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2015-03-29 轻敲右边 英文联播
Tomas Tranströmer














Tomas Transtromer, a Swedish poet who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2011 for a body of work known for shrewd metaphors couched in deceptively spare language, crystalline descriptions of natural beauty and explorations of the mysteries of identity and creativity, died on Thursday in Stockholm. He was 83.


couch: to lie in ambush or concealment; lurk

The Swedish publisher Albert Bonniers announced the death without giving a cause. In 1990, at age 59, Mr. Transtromer had a stroke that severely curtailed his ability to speak; he also lost the use of his right arm.

瑞典出版商Albert Bonniers宣布丧讯,却未透露原因。1990年,59岁的特兰斯特勒默中风后,表达能力严重受损,右臂也不能活动了。

With a pared-down style and brusque, forthright diction, Mr. Transtromer wrote in accessible language, though often in the service of ideas that were diaphanous and not easy to parse; he could be precisely observant one moment and veer toward surrealism the next.


pare down: decrease gradually or bit by bit

brusque: abrupt and curt in manner or speech

diaphanous: insubstantial; amorphous

accessible: easy to understand or appreciate

observant: paying close attention to detail; watchful or heedful

“The typical Transtromer poem is an exercise in sophisticated simplicity, in which relatively spare language acquires remarkable depth, and every word seems measured to the millimeter,” the poet David Orr wrote in an essay in The New York Times in 2011.

诗人David Orr于2011年在《纽约时报》撰文称:"特兰斯特勒默的代表作,简练中见精微,片语间蕴深思,字炼肯綮,斟之毫厘。

He was a hugely popular figure in his home country — one American critic referred to him as Sweden’s Robert Frost — whose more than 15 books over nearly six decades were translated into 60 languages.


And though he was not especially well known among American readers, he was widely admired by English-speaking poets, including his friends Robert Bly, who translated many of his poems, and Seamus Heaney, himself a Nobel laureate in 1995.

他广受英语作家赞誉,尽管美国人不熟悉,其中包括他的朋友Robert Bly,翻译了他的大部分诗作,还有1995年诺奖得主Seamus Heaney。

Many of Mr. Transtromer’s themes and interests, including music (he was an accomplished pianist) and the beauty and inspiration of the outdoors, were evident in his first book, “17 Poems,” published in 1954.


The succinct poem “Ostinato” (translated by Robin Fulton) — the title is a musical term referring to a repeated phrase or rhythmic figure — observes nature in both meaning and form:

诗作Ostinato (Robin Fulton译),题目出自音乐术语“固定音形”,其诗措辞简捷,于形于意都源于对自然的观察。
Under the buzzard’s circling point of stillness
ocean rolls resoundingly on in daylight,
blindly chews its bridle of weed and snorts up
foam over beaches.
Earth is veiled in darkness where bats can sense their
way. The buzzard stops and becomes a star now.
ocean rolls resoundingly on and snorts up
foam over beaches.

For many years, Mr. Transtromer, a trained psychologist, worked in state institutions with juvenile offenders, parole violators and the disabled, and many critics noted that he frequently deployed his inventive and striking metaphors to examine the depths of the human mind.


He often began his poems with descriptions of mundane settings and acts, but he was also interested in dreams and the other uncontrollable wanderings of thought. In “Preludes” (translation by May Swenson) he wrote:

诗作常起于人间俗事,却也意向梦境,任思维失控游走。《序曲》(May Swenson译):
Two truths approach each other
One comes from within,
one comes from without — and where they meet you have the chance
to catch a look at yourself.

Tomas Gosta Transtromer was born in Stockholm on April 15, 1931. His father was a journalist. His parents divorced when he was young, and he was reared mostly by his mother, a teacher.


He studied literature, history, religion and psychology at Stockholm University, graduating in 1956.


Mr. Transtromer’s poetry production slowed after his stroke, but he took refuge in music, playing the piano with just his left hand.


Mr. Transtromer was considered a candidate for the Nobel for a decade or more. Each year, on the day the prizes were to be announced, Swedish journalists, anticipating his selection, gathered in the stairwell of his Stockholm apartment building, about a mile from the Swedish Academy, which administers the prizes.


He was the seventh Swede to win the Nobel for literature, and he was the only winner in nearly 20 years to be known mainly as a poet. (The last was Wislawa Szymborska in 1996.)


His selection was not without controversy. Some critics complained of home-nation favoritism and said that Philip Roth and other fiction writers were more deserving.

他的获奖也不无争议。一些评论家认为瑞典科学院偏袒本国作家,而Philip Roth和其他小说家更该获此殊荣。

Mr. Transtromer’s work was also at the center of a dispute between translators: Robin Fulton, whose work with Mr. Transtromer included the 2013 collection “The Great Enigma,” and Robin Robertson, a Scottish poet who translated a 2006 Transtromer volume, “The Deleted World.”

特兰斯特勒默的作品同样引发两位译者的争议:他们是Robin Fulton和Robin Robertson。Fulton与特兰斯特勒默出版了诗选The Great Enigma,苏格兰诗人Robertson翻译了特兰斯特勒默2006年的诗卷The Deleted world。

Mr. Robertson, who does not speak Swedish, referred to his work as “versions” of Mr. Transtromer’s poems and suggested that it was more important to get the spirit and tone of a poem right than every last idiom.


The book set off a debate about the nature of translation. Mr. Fulton objected to what he called “the strange current fashion whereby a ‘translation’ is liable to be praised in inverse proportion to the ‘translator’s’ knowledge of the original language.”


“Through his condensed, translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality,” the Swedish Academy said in awarding him the Nobel.



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