热点研究:Special Issue on 5G Wireless Communication Networks
Guest Editors:
王承祥, Heriot-WattUniversity
尤肖虎, 东南大学
王京, 清华大学
易芝玲, 中国移动研究院
Recentadvances and future challenges on massive MIMO channel measurements and models
Powerallocation for massive MIMO: impact of power amplifier efficiency
Impactof RF mismatches on the performance of massive MIMO systems with ZF precoding
Channelcapacity investigation of a linear massive MIMO system using spherical wavemodel in LOS scenarios
Jointuser grouping and resource allocation for uplink virtual MIMO systems
Energyefficient design for multiuser downlink energy and uplink information transferin 5G
Concurrenttransmission for energy efficiency of user equipment in 5G wirelesscommunication networks
Sectorizationbased pilot reuse for improving net spectral efficiency in the multicellmassive MIMO system
5G green cellular networks considering power allocation schemes