The H1N1 virus infected 1.63 million people and has caused over 280,000 deaths worldwide over the years. No Chinese people blamed a certain country or race for the pandemic.
But this time, a Danish artist creates a virus-flag parodying the Chinese national flag, despite the fact that no cases of the virus has been reported in Denmark.
When the H1N1 virus infected hundreds of thousands of Chinese people and when the death toll nearly reached 1,000, Chinese people did not say this is a "white peril".
China is fully fighting the novel coronavirus and effectively curbing the global death toll. When the French newspaper "Le Courier Picard" ran the headlines "Alert jaune" for "yellow alert" and "Le peril jaune" for "yellow peril", it was blatant racism.
Let me be clear. There is no place in our country for discrimination driven by fear or misinformation. This is not something Canadians will ever stand for.
The virus may have started in China, but it does not respect nationality or race, it does not check your passport before it goes to your body.
Fighting the novel coronavirus is protecting both China and the world.
要科学 不要谣言
要团结 不要污名
This is the time for facts, not fear.
This is the time for science, not rumours.
This is the time for solidarity, not stigma.
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