
每日一篇 | 《经济学人》读译参考 Day99

2017-12-27 江西聚英考研




经济学人 :分子生物学 蛋白质的奥秘 (3)

One common protein-contact prediction is that, if the side chain of one member of a pair of amino acids brought close together by folding is long, then that of the other member will be short, and vice versa.In other words, the sum of the two lengths is constant.If you have but a single protein sequence available, knowing this is not much use.Recent developments in genomics, however, mean that the DNA sequences of lots of different species are now available.Since DNA encodes the amino-acid sequences of an organism’s proteins, the composition of those species’ proteins is now known, too.That means slightly different versions, from related species, of what is essentially the same protein can be compared.



The latest version of Rosetta does so, looking for co-variation (eg, in this case, two places along the length of the proteins’ chains where a shortening of an amino acid’s side chain in one is always accompanied by a lengthening of it in the other).In this way, it can identify parts of the folded structure that are close together.Though it is still early days, the method seems to work.None of the 614 structures Dr Baker modelled most recently has yet been elucidated by crystallography or NMR, but six of the previous 58 have.In each case the prediction closely matched reality.



Moreover, when used to “hindcast” the shapes of 81 proteins with known structures, the protein-contact-prediction version of Rosetta got them all right.There is a limitation, though.Of the genomes well-enough known to use for this trick, 88,000 belong to bacteria, the most speciose type of life on Earth.Only 4,000 belong to eukaryotes-the branch of life, made of complex cells, which includes plants, fungi and animals.There are, then, not yet enough relatives of human beings in the mix to look for the co-variation Dr Baker’s method relies on.


此外,应用最新版本的Rosetta对已知结构的81个蛋白质进行“追算”,结果表明,蛋白质接触预测的蛋白质结构都是正确。然而它是有局限性的。已熟知的,并且适用这种方法的基因组中,有88000种属于地球上最多的物种-细菌。仅仅有4000中属于真核生物,生命的另一种形式。它是由复杂的细胞组成,有动物、植物、真菌。然而,在这个大家族中,没有足够多的与人类具有亲缘关系的物种,所以无法研究相关变异,而这是 Baker博士的方法所需要的条件。

Others think they have an answer to that problem.They are trying to extend protein-contact prediction to look for relationships between more than two amino acids in a chain.This would reduce the number of related proteins needed to draw structural inferences and might thus bring human proteins within range of the technique.But to do so, you need a different computational approach.



Those attempting it are testing out the branch of artificial intelligence known as deep learning.Deep learning employs pieces of software called artificial neural networks to fossick out otherwise-abstruse patterns.It is the basis of image- and speech-recognition programs, and also of the game-playing programs that have recently beaten human champions at Go and poker.



Jianlin Cheng, of the University of Missouri, in Columbia, who was one of the first to apply deep learning in this way, says such programs should be able to spot correlations between three, four or more amino acids, and thus need fewer related proteins to predict structures.Jinbo Xu, of the Toyota Technological Institute in Chicago, claims to have achieved this already.He and his colleagues published their method in PLOS Computational Biology, in January, and it is now being tested.



If the deep-learning approach to protein folding lives up to its promise, the number of known protein structures should multiply rapidly.More importantly, so should the number that belong to human proteins.That will be of immediate value to drug makers.It will also help biologists understand better the fundamental workings of cells-and thus what, at a molecular level, it truly means to be alive.




1.the sum of 总和;总数

例句:The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.


2.drug maker 制药者

例句:The partnership includes United Nations agencies, the World Bank and leading drug makers.


3.live up to 达到了;实践

例句:Sales have not lived up to expectations this year.


4.test out 彻底检查;考验

例句:I can't wait to test out that new mattress.



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