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2016-04-19 纽约时报 英文联播

Flawed Justice After a Mob Killed an Afghan Woman


KABUL, Afghanistan — Farkhunda had one chance to escape the mob that wanted to kill her. Two Afghan police officers pulled her onto the roof of a low shed, above the angry crowd.


But then the enraged men below her picked up poles and planks of wood, and hit at her until she lost her grip and tumbled down.


Her face bloodied, she struggled to stand. Holding her hands to her hair, she looked horrified to find that her attackers had yanked off her black hijab as she fell. The mob closed in, kicking and jumping on her slight frame.


The  of Farkhunda Malikzada, a 27-year-old aspiring student of Islam who was accused of burning a Quran in a Muslim shrine, shocked Afghans across the country.


That is because many of her killers filmed one another beating her and posted clips of her broken body on social media. Hundreds of other men watched, holding their phones aloft to try to get a glimpse of the violence, but never making a move to intervene. Those standing by included several police officers.


Unlike  against Afghan women that unfold in private, this killing in March prompted a national outcry. For Farkhunda had not burned a Quran. 


Instead, an investigation found, she had confronted men who were themselves dishonoring the shrine by trafficking in amulets and, more clandestinely, Viagra and condoms.


At first, the trial and  that followed seemed a victory in the long struggle to give Afghan women their due in a court of law. But a deeper look suggests otherwise. 


The fortuneteller who several investigators believe set the events in motion was found not guilty on appeal. The shrine’s custodian, who concocted the false charge of Quran burning and incited the mob, had his death sentence commuted.


Police officers who failed to send help and others who stood by received slaps on the wrist, at most. Some attackers identifiable in the videos avoided capture altogether. 


Afghan lawyers and human rights advocates agree that most of the accused did not receive fair trials. Farkhunda’s family, fearing reprisals and worried that the killers would not be held accountable, fled the country.


Farkhunda’s death and the legal system’s response call into question more than a decade of Western efforts in Afghanistan to instill a rule of law and improve the status of women. 


The United States alone has spent more than $1 billion to train lawyers and judges and to improve legal protections for women; European countries have provided tens of millions more.


But like so many other Western attempts to remake Afghanistan, the efforts have foundered, according to Afghan and Western lawyers and officials. Afghan society has resisted more than 150 years of such endeavors by outsiders, from the British to the Russians to the Americans. 


This remains a country where ties of kinship and clan trump justice, and where the money brought by the West has made corruption into a way of life. The rule-of-law programs were often designed in ignorance of Afghan legal norms, international and Afghan lawyers say. 


And Western efforts to lift women’s legal status provoked fierce resentment from powerful religious figures and many ordinary Afghans.


Yet Afghan women most need the legal system to defend them: They are largely powerless without the support of male family members, and it is usually family members who abuse them.


“Where is the justice?” asked Mujibullah Malikzada, Farkhunda’s elder brother, as he sat in a sparsely furnished apartment in Tajikistan. “In my Islamic country, a girl was disrespectfully, dishonorably lynched and burned, and what has happened? We have left our home. They never caught all the people. What are we to do?”

法克洪达的哥哥Mujibullah Malikzada坐在塔吉克斯坦家徒四壁的公寓中说:“哪里有什么正义?在我们伊斯兰国家,女孩被毫无尊严地施以私刑或烧死,结果怎么样呢?我们背井离乡,他们压根没把所有这些人抓起来,我们能做什么呢?”

As a last resort, Farkhunda’s family has appealed to the Afghan Supreme Court, which has wide power to impose new sentences or order a new trial. The decision is pending.


“If she gets justice, all women in Afghanistan who were harmed or killed or abused get justice,” said Leena Alam, an Afghan television actress who found herself joining hundreds of women at Farkhunda’s funeral, defying tradition by carrying the coffin.

“如果她的正义得以伸张,所有被伤害、杀戮、虐待的阿富汗妇女的正义都得到伸张。”阿富汗电视演员Leena Alam说,她和数百名阿富汗妇女参加法克洪达的葬礼,她们违背传统,抬着灵柩。

“If she doesn’t, then all these years of the international community being here, all the support they gave, all the money, this whole war, means nothing. It all went to waste.”


The Killing

Farkhunda first visited the Shah-Do Shamshira shrine — named for a foreign warrior who is said to have helped bring Islam to Afghanistan — four weeks before her death.

法克洪达死前四周第一次来到Shah-Do Shamshira神庙,神庙得名于一个据说将伊斯兰带到阿富汗来的外国勇士。

It was a Wednesday, women’s day at the shrine, when men are not allowed. The women commiserate about their lives. They visit the fortuneteller to buy amulets to help them get pregnant, find a husband or have male children. 


Known as tawiz, the amulets usually consist of writings on a small piece of paper that a woman can pin to her body or keep in a pocket.


Farkhunda was appalled at the way the women’s superstitions were being exploited, her brother Mujibullah recalled. She confronted the custodian, Zainuddin, and the fortuneteller, Mohammad Omran, saying: “You are abusing the women. You are charging them money for something that is not Islamic, that is not religious.”

法克洪达的哥哥回忆说,迷信的女人们被骗钱让她非常吃惊。她找到看门人Zainuddin和算命者Mohammad Omran说:“你们在虐待妇女,你们用一些非伊斯兰、非宗教的东西骗她们钱。”

As the atmosphere at the shrine became tense, Mujibullah said, “The custodian said to Farkhunda: ‘Who the hell are you? Who are you to say these things? Get lost.’ ”


The Malikzadas are an educated family. Farkhunda’s father, Mohammad Nader Malikzada, 72, worked for nearly 40 years as the lead engineer for Afghanistan’s Public Health Ministry, keeping its medical technology, such as it was, running. Mujibullah had a job at the Finance Ministry, and a second brother was an engineer.

Malikzada一家人是书香门第。法克洪达的72岁的父亲Mohammad Nader Malikzada曾经是阿富汗公共健康部的首席工程师,工作了四十年,当年推广医疗技术。哥哥在财政部供职,二哥也曾是个工程师。

Farkhunda, one of eight sisters, was academically inclined. The girls were either graduates of or students at universities or teachers’ colleges. Several were still single in their 20s, unusual for Afghan women. 


The family did not patronize places like the Shah-Do Shamshira shrine, which was known for attracting the local riffraff as well as pilgrims.

家里人不会光顾Shah-Do Shamshira圣地这种地方,那里一般是地痞和朝圣者去的地方。

Farkhunda turned out to be right: There was something amiss at the shrine. Investigators from the police and the National Directorate of Security, the Afghan intelligence service, learned later that the fortuneteller, almost certainly with the assistance of the custodian, was trafficking in Viagra and condoms, said Shahla Farid, a member of the investigating committee set up by President Ashraf Ghani after the murder.

法克洪达是对的:神庙的确有问题。Shahla Farid是总统加尼设立的调查委员会成员,她说警方和阿富汗情报部门国家安全会的调查人员后来发现,算命者肯定在看护者的协助下,贩卖伟哥和安全套。

Viagra is popular and easily available in Afghanistan. Some men see it as an aphrodisiac; others as a remedy if they are nervous on their wedding night.


The investigators also found pregnancy test strips and sweet-smelling body wash in the fortuneteller’s bathroom, suggesting that women might have used it. Ms. Farid and police investigators said it was possible that the fortuneteller moonlighted as a pimp.


The last thing the fortuneteller wanted was a young woman, fired with religious faith, disturbing his means of making a living.


On March 19, the last day of her life, Farkhunda returned to the shrine. After lecturing the women about the uselessness of the amulets, she gathered up some used ones and may have set them on fire in a trash can, said Ms. Farid, who is also a law professor at Kabul University.


“The custodian, Zainuddin, was illiterate, and he took the burnt papers and added to them some old pages of a burnt Quran, and that’s what he showed people outside the mosque as proof that she had burned the Quran,” Ms. Farid said.


That is a charge almost guaranteed to bring a violent reaction in Afghanistan, where even the rumor of a Quran burning can bring hundreds into the streets, calling for blood.


Muhammad Naeem, who sells pigeon feed across the road from the shrine, said he had heard the custodian calling out to people walking by: “A woman burned the Quran. I don’t know if this one is sick or mentally disturbed, but what kind of Muslim are you? Go and defend your Quran.”

在神庙外路旁卖鸽子食的Muhammad Naeem说,他听到看护者招呼路人:“一个女人烧了古兰经,我不知道这畜生是有病还是发疯,可你们是穆斯林吗?快来捍卫古兰经。”

It was about 4 o’clock, time for the afternoon prayer. The streets were full, and a crowd quickly gathered. Cellphone videos captured the first moments of the argument.


“Why did you burn it?” a man shouted.


As Farkhunda insisted she had not, another man shouted, “The Americans sent you.”


She responded, “Which Americans?”


He said, “Stop talking or I will punch your mouth.”


Mr. Naeem said that a police officer had tried to lead Farkhunda away, but that, mindful of Afghan custom as well as strict Islamic teachings, she had asked the officer to bring a policewoman. In cellphone recordings, more than one person can be heard shouting, “Kill her!”


“Then she fell down on the ground and the people tried to beat her and pummel her, and the police would try to help her up, and then the people from the other side would push her down,” Mr. Naeem recalled. “They were like kids playing with a sack of flour on the floor.”


In the videos, Farkhunda seems at first to be screaming in pain from the kicks, but then her body convulses under the blows, and soon, she stops moving at all. Even when the mob pulls her into the street and gets a car to run over her, and she is dragged 300 feet, the police stand by.


By then, she was little more than a clothed mass of blood and bones. Yet still more people came to beat her. One of the most fervent was a young man, Mohammad Yaqoub, who worked at an eyeglasses shop. He heard the crowd as Farkhunda was dragged behind the car and rushed out, eager to join.

当时,她几乎是穿着衣服的一团血肉,可还有更多人上来打她。下手最狠的是一个年轻人,他叫Mohammad Yaqoub,在一个眼镜店上班。他听到人群喧闹着用汽车拖着法库洪达,就奔出来想要加入。

Eight months later, neatly dressed with a small beard and mustache, Mr. Yaqoub hardly looked like someone capable of violence. Yet in the videos, he is so caught up in the moment that he has a terrifying ferocity.


“People were saying, ‘If someone doesn’t hit her, he is an infidel.’ That was when I got emotional and hit her twice,” he said in an interview at Pul-i-Charkhi prison, just east of Kabul. “My third punch hit the road, and my hand got injured.”


After going back to his shop and patching up his hand, he heard the men outside still shouting and said he felt drawn back. The men had dragged Farkhunda’s body to the riverbank, and Mr. Yaqoub looked for heavy rocks to drop on her. One was so large, he could barely lift it, he said.


Mr. Yaqoub was hardly an illiterate day laborer. He had completed 11th grade and, when interviewed in prison, said he was 18. He explained his fury by saying, “The Quran is like our honor: It is our personal honor and the honor of the prophet.”


As Mr. Yaqoub milled with the crowd, other men set Farkhunda on fire, using their own scarves as fuel because her clothes were so soaked with blood, they would not light.


In the middle of the mayhem, someone found Farkhunda’s phone and called her father. He, his wife and Farkhunda’s brother Mujibullah drove to the police station. They had no word of her fate until Gen. Abdul Rahman Rahimi, Kabul’s chief of police, broke the news.

暴乱中,有人找到法克洪达的手机,给他爸爸打了电话。他父母和哥哥开车到警察局。他们对女儿的命运一无所知,最后喀布尔警察局长Abdul Rahman Rahimi将军带来消息。

“It is proved that she burned the Quran,” he told Farkhunda’s stunned parents, who knew she was deeply religious and planned to study theology at Kabul University. General Rahimi also informed them that he had told an Afghan television station that Farkhunda was mentally ill, in an attempt to calm an angry public.


It was true that Farkhunda had been treated for mental illness. Its severity is unclear, but details given to the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission and other investigators indicated that she had gone through several difficult periods — including one in which she mostly stayed in bed and said she feared praying because she might make a mistake, according to her mother. 


She was put on medication, which helped for a time, her mother said, according to the Human Rights Commission report.


General Rahimi told Farkhunda’s father that the police had failed to protect her and advised him to leave Kabul for his own safety. 


Months later, her brother Mujibullah recalled his despair. “I felt the sky had touched the earth and I was between the two, being shattered into pieces,” he said. “I thought I am in some other world. Someone is telling me that a girl who loved the Quran, who would die for the Quran, had been killed, murdered, for burning the Quran.I couldn’t believe it could be our Farkhunda.”

几个月后,哥哥还记得起那种失望之情。“我感觉天地相合,我在其中,被撕成碎片, 我觉得我活在另一个世界中。有人告诉我一个热爱古兰经、愿意为古兰经而死的人被杀了,因为焚烧古兰经被谋杀,我不相信会是我们法克洪达。

Within two days of the killing, the Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs announced that Farkhunda had been innocent. Soon, she was . Video clips of her death were broadcast on Afghan television, prompting shame among many citizens.


Swelling numbers of young women, joined by some young men, gathered spontaneously at the shrine and held candlelight vigils. They formed a “Justice for Farkhunda” organization. They marched, demonstrated and demanded that her killers be brought to trial.


Most extraordinary, women rebelled against the custom of staying away from funerals, and hundreds gathered to carry and escort her coffin.


Ms. Alam, the Afghan actress, said she had felt compelled to go to the cemetery on the day of Farkhunda’s burial. “Her body was brought to her grave by women and buried by women,” she said. 


“We took all our shawls and scarves and knotted them together and held them on each side, and then lowered the coffin into the grave. And I remember I had a little cut from the wood from the coffin, and I didn’t want that cut to heal.”



