意大利小哥:我也一度觉得中国抗疫举措太强硬,可现在…… | 海外抗疫日记
那么意大利民众的日常生活究竟是怎样的呢?昆山杜克大学的意大利学生齐远航(Nicholas Kovacich)这样说↓↓
现在意大利情况,越来越严重、越来越危险,我们现在在意大利不能出门,每天只有一个人可以去买吃的东西,因为意大利只有超市是开的,其他的商店都关门了,路上一个人都没有。 The situation in Italy is getting worse. We are unable to get out of our house. Only one person per household can go out to buy food. All of the stores are close except supermarkets. The streets are empty. 这对我们意大利的老人是个很大的问题,因为他们不太习惯走路去买吃的东西。有些也因为年龄较大,所以不能开车。现在,我看到很多志愿者在帮助老人。 This is a big problem for the elderly in Italy, because they're not used to walking to buy food. Some of them are too old to drive cars. Now I've noticed many volunteers are helping the elderly.
在意大利另外一个问题就是,我们的网购。网购、收快递都不太方便。所以就是只能走路去超市买吃的东西。 The other issue is online shopping. Actually, it is not convenient to shop online and receive packages here in Italy. So we can only walk to the supermarkets to buy food.
"Only China responded bilaterally. "
齐远航(Nicholas Kovacich)坦言,此前,只有中国帮意大利。“我们从欧洲没有收到帮助。”
不止是因为欧洲要帮意大利,是因为现在(新冠)病毒是全欧洲的问题。每个欧洲的国家都有这个病毒的问题,特别是德国、法国、西班牙和意大利。 It's not only because European countries want to help us but also because the coronavirus outbreak is an issues involving the whole continent. Every country in Europe is facing with the outbreak, especially Germany, France, Spain and Italy.
现在有一个很大的问题是,欧洲每个国家都靠自己决定怎么战胜这个病毒,而不是合作。 We have a big problem now that every country in Europe is fighting against the novel coronavirus outbreak on its own, rather than cooperating with each other.
我们看英国的例子,英国他们不太了解这个病毒的危险性。Let's see how Britain copes. They didn't know much about the danger of this virus. 我看到了,中国给意大利发了很多的口罩、呼吸器......很多中国医生来意大利帮我们意大利的医生。我觉得全世界应该看到中国和意大利友谊的例子。 I noticed China has exported plenty of masks and respirators to Italy. Many Chinese medical staff came to Italy to help our doctors. I think the friendship between China and Italy should be seen across the world.
I remember in February when I heard about the situation in Wuhan. The doctors in Milan right now are in a similar situation to those in Wuhan at that time.
We are in desperate need of China's help. I think the whole world needs China's help.
Now we understand why China had to take those strict measures. The novel coronavirus is indeed dangerous.
China succeeded. We also want to succeed. So we have to take the same measures as China did.
✔ 意大利总理孔特11日晚表示,要求意大利除了药店、食品店等必要门店外停止所有商业活动。
✔ 当地时间3月21日,意大利首家帐篷医院在克雷莫纳市正式启用。
编导 王瑜 胡雨濛
记者 王瑜 胡雨濛
实习生 苏娟 顾贝盈
监制 柯荣谊
出品人 王浩
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