
章莹颖案量刑审判开始 嫌犯可能想以遗体信息换取免死判罚 | 外媒说

中国日报 中国日报 2019-08-04






Illinois abolished capital punishment in 2011 and put a moratorium on the practice 11 years before thatBut federal prosecutors can still seek the death penalty in states that have abolished capital punishment. 


量刑阶段第一天情况如何?美国伊利诺伊州当地媒体The News-Gazette 对现场情况进行了文字直播。


据美国媒体The News-Gazette报道,正式审判开始后,代表公诉方的检察官尼尔森(James Nelson)从章莹颖日记的最后一行开始,展开了他的陈述。

U.S. Department of Justice attorney James Nelson gave the opening statement for the prosecution, starting with the last line from Ms. Zhang's journal.


 "Life is too short to be ordinary."


"She had no way of knowing how short her life would be," he said. 


He said, "Yingying was far more than just an international scholar," adding "she was a devoted and loving daughter” and “she was the hope of her family."


Nelson said her father still has difficulty looking at photos of her, and once she was an adult, was like a sister with her mother, talking all the time.


He said she had a beautiful voice and loved to sing, "but on June 9, 2017, that beautiful voice fell silent."


Calling for the death penalty, Nelson said it was "not an ordinary crime. It was cold, calculated, cruel and months in the making."


1. 克里斯滕森作案有预谋

2. 行为极其残忍

3. 章莹颖英语不那么好,更愿意相信一个警察(章莹颖失踪当天,克里斯滕森向她出示了警徽,自称是一名警察,从而骗章莹颖上了他的车。)
4. 章莹颖身材娇小是“理想的”受害者 (克里斯滕森欺负弱势者)


He went through the government's eight aggravating factors, including that he planned it, it was cruel, that she spoke poor English and was likely to trust a police officer, and that she was small and the ideal size of a victim.


Also, the attorney said Christensen obstructed the investigation by cleaning the crime scene and hiding her body. "There will be no proper burial in China. There will be no closure. You will see the anguish."


He said this crime "deserves an extraordinary penalty" and asked the jury to sentence Christensen to death.




They went over the defense's list of 54 mitigating factors, or reasons Christensen shouldn’t receive death penalty, which range from his alcoholic mother to no criminal history to allegedly not receiving proper care at the UI Counseling Center.

辩方由法庭指定的律师Julie Brain发表了辩护方的开案陈词。她说,克里斯滕森“会在监狱死去,孤独一人,周围只有陌生人。” 

For the defense, court-appointed attorney Julie Brain gave the opening, saying Christensen "will die in prison, alone, with strangers."


"The only question that remains is when his death occurs — at the end of his natural life or at a date the government chooses," she said.


She described Christensen as someone who struggled his whole life with mental health issues — night terrors, walking in his sleep, debilitating migraines.


When he was 15, she said he was home sick when his father found him running on the porch barefoot in January, then down the driveway into the side of a van.


When he was tested, no drugs were found, and when he came to, he said he was disturbed by what happened, she said.


His grades plummeted, but he got into a technical college, and eventually into the University of Wisconsin, then Illinois.


But he struggled at UI, too, as the demands increased. She said he sought mental health treatment, but didn’t get the help he needed.


While she said the crime is "his fault," "this is not a case that deserves the death penalty."


"He is not a serial killer,"she said, refuting Christensen’s claim of 13 victims.


Said he's shown no signs of dangerousness in two years in jail. She encouraged jurors to make a moral decision, to keep an open mind, and to sentence him to life in prison without the possibility of release.


The victim's fiancé, Xiaolin Hou, told the jury the couple met while undergraduates at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China.

"She's smart, she's brave, she's optimistic, she's the best girl I ever met," he said.



Lixha Fang said she worried for her friend's safety when she moved to the US because Zhang was so nice to everyone.


Another friend, Ye Cai, said when she first met Zhang in their dorm, she was struck by a "skinny, very smiley girl", and the pair soon became close friends. She said Zhang was very close to her family and called them frequently.


Hearing this, Zhang's brother got up and left the courtroom in tears.


The 30-year-old Christensen might testify. And in an effort to save his life, he could possibly reveal what he did with Zhang's body, which has never been found.



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