《中国科学:信息科学》(英文版) 2017年度优秀论文揭晓!
Science China Information Sciences 评选了2017年度的优秀论文奖,奖项包括“十年经典文章”、“五年持续影响力文章”,以及“两年热点文章”。
A new approach to consensus problems indiscrete-time multiagent systems with time-delays
Long WANG, Feng XIAO*
Sci China Inf Sci, 2007, Vol.50, Issue (4): 625-635
A novel fractional wavelet transform and its applications
Jun SHI*, Naitong ZHANG, Xiaoping LIU
Sci China Inf Sci, 2012, Vol.55, Issue(6): 1270-1279
Sparse microwave imaging: Principles and applications
Bingchen ZHANG*, Wen HONG, Yirong WU
Sci China Inf Sci, 2012, Vol.55, Issue(8): 1722-1754
A new algorithm for fast mining frequent itemsets using N-lists
Zhihong DENG*, Zhonghui WANG, Jiajian JIANG
Sci China Inf Sci, 2012, Vol.55, Issue(9): 2008-2030
Link prediction in social networks: the state-of-the-art
Peng WANG*, Baowen XU, Yurong WU, Xiaoyu ZHOU
Sci China Inf Sci, 2015, Vol.58, Issue(1): 011101
Key techniques for 5G wireless communications: network architecture, physical layer, and MAC layer perspectives
Zheng MA, Zhengquan ZHANG*, Zhiguo DING, Pingzhi FAN, Hengchao LI
Sci China Inf Sci, 2015, Vol.58, Issue(4): 041301
Single image haze removal via depth-based contrast stretching transform
Qian LIU, Maoyin CHEN, Donghua ZHOU
Sci China Inf Sci, 2015, Vol.58, Issue(1): 012102