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2016年普利策公共服务奖 | 泰国虾奴(上)

2016-04-25 AP 英文联播
当地时间2016年4月18日,美国纽约,美联社记者Esther Htusan、Martha Mendoza和Robin McDowell获得2016年普利策公共服务奖,她们报道了印尼、泰国捕鱼业使用苦役劳工为全世界的餐桌提供海鲜,该系列调查报道促使超过两千名被囚禁工人得到释放,今天公号开始陆续推送。

Global supermarkets selling shrimp peeled by slaves

SAMUT SAKHON, Thailand — Every morning at 2 a.m., they heard a kick on the door and a threat: Get up or get beaten. For the next 16 hours, No. 31 and his wife stood in the factory that owned them with their aching hands in ice water.


They ripped the guts, heads, tails and shells off shrimp bound for overseas markets, including grocery stores and all-you-can-eat buffets across the United States.


After being sold to the Gig Peeling Factory, they were at the mercy of their Thai bosses, trapped with nearly 100 other Burmese migrants. Children worked alongside them, including a girl so tiny she had to stand on a stool to reach the peeling table. Some had been there for months, even years, getting little or no pay.


Pervasive human trafficking has helped turn Thailand into one of the world’s biggest shrimp providers. Despite repeated promises by businesses and government to clean up the country’s $7 billion seafood export industry, an Associated Press investigation has found shrimp peeled by modern-day slaves is reaching the U.S., Europe and Asia.


The problem is fueled by corruption and complicity among police and authorities. Arrests and prosecutions are rare. Raids can end up sending migrants without proper paperwork to jail, while owners go unpunished.


More than 2,000 trapped fishermen have been freed this year as a result of an ongoing Associated Press investigative series into slavery in the Thai seafood industry. The reports also have led to a dozen arrests, millions of dollars’ worth of seizures and proposals for new federal laws.


Hundreds of shrimp peeling sheds are hidden in plain sight on residential streets or behind walls with no signs in Samut Sakhon, a port town an hour outside Bangkok. 


The AP found one factory that was enslaving dozens of workers, and runaway migrants led rights groups to the Gig shed and a third facility. All three sheds held 50 to 100 people each, many locked inside.


As Tin Nyo Win soon found out for himself, there’s no easy escape. One woman had been working at Gig for eight years. Another man ended up peeling shrimp there after breaking free from an equally brutal factory.

Tin Nyo Win很快发现,逃跑没那么容易。一个女人在鱼叉干了八年,还有一个男人从另一家同样残酷的工厂逃了出来,结果还是在鱼叉剥虾。

“I was shocked after working there a while, and I realized there was no way out,” said Tin Nyo Win, 22, who has a baby face and teeth stained red from chewing betel nut.

22岁的Tin Nyo Win一张娃娃脸,因为嚼槟榔,牙都红了。他说:“我在这儿干了一阵被震到了,我意识到根本跑不掉。”

“I told my wife, ‘We’re in real trouble. If something ends up going wrong, we’re going to die.’”


Last month, AP journalists followed and filmed trucks loaded with freshly peeled shrimp from the Gig shed to major Thai exporting companies and then, using U.S. customs records and Thai industry reports, tracked it globally. 


They also traced similar connections from another factory raided six months earlier, and interviewed more than two dozen workers from both sites.


U.S. customs records show the shrimp made its way into the supply chains of major U.S. food stores and retailers such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, Whole Foods, Dollar General and Petco, along with restaurants such as Red Lobster and Olive Garden.


It also entered the supply chains of some of America’s best-known seafood brands and pet foods, including Chicken of the Sea and Fancy Feast, which are sold in grocery stores from Safeway and Schnucks to Piggly Wiggly and Albertsons. AP reporters went to supermarkets in all 50 states and found shrimp products from supply chains tainted with forced labor.


European and Asian import and export records are confidential, but the Thai companies receiving shrimp tracked by the AP all say they ship to Europe and Asia as well.


The businesses that responded condemned the practices that lead to these conditions. Many said they were launching investigations when told their supply chains were linked to people held against their will in sheds like the Gig factory, which sat behind a gate off a busy street, between railroad tracks and a river.


Inside the large warehouse, toilets overflowed with feces, and the putrid smell of raw sewage wafted from an open gutter just outside the work area. Young children ran barefoot through suffocating dorm rooms. Entire families labored side-by-side at rows of stainless steel counters piled high with tubs of shrimp.


Tin Nyo Win and his wife, Mi San, were cursed for not peeling fast enough and called “cows” and “buffalos.” They were allowed to go outside for food only if one of them stayed behind as insurance against running away.

Tin Nyo Win和妻子Mi San剥虾不够快,被咒骂为“牛”和“水牛”。他俩只有一个人被扣在厂里,另外一个人才允许出去找吃的,以防两人逃跑。

But escaping was all they could think about.


Shrimp is the most-loved seafood in the U.S., with Americans downing 1.3 billion pounds every year, or about 4 pounds per person. Once a luxury reserved for special occasions, it became cheap enough for stir-fries and scampis when Asian farmers started growing it in ponds three decades ago. 


Thailand quickly dominated the market and now sends nearly half of its supply to the U.S.


The Southeast Asian country is one of the worst human trafficking hubs on earth. It has been blacklisted for the past two years by the U.S. State Department, which cited complicity by Thai officials. 


The European Union issued a warning earlier this year that tripled seafood import tariffs, and is expected to decide next month whether to impose an outright ban.


Consumers enjoy the convenience of dumping shrimp straight from freezer to skillet, the result of labor-intensive peeling and cleaning. Unable to keep up with demand, exporters get their supply from peeling sheds that are sometimes nothing more than crude garages adjacent to the boss’s house. 


Supply chains are so complicated that, on any given day, buyers may not know exactly where the shrimp comes from.


The Thai Frozen Foods Association lists about 50 registered shrimp sheds in the country. However, hundreds more operate in Samut Sakhon, the country’s main shrimp processing region. Here the humid air hangs thick with the smell of dead fish. 


Refrigerated trucks with seafood logos barrel down streets straddled by huge processing plants. Just as ubiquitous are the small pickups loaded with migrant workers from neighboring Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar being taken to gut, fillet, de-vein and peel the seafood that fuels this town’s economy.


Abuse is common in Samut Sakhon. An International Labor Organization report estimated 10,000 migrant children aged 13 to 15 work in the city. Another U.N. agency study found nearly 60 percent of Burmese laborers toiling in its seafood processing industry were victims of forced labor.


Tin Nyo Win and his wife were taken to the Gig Peeling Factory in July when they made the long drive from Myanmar across the border, crammed so tightly into a truck with other workers that they could barely breathe. 

七月,Tin Nyo Win和妻子被送到鱼叉剥虾厂,此前他们沿着边境从缅甸长途跋涉,和很多工人挤在让人喘不过气来的卡车里。

Like many migrants, they were lured from home by a broker with promises of good-paying jobs, and came without visas or work permits.


After being sold to the Gig shed, the couple learned they would have to work off what was considered their combined worth — $830. It was an insurmountable debt.


Because they were illegal workers, the owners constantly threatened to call police to keep them in line. Even documented migrants were vulnerable because the boss held onto identification papers so they could not leave.


Under the U.S. government’s definition, forced labor and debt bondage are considered slavery.


In the Gig shed, employees’ salaries were pegged to how fast their fingers could move. Tin Nyo Win and his wife peeled about 175 pounds of shrimp for just $4 a day, less than half of what they were promised. 

在鱼叉工棚,工人工资与他们手指有多快是挂钩的。Tin Nyo Win夫妇每天剥175磅虾,赚4美元,比他们预想收入的一半还少。

A female Thai manager, who slapped and cursed workers, often cut their wages without explanation. After they bought gloves and rubber boots, and paid monthly “cleaning fees” inside the trash-strewn shed, almost nothing was left.


Employees said they had to work even when they were ill. Seventeen children peeled alongside adults, sometimes crying, at stations where paint chipped off the walls and slick floors were eaten away by briny water.


Lunch breaks were only 15 minutes, and migrants were yelled at for talking too much. Several workers said a woman died recently because she didn’t get proper medical care for her asthma. Children never went to school and began peeling shrimp just an hour later than adults.


“We had to get up at 3 in the morning and then start working continuously,” said Eae Hpaw, 16, whose arms were a patchwork of scars from infections and allergies caused by the shrimp. “We stopped working around 7 in the evening. We would take a shower and sleep. Then we would start again.”

16岁的Eae Hpaw胳膊上布满因剥虾而感染和过敏留下的伤疤,他说:“我们必须凌晨三点起床,然后不停的工作,我们晚上七点休息,冲个澡睡觉,然后接着干活。”

After being roughed up one night by a supervisor, five months into their captivity, Tin Nyo Win and his wife decided they couldn’t take the threats anymore.

”They would say, ‘There’s a gun in the boss’s car and we’re going to come and shoot you, and no one will know,’” he said.

被囚禁五个月后的一天晚上,Tin Nyo Win夫妇被监工殴打,他们决定不再把那些威胁当回事了。“他们会说,老板车里有一把枪,我们会来打死你,没人会知道。”

The next morning, the couple saw an opportunity when the door wasn’t being watched.


They ran.


Less than 24 hours later, Tin Nyo Win’s wife was captured at a market by the shed manager. He watched helplessly as she was dragged away by her hair, terrified for her — and the baby they recently learned she was carrying.

不到24个小时,Tin Nyo Win的妻子在一个市场被工棚经理抓到。他眼睁睁看着妻子被人拽着头发拖走,一脸惊恐,被拖走的还有肚子里的孩子,二人最近得知她怀孕了。


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