

Santa & trust 2020-03-12


在西方,有不少国家的小朋友可与圣诞老人"Santa "通信。例如,加拿大邮局1982年在全国范围内开通了圣诞老人信箱,迄今已给孩子们回信2,320万封。虽然索要礼物是每个小朋友重点描述的内容,仍有不少信件充满了童趣的提问。小朋友们在信封上写清楚收发地址,无需贴邮票,于12月16号之前寄出就能确保圣诞老人收阅并回复。圣诞老人的地址是:

Santa Claus, North Pole, Canada, HOH OHO


圣诞、新年期间,公立学校放假两周(如同寒假)。这两周里居然没有任何假期作业,原因是:“老师说,假期里家人要团聚和旅行,哪里有时间写作业呢?“ !


(Dd, Grade 2)




Hello friend,

I just sat down for my third cup of hot chocolate when Mrs. Claus handed me your letter -- what a lovely surprise!

Christmas is the air ! I can see it in the eyes of all the elves and in each and every child around the world.

The weather here has been perfect. Lots of snow and good cold temperatures. We did have a strange ice fog on the weekend that made the elves' games of hide-and-seek extra tricky. It was almost like hiding in a big bowl of soup! They had such a fun time; Mrs. Claus and I could hear their giggles all over the North Pole.

The workshop is filled with the sounds of music as the elves prepare for our big concert. Mrs. Claus does a great job working with the choir. She has incredible musical talent and really knows how to put on an entertaining show. One elf, Sherman, is nervous about his performance, but we all know he'll do a great job!

A lot of children are curious about Mrs. Claus' favourite hobbies. She learned how to snowboard this year and she loves it! We went snowboarding together once, but I fell a lot . That's Ok-- I just need more practice!

On Christmas Eve, I'll Sprinkle the sky above your home with the magic of the holidays that will stay with you through the year. I wish you all the best in 2015 and can't wait to hear from you again! Merry Christmas!

Your friend, Santa (签字体)

