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2016-11-07 Oliver Burkeman 英文联播

How Donald Trump took residence in our anxious brains

After the incredulity, the despair, and then the cautious return to optimism, the presidential campaign has entered a phase of almost intolerable anxiety. 


incredulity | 质疑

例句:Partitioned flats and cage homes are not novelties in Hong Kong, but netizens react to the "space capsules" with incredulity and fury. (BBC) 


National polls that don’t signify much are instantly interpreted as omens of the apocalypse; tiny anecdotes about early voting figures induce heart-stopping panic, or get clung to like life-rafts, depending on the direction in which they point. Until Tuesday, no new information is likely to bring any sense of closure, only more stress, but that doesn’t stop us from seeking it compulsively.


Never mind that a victory for Donald Trump, at this point, would still require him to have executed a turnaround , or that the nervous comparisons with Brexit have been so overblown. (Plenty of polls predicted a victory for Brexit – and there are  to assume the tapestry of state and national US polls is less error-prone than for a simple majority referendum.)


In the closing days of an election that has kept Americans and non-Americans alike in a state of clenched-stomach tension for months, allowing yourself any confidence in a victory for Hillary Clinton feels like mocking the gods.


Even assuming Trump loses, the relief will be superficial: Trumpism will remain, and the world will have to contend with the fact that about 40% of the US electorate saw little wrong with his racism and misogyny, alleged , lies, misrepresentations of his wealth and , probable failure to pay taxes, lack of impulse control, profound ignorance and tiny attention span.


But the relief will still be real.


In a way that feels unprecedented in modern politics, Trump has burrowed deep into our psyches, stimulating anxiety that isn’t confined to the borders of the US, or to those who are the direct targets of his bigotry.


 for the American Psychological Association published in October found that the election was a source of stress for 52% of American adults; during the summer, 70% of registered voters – that is, including Trump supporters – said the prospect of a Trump presidency made them anxious, according to a Washington Post . (The figure for Clinton was 50%.) 


There have been multiple reports of election-related fears arising  as never before, along with anecdotes of relationships damaged by political disagreement.


“I think what’s been so uniquely distressing isn’t just that there’s one person out there who thinks like that, but that there are clearly so many people who agree,” says , an associate professor of psychiatry at Yale University and an expert in traumatic stress. (She thinks Trump’s hardcore supporters, meanwhile, are in the grip of , as with Stockholm syndrome – an emotional dependence forged through abuse.) 

耶鲁大学精神病学副教授、创伤应激专家Joan Cook说:“我认为尤其令人忧虑的并非有个人站出来表达那样的观点,而是显然有那么多人同意那样的观点。”(她认为特朗普的铁杆支持者患上了“创伤羁绊”,就像斯德哥尔摩综合征,对虐待的情感依赖。)

This is a kind of psychological entanglement with national and international news that most of us, most of the time, are spared; but the Trump candidacy has removed the possibility of such distance. 


The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network reported a  to its support hotline during the weekend following the release of Trump’s notorious Access Hollywood tape.


Armchair diagnosis: dos and don’ts

Alongside its psychological impact on the rest of us, the campaign has also felt distinctive – and distinctively disturbing – in the ways that Trump’s own psychology has come to dominate it.


While Hillary Clinton’s inner life remains largely mysterious, information about Trump’s insecurities leaks from his every public statement – even before the New York Times  of interviews with a biographer in which Trump’s morbid fear of public humiliation was made plain. 


His former ghostwriter, , has pointed out how Trump’s attacks on others aren’t random, but constitute a precise inventory of his own faults: “unstable”, “reckless”, “bigoted”, “trigger-happy”, exhausted and prone to lying.

特朗普曾经的写手Tony Schwartz指出,特朗普攻击他人并非偶然,这构成了他自身缺点的集合:“不安”、“鲁莽”、“偏执”、“爱放炮”、歇斯底里、张口撒谎。

As Sheena Monnin, the former Miss Pennsylvania sued by Trump after she criticized his Miss USA pageant, put it in  with CNN: “I have a degree in psychology, and I understand that underneath the bullying tactics, there’s usually a lot of emptiness, and a strong need to feed the ego.”

前宾夕法尼亚小姐Sheena Monnin批评特朗普的美国小姐选美后被特朗普起诉,她接受CNN访谈时说:“我拥有心理学学位,我明白恃强凌弱的策略背后通常是空洞,存在着喂食自我的强烈需求。”

Trump told his biographer Michael D’Antonio: “I don’t like to analyse myself, because I might not like what I see.” But the rest of us haven’t had much choice.Like a traffic pile-up, the candidate’s involuntary self-exposure has been impossible not to gawp at. (On that note, the October APA survey found that the election was having a significant negative impact on productivity.)

特朗普对他的传记作家Michael D'Antonio说:“我不喜欢分析自我,因为我可能和看起来不一样。”可我们没有太多办法加以了解。就像汽车追尾一样,候选人的自然流露不可能不令人关注。说到这儿,10月APA调查显示选举对生产力产生重要的负面影响。

Yet throughout this intensely psychological election, psychology professionals have been restrained by a widespread, though fragmenting, consensus that Trump’s mental health ought not to be discussed at all.


This stance is most clearly expressed in the American Psychiatric Association’s so-called  – the prohibition on diagnosis-at-a-distance introduced following the incident in 1964 when 1,100 psychiatrists told a news magazine they believed that Barry Goldwater, the Republican candidate for president, was unfit for office. 


But while there are certainly strong arguments in favour of it – it risks undermining public confidence in psychiatrists, and stigmatising people with mental illness – it’s been far from obvious, in 2016, that these outweigh the ethical arguments for flouting it. 


, the psychologist Cedar Riener compared psychiatrists disregarding the rule to a doctor diagnosing cancer “just by looking at my behaviour or public statements”. 

心理学家Cedar Riener在Vox撰文时,将无视这一原则的精神病学家比作“仅观察我的行为或公开言论”就诊断我患了癌症的医生。

But in the case of psychological disorders, unlike physical illnesses, behaviour and speech are always the primary sources of diagnostic data. And it has often seemed as if we might have more direct access to the darkest recesses of Trump’s mind than to some of our closest friends.


“Like many Americans, I was more amused than alarmed by Trump at the beginning,” says , a marriage and family therapist from Minnesota. But as the Trump movement picked up steam, Doherty happened to be travelling in Austria, where he encountered a neo-fascist political demonstration and visited a concentration camp.

明尼苏达州的婚姻与家庭治疗者Bill Doherty说:“和许多美国人一样,一开始我觉得特朗普很有意思,而不是令人恐慌。”可随着特朗普运动势头日盛,Doherty当时在澳大利亚旅行,他遭遇了反对新法西斯主义的政治抗议,并参观了一所集中营。

“So I did some reading about the responses of mental health professionals in Germany and Austria in the 1930s, and they were largely silent, and some were complicit.”


Upon his return, he wrote a manifesto –  – which more than 3,300 of his colleagues have now signed. Doherty insists this doesn’t violate the Goldwater rule – he’s condemning Trumpism as a threat to public health, not diagnosing Trump as, say, a  or , the disorders most frequently attributed to him.


As “citizen therapists”, Doherty says, “we must be willing to speak out on issues that affect the mental health of our clients, instead of just sitting in our offices and dealing with the fallout.” 


Trump-induced distress is especially acute, he says, for anyone who has been exposed to a personality style like his – focused on bullying, scapegoating and the kneejerk demeaning of critics – earlier in their personal lives. 


His status as a presidential candidate “brings legitimacy to his way of relating to other people. ”


Daddy issues: ‘a fantasy of being rescued by a powerful father figure’

Beyond the confines of therapy, the rise of Trump has demonstrated more broadly how bad we are at understanding politics in psychological terms. For months, a between pundits has sought to establish whether Trump’s supporters are motivated by economic anxiety or by racism, as if the two could be neatly distinguished and measured.


For Jonathan Shedler, professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado school of medicine, his appeal is better understood through the lens of “transference”: in times of stress, whatever the complex blend of causes for that stress, people revert to a childhood desire for an omnipotent protector – an understandable need in young children, but dysfunctional in adulthood.

科罗拉多大学医学院精神病教授Jonathan Shedler认为,通过“转送”的透镜,特朗普的魅力更容易理解:在紧张时期,无论背后的原因有多复杂,人们回归到童年寻找万能保护者的欲望,在小孩中这种需求是可以理解的,但对于成年人而言则属于功能紊乱。

revert | 回归

例句:Authorities have recovered most of the money and the city for the time-being has reverted to issuing paper checks to vendors. (华盛顿时报) 


“Trump is benefiting from a childlike fantasy of being rescued by an all-powerful, larger-than-life father figure, so all of these qualities get attributed to Trump,” he says.


If the candidate’s serially outrageous behaviour fails to alienate them, that’s at least partly because the appealing qualities they’re seeing aren’t really in him; instead, “they’re in the minds of the people who are doing the attributing, expressing their not-quite-conscious yearnings.”


Meanwhile, the question of whether Trump himself is suffering from a personality disorder is beside the point, Shedler argues – the consequence of trying to force our thinking about personality into a “medical model” in which narcissism or antisocial attitudes, like cancer, are discrete diseases, invading an otherwise healthy body.


But Trump’s narcissism, insecurities and viciousness are intrinsic components of who he is, and they’ve already damaged the world’s wellbeing – whether or not they’re best thought of as formal disorders.


At a rally in Henderson, Nevada, earlier this month, Trump : “If I don’t win, this will be the greatest waste of time, money and energy in my lifetime.”


It was a fairly typical statement from Trump, in its profound self-absorption and total lack of interest in the impact of his victory or defeat on the country he proposes to lead. 


But it was also an especially infuriating one, given the extraordinary quantities of attention and emotional energy Trump has already squandered – not his, but ours.


If he loses on 8 November, that won’t mark the end of the problem he represents. But it may nonetheless be a rich source of delight to savor the departure of the toxic uninvited guest who has spent the last year so stubbornly resident in our brains.


