南亚进口量将再增加到 4,500 万吨到 6,500 万吨。

  液化天然气被公认是地球上最干净的能源,其制造过程是先将气田生产之天然气净化处理,经一连串超低温液化后 (-162℃),利用液化天然气船,由产地输送到进口国。中国台湾地区能源自给率只有 4%,对液化天然气的需求也非常大,根据中油数据,中国台湾地区于 2015 年进口量达 1,420 万吨,为全球第五大进口地区。

  中期来看,日本将在 2030 年维持世界最大液化天然气进口国,进口量为 7,400 万吨,中国大陆其次为 6,600 万吨。

  • Southeast Asia in midst of LNG terminal construction boom

HIROSHI KOTANI and YUICHI SHIGA, Nikkei staff writers

An LNG storage tank under construction at PTT's import terminal in Map Ta Phut, Thailand, in September. (Photo by Nozomu Ogawa)

BANGKOK/TOKYO -- Southeast Asian nations could soon double import capacity for liquefied natural gas as domestic energy sources fall short, collectively becoming a key player in the global LNG market.

Energy providers in the region will boost annual LNG receiving capacity from 25 million tons to some 50 million tons over the next five years. The expanded figure equates to about 20% of the LNG carried on tankers worldwide in 2015.

Thai state petroleum giant PTT will double capacity at an import terminal in Map Ta Phut, on the Gulf of Thailand, to 10 million tons by March 2017. New docks for transport ships have been added, and two massive storage tanks are nearly complete, putting the expansion on track to begin operations as scheduled.

Thailand relies on natural gas for 60% of its electricity. Much of that fuel is produced domestically. The country aims to boost production of renewable energy as gas reserves at home decline and electricity demand increases. But the fuel will still account for 40% or so of power production, meaning that more LNG will need to be brought into the country. PTT will soon enter into 15-year supply contracts with affiliates of Royal Dutch Shell and BP to make use of expanded receiving capacity.

Indonesia could also start importing LNG as early as 2019 if no new oil fields are developed, said an official at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Domestic oil and gas output is quickly becoming insufficient to meet growing energy needs. The country could become a net importer of LNG by 2030, the official indicated.

State energy giant Pertamina is adding two LNG import terminals to its network, including one in Central Java. These will raise the company's annual import capacity to more than 14 million tons. PetroVietnam Gas, meanwhile, is building Vietnam's first LNG terminal at the southern port of Thi Vai for $286 million.

Singapore LNG is working to boost receiving capacity at a terminal on Jurong Island 80% to 11 million tons by 2017. Additional construction could bring that to 15 million tons in the future. The city-state aims to become a regional natural gas trading hub, with the Singapore Exchange having introduced LNG futures products in January. Brisk trade in the commodity in Singapore would let prices there reflect the state of the entire Asian market, according to S Iswaran, minister for trade and industry.

Global investment in LNG development is in a lull for now on such factors as a letup in Chinese demand. But demand is expected to pick up again in the long term, particularly in Southeast Asia. Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia imported around 5.8 million tons of LNG in 2015, according to the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. This is around 2% of the total traded globally. In 2021, these countries, plus Vietnam, stand to import around 20 million tons of the fuel. That total is seen surging to between 45 million and 65 million tons in 2030, when Indonesia is added to the mix.

In a median scenario, Japan is seen remaining the world's top LNG importer in 2030 at around 74 million tons. China, with 66 million tons, will be next in line. Southeast Asian companies could work with Japan to source gas from producer nations, such as those in the Middle East.










