

 2月5日(明天 星期二)

  东莞:18°C-26°C 多云

 湛江:19°C-24°C 多云






 砥砺奋进 振兴崛起



时光荏苒, 岁序更迭。在这新元肇启、欢乐祥和的美好时刻,我谨代表学校,向全体师生员工、离退休老同志、海内外校友,向长期关心支持学校事业改革发展的社会各界朋友,致以节日的问候和新春的祝福!











新故相推,日生不滞。2019年,是新中国成立70周年,是全面建成小康社会关键之年,是贯彻学校第一次党代会精神的开局之年。面向新时代,立足新起点,我们要坚定以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,毫不动摇加强党对学校工作的全面领导,紧紧围绕“本科教育质量攻坚提升年”发展主题,大力实施“1133”发展战略, 凝心聚力,改革创新,振兴崛起,全力推进学校第一次党代会精神开花结果,奋力书写新时代高水平医科大学建设的新华章!







Aspire to a Better Future, Rise up for Greater Success

Guangdong Medical University New Year Greetings for 2019

Dear Faculty, Students, Alumni, Friends,

Year upon year, time flies. At this happy moment of the beginning of a new lunar year, on behalf of the University, I’d like to send my best wishes and season’s greetings to all the faculty and students, retired staff, alumni in China and overseas, and friends from all walks of life who have long cared for and supported the reform and development of our University.

The past year for China has been a year with tremendous progress and achievements. President Xi Jinping paid an inspection visit to Guangdong Province once again, declaring to the world China’s firm determination to continue its reform and opening-up. In the past year, the CPC and the central government solemnly commemorated the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up, and embarked on a great new journey of reform, opening-up and socialist modernization. In the past year, our country continued to make great strides in social development, attracting worldwide attention, thanks to the joint initiatives of Made in China, Created in China, and Built in China. Also in the past year, the National Conference on Education and the Conference on National Undergraduate Education Work for a New Era were both successfully held, which formed the direction as well as the basic rules and principles for the development of higher education.

The past year for Guangdong Medical University has also been an extraordinary one. With comprehensive and further reform of the nation, and the development of higher education reform in particular, we ushered in the 60th year of Guangdong Medical University, celebrating six decades of glory. In 2018, we successfully convened the first University Party Congress in the name of Guangdong Medical University, elected a new leadership of the Party Committee, established the “three-step” and “1133” development strategy, and drafted a grand blueprint of constructing a high-level medical university for a New Era. These have enhanced our confidence and strengthened our determination to forge ahead for an even better future.

2018 was a fruitful year for Guangdong Medical University. Step by step and bit by bit, we have spared no efforts to make landmark achievements. The past year has seen our strengthened Party leadership and Party construction. Our voluntary service “Happy Bank” Party Branch was awarded the title of “Model Branch of Party Construction”. The University won the name of “Best University for Summer Social Practice”, being the only university in Guangdong Province to win this honor for 3 consecutive years. The University was also the winner of the golden prize of the 4th China Voluntary Service Project Competition, the only winner of Guangdong Province in the capacity of a higher learning institution. The past year has seen our comprehensive high-level disciplines development. Three key disciplines were selected in Guangdong’s “Endeavor, Supplement and Enhancement" disciplines promotion program. Three new “Pearl River Scholars” posts were established. Six first-level disciplines and professional degrees were added. The potential of ESI Global Ranking of our pharmacology and toxicology discipline exceeded 70%, making this discipline the second one of the University to rank top 1% in the ESI Global Index. In addition, the University produced high quality SCI-indexed paper publications, with the highest impact factor reaching 23.259. The past year has seen improved quality in our talent education and training. We were selected for the National Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Project, thus making a historical breakthrough in national-level high-quality teaching projects, and won two provincial-level teaching awards. Our students achieved fruitful results in various competitions. The past year has seen our implementation of the strategy of Strengthening the University through Talent Development. The University was entitled to set up doctoral research centers in Guangdong. We increased our talent pool, recruiting 5 high-end talents, 2 “Pearl River Scholars” chair professors, and a number of outstanding young talents. The past year has also seen the optimization of our management system. Our Affiliated Hospital was among the first batch of key hospitals selected for the “Dengfeng Plan” of Guangdong Province. The Second People’s Hospital of Zhanjiang became a directly-affiliated hospital of the University. Our plan for building a new campus was approved and listed as the key construction project of Guangdong Province for 2019. The Beibu Gulf Marine Medicine Summit Forum of 2018 China Marine Economy Expo was successfully organized. At the same time, we strengthened the exchange and cooperation with the top 50 foreign universities in QS World University Rankings and universities in countries along the Belt and Road.

The flying time and changing seasons have stood witness to our efforts and endeavors. The achievements we have scored could not have been possible without the hard work of generation upon generation of faculty, staff and students of our University. We also owe these accomplishments to people of all social sectors and our alumni, who have never failed to give us care and support. Here, on behalf of Guangdong Medical University, I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation and deep respect to all of them!


With the new replacing the old, the passage of time never stops. The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It is also the year of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects as well as the beginning of implementing the spirit of the first Party Congress of the University. Facing the New Era and standing at a new starting point, we must firmly uphold Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as our guidance, unswervingly strengthen the Party’s overall leadership over the university management, focus on the development theme of “the Year of Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education” and vigorously implement the “1133” development strategy. We must gather our strengths, reform and innovate, rise up for greater success, and spare no efforts to promote the spirit of the first Party Congress of the University for a splendid new chapter of the construction of a high-quality medical university for a New Era!

Success always belongs to the brave. As the first ray of dawn of the Chinese Lunar New Year will soon sparkle upon the land of Guangdong, let us face the rising red sun, work tenaciously, press forward day and night regardless of difficulties and challenges. With the spirit of struggling and striving, we shall seize every new opportunity, shoulder new responsibilities, and make new contributions. The outstanding achievements of Guangdong Medical University shall be our best gift dedicated to the 70th birthday of the People’s Republic of China.

Best wishes to our great motherland for her greater prosperity!

Best wishes to Guangdong Medical University for an even better future!

Best wishes to you all for a happy and enjoyable new year!


Lu Jinghui

Party Secretary and President of Guangdong Medical University


February 4, 2019











     来源 | 广东医科大学


编辑 | 大橘为重



