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微电影 | 中国剩女的广告?

2016-04-09 英文联播

    In China, the phrase “leftover woman” refers to a woman who has the gall to remain single past the age of 25.

    A new documentary-style commercial from SK-II, a high-end skincare brand owned by Procter & Gamble, aims to remove the stigma from this term—and empower the country’s unmarried women to find pride in their careers and devotion to finding real love.

    Called “Marriage Market Takeover,” the four-minute video introduces us to several of these “sheng nu,” who talk about the riot of emotions they feel around their status as single women: sadness that are disappointing their parents, frustration with the search for a mate, and pride in their independent lives and accomplishments.


What is SOFT SELL?

soft sell (软广) is an advertisement or campaign that uses a more subtle, casual, or friendly sales message.


In 1914, Theodore MacManus of MacManus, John & Adams wrote the classic model of the soft-sell or "impressionistic" ad. The headline was "The penalty of leadership," and beneath it was an eloquent, thoughtful essay on the burdens of being associated with being the best in one's field. 


The copy never mentioned the advertiser, Cadillac, and no illustration accompanied the ad. It ran in The Saturday Evening Post on Jan. 2, 1915, and became one of the most influential single ads ever written.


In the 1920s and '30s, Raymond Rubicam carried on the MacManus tradition at  . In radio, the agency became an early pioneer in integrating spots into the flow of comedy and variety programs. Comedian Jack Benny's commercials for Jell-O, for example, often became part of the story line of his show.


The agency that best epitomized the soft-sell approach after World War II was Doyle Dane Bernbach. William Bernbach's approach emphasized creative execution, sometimes at the expense of content. 


Entertainment and humor became trademarks of the Bernbach style, and both were used to gain the consumer's attention and reward those who investigated the ads more fully.


Mr. Bernbach was responsible for a number of memorable ad campaigns. In 1962,   created the "We're No. 2, we try harder" campaign for Avis Rent a Car. 

伯恩巴赫出品了不少令人难忘的广告。1962年,DDB为Avis Rent a Car只做了“我们是第二名,我们更加努力”。

The agency also created the "Lemon" ad for Volkswagen. When the VW Beetle ad debuted in 1960, the concept of humorously disparaging the advertised product was quite radical; the "Lemon" ad thus represented the birth of irony in modern advertising.







百事和南航的广告都抓住了you can be anything you like这一美国好莱坞式的梦想,构思制作均属上乘,笔者看来唯一可改进之处,尤其南航广告,还可以更“软”,南航只需轻轻飘过即可,不要低估了国内观众的理解程度。


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