
毛姆 英文联播
"The Philosopher"



威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆(英语:William Somerset Maugham,1874年1月25日-1965年12月16日),英国著名小说家,剧作家,散文家。他的作品常以冷静、客观乃至挑剔的态度审视人生,基调超然,带讽刺和怜悯意味。《人性的枷锁》为他奠定了伟大小说家的不朽的地位。著名的有戏剧《圈子》,长篇小说《人生的枷锁》、《月亮和六便士》等。毛姆在二十世纪二、三十年代到过中国两次,写了四十八篇随笔,集成《在中国屏风上》(On a Chinese Screen)一书。


(Part II)

My host lit a cigarette. His voice at first had been thin and tired, but as he grew interested in what he said it gained volume (洪亮). He talked vehemently. There was in him none of the repose of the sage. He was a polemist (善辩者) and a fighter. He loathed the modern cry for individualism. For him society was the unit, and the family the foundation of society. He upheld the old China and the old school, monarchy, and the rigid canon of Confucius. He grew violent and bitter as he spoke of the students, fresh from foreign universities, who with sacrilegious hands tore down the oldest civilisation in the world.


"But you, do you know what you are doing?" he exclaimed. "What is the reason for which you deem yourselves our betters? Have you excelled us in arts or letters? Have our thinkers been less profound than yours? Has our civilisation been less elaborate, less complicated, less refined than yours? Why, when you lived in caves and clothed yourselves with skins we were cultured people. Do you know that we tried an experiment which is unique in the history of the world? We sought to rule this great country not by force, but by wisdom. And for centuries we succeeded.


Then why does the white man despise the yellow? Shall I tell you? Because he has invented the machine gun (机关枪). That is your superiority (优越感). We are a defenceless horde (群) and you can blow us into eternity. You have shattered (击碎) the dream of our philosophers that the world could be governed by the power of law and order. And now you are teaching our young men your secret. You have thrust your hideous (令人憎恶的) invention upon us. Do you not know that there are in this country four hundred millions of the most practical and industrious people in the world? Do you think it will take us long to learn? And what will become of your superiority when the yellow man can make as good guns as the white and fire them as straight? You have appealed to the machine gun and by the machine gun shall you be judged."



But at that moment we were interrupted (打断). A little girl came softly in and nestled (依偎) close up to the old gentleman. She stared at(盯着) me with curious (好奇的) eyes. He told me that she was his youngest child. He put his arms round her and with a murmur of caressing words (轻声软语) kissed her fondly. She wore a black coat and trousers that barely reached her ankles, and she had a long pig-tail hanging down her back. She was born on the day the revolution was brought to a successful issue by the abdication of the emperor.


"I thought she heralded the Spring of a new era," he said. "She was but the last flower of this great nation's Fall."


From a drawer in his roll-top desk he took a few cash, and handing them to her, sent her away.



"You see that I wear a queue," he said, taking it in his hands. "It is a symbol. I am the last representative of the old China."


He talked to me, more gently now, of how philosophers in long past days wandered from state to state with their disciples, teaching all who were worthy to learn. Kings called them to their councils and made them rulers of cities. His erudition was great and his eloquent phrases gave a multi-coloured vitality to the incidents he related to me of the history of his country.


I could not help thinking him a somewhat pathetic (令人怜悯的) figure. He felt in himself the great capacity to administer the state, but there was no king to entrust him with office; he had vast stores of learning which he was eager to impart to the great band of students that his soul hankered after, and there came to listen but a few, wretched, half-starved, and obstuse provincials.



Once or twice discretion had made me suggest that I should take my leave, but he had been unwilling to let me go. Now at last I was obliged to. I rose. He held my hand.


"I should like to give you something as a recollection of your visit to the last philosopher in China, but I am a poor man and I do not know what I can give you that would be worthy of your acceptance."


I protested that the recollection of my visit was in itself a priceless gift. He smiled.


"Men have short memories in these degenerate days, and I should like to give you something more substantial. I would give you one of my books, but you cannot read Chinese."


He looked at me with amicable perplexity. I had an inspiration.


"Give me a sample of your calligraphy." I said.


"Would you like that?" He smiled. "In my youth I was considered to wield the brush in a manner that is not entirely despicable."


He sat down at his desk, took a fair sheet of paper, and placed it before him. He poured a few drops of water on a stone, rubbed the ink stick in it, and took his brush. With a few movement of the arm he began to write. And as I watched him I remembered with not a little amusement something else which had been told me of him. It appeared that the old gentleman whenever he could scrape a little money together, spent it wantonly in the streets inhabited by ladies to whom a euphemism is generally used. His eldest son, a person of standing (有身份的人) in the city, was vexed and humiliated by the scandal of this behaviour; and only his strong sense of filial piety (孝道) prevented him from reproaching the libertine with severity.


I daresay that to a son such looseness (不检点) would be disconcerting (令人不安的), but the student of human nature could look upon it with equanimity (镇定). Philosophers are apt to elaborate (阐释) their theories in the study, forming conclusions upon life which they know only at second hand, and it has seemed to me often that their works would have a more definite significance if they had exposed themselves to the vicissitudes (起伏) which befall the common run (大流) of men. I was prepared to regard the old gentleman's dalliance (鬼混) in hidden places with leniency (仁慈). Perhaps he sought but to elucidate the most inscrutible (难以理解的) of human illusions.



He finished. To dry the ink, he scattered a little ash on the paper and rising handed it to me.


"What have you written?" I asked.


I thought there was a slightly malicious gleam in his eyes.


"I have ventured to offer you two little poems of my own."


"I did not know you were a poet."


"When China was still an uncivilised country," he retorted with sarcasm, "all educated men could write verse at least with elegance."


I took the paper and looked at the Chinese characters. They made an agreeable pattern upon it.


"Won't you also give me a translation?"


"Tradutore—tradittore," he answered. "You cannot expect me to betray myself. Ask one of your English friends. Those who know most about China know nothing, but you will at least find one who is competent to give you a rendering of a few rough and simple lines."


Tradutore—tradittore:意大利文,translators, traitors.说的是翻译必定会背板原作。


I bade him farewell, and with great politeness he showed me to my chair. When I had the opportunity I gave the poems to a sinologue of my acquaintance, and here is the version he made. I confess that, doubtless unreasonably, I was somewhat taken aback when I read it.


You loved me not: your voice was sweet;
Your eyes were full of laughter; your hands were tender.
And then you loved me: your voice was bitter;
Your eyes were full of tears; your hands were cruel.
Sad, sad that love should make you
I craved the years would quickly pass
That you might lose
The brightness of your eyes, the peach-bloom of your skin,
And all the cruel splendour of your youth.
The I alone would love you
And you at last would care.
The envious years have passed full soon
And you have lost
The brightness of your eyes, the peach-bloom of your skin,
And all the charming splendour of your youth.
Alas, I do not love you
And I care not if you care.
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