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特朗普 | 目的地,不明(下)

2016-03-27 时代周刊 英文联播

特朗普 | 目的地,不明(上)

The TV recaptures his attention. A host on the wide-screen is recounting a barrage (密集火力) of insults that flew between Rubio and Trump. I ask what he tells his son Barron, 9, about this schoolyard taunting


译注:schoolyard taunt or playground taunt,比喻儿童间的低水平互骂。

"It's just part of the deal," he says with a shrug. But do you teach him to do that in his life? I ask. What if he comes to you and says someone at school called him a name? Another shrug. "I didn't start it."


Still, with the news shows endlessly mulling long-shot strategies for denying him the nomination, the airborne Trump seems reluctant to court a jinx by discusing the general election.


He wants to talk about it but thinks maybe he shouldn't. Which means he will talk about it, soon enough.


But first: What about those stop-Trump schemes? Tim Miller, a Bush spokesman turned resistance fighter, made like Braveheart on Super Tuesday."The fight to stop Donald Trump from getting the nomination is intensifying regardless of tonight's outcome," he decleared.



Cruz suggested it was time for Trump's other rivals to drop out and let him gomano a mano. Not likely, though alchemy could turn Rubio's collection of second- and third-place ribbons into a winner's trophy.


译注:mano a mano: a face-to-face confrontation or competitive struggle

Ohio Governor John Kasich essentially took a pass on the biggest day of the campaign so far. Republican insiders spoke vaguely of siphoning delegates from Trump and throwing the race into the chaos of a brokered convention.


译注:brokered convention,在党内票数分散时,让一些候选人主动退让,把自己的支持者转让给更有胜算的候选人,从而让后者拿到竞选资格。

Others are likey to join New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions in giving Trump their endorsements



Either way, Trump professes to be unworried. He sees plenty of chances to win delegates -- including the little-noticed "Trump Country" primaries (as his staff calls them) in the Acela corridor of the East Coast on April 26. 



His fate is within his grasp, just as he likes it. "I have always been a winner," he says. "If we have the delegates at the convention, their is nothing they can do about it.”



AND YES, HE TALKS ABOUT THE GENERAL election. Clinton "says she wants to run against me. LIsten: I am the last person on earth she wants to run against." That is Trump's take, and there is truth in both halves of the statement.


Close allies of Clinton believe that Trump's big mouth makes him a deliciously vulnerable target. Stephanie Schriock, president of the feminist PAC known as Emily's List, says, "For decades, he has been making misogynistic statements, and I think we're going to find -- and see --more. He's talked about women in a whole variety of awful ways, saying things like 'bimbos,' or 'she's fat.' If you can think of any awful thing that you can say with regard to a woman, it has probably been said by him."

克林顿的亲密战友认为特朗普口无遮拦,这让他成为软柿子。女权政治行动委员会“艾米丽名单”的主席Stephanie Schriock说:“他几十年来持续发表歧视女性言论,我想还会有更多。他用各种恶毒的方式谈论女性,说什么‘破鞋’,‘她真肥’。你能想到的所有关于女人的坏话,可能他都说过。”

Democrats have been stockpiling research and conducting polls on Trump since last summer, according to sources, and they promise a long barrage of attacks ads and negative messages in summer and fall, bristling with Trump's most infammatory moments, in hopes of motivating Democrats to go to the polls. 


Meanwhile, Clinton will float above the carnage, they predict, inviting independent women and even Republicans to join her bid for history. 


Veteran pollster Stan Greenberg, an advisor to a number of past Democratic nominees, sees as many as 20% GOP voters potentially defecting from Trump if he is the nominee. "It's mind-boggling," he says of Clinton's chance to swing moderate Republicans in a general election against Trump.

前民意调查专家、前几届民主党提名人顾问Stan Greenberg认为如果特朗普被提名,多达20%共和党投票者可能会背叛。“这令人难以置信。”他谈到克林顿可能让温和共和党人在大选中抵制特朗普。

Buffy Wicks, another key Clinton supporter, adds Hispanics and African Americans to the list. "If you look at the 1980 election, the nonwhite vote was 12%," Wicks says. "It's now 28%, and it's only growing."

克林顿的另一位重要支持者Buffy Wicks把拉美裔和非裔美国人算在内。“看看1980年大选,非白人投票率12%,现在28%,而且还在增长。”

Trump's eagerness to be inflammatory on issues like deporting Mexicans andcreating a registry for Muslims will drive that number highter, she predicts.


But some of these same Clinton allies also see why Trump is unusually dangerous for Clinton. He is, they acknowledge, a force like no other: an utterly unpredictable candidate who has judo-flipped the entire political apparatus.


He has locked the old gatekeepers -- the media, the donors and the strategists -- on the wrong side of the fence, and now he answers to no one and plots his own course. 


A thrice-married New Yorker with a raft of Democratic pals would seem doomed to fail as a right-wing Republican, yet Trump is drawing vote to the GOP inrecord numbers.


"What I am doing is , I am making the Republican Party much bigger," Trump tells me. and a candidate who can do that is, by definition, a profound threat to the Clinton campaign.


"Trump has thrown out the rules," says David Brock, founder of the pro-Clinton PAC Correct the Record. "What I've been concerned about is his ability to dominate the news cycle and shape it. He is totally on offense, 24/7." This gives Trump "the potential to scramble the electoral map."

支持克林顿的政治行动委员会“正史”创始人David Brock说:“特朗普抛弃了规则,我担心的是他能够控制新套路并塑造它。他一直在进攻,24小时,一周七天。”这让特朗普有“搞乱选举地图的潜力”。

Which is exactly how Trump sees it too. Republican turnout in the primaries so far is shattering records, a trend that is likely to continue. And he puts somestates in play in November that Democrats have long taken for granted. 


The conservative sage of one of Trump's favorite journals -- the tabloid New York Post -- captured his thinking in a recent column.


"You know who Fred Dicker is, right?" he asks me. "Fred Dicker said I have a very good chance of the whole ballgame. Those are my people. I know them, they know me."


A generation has passed since Ronald Reagan won the Empire State, being the last Republican to do so. To put it back in contention would completely upend the Electoral College map that Democrats have painstakingly assembled over the past three decades.


And not just New York, Trump continues. "Michigan," he says. He believes hecan win white working-class voters of the industrial Midwest, whose fading fortunes in the global economy have broken their once reliable ties to the pro-union Democrats. "They used to call them the Reagan Democrats," Trump remarks. "They'll be coming over to me."


Next: Virginia, a swing state vital to any Republican strategy. Trump's visit to southwestern Virginia featured a full-throated promise to revive the region's coal industry.


"I plan to win Virginia too." Add Pennsylvania to his list. Don't forget New Jersey. And of course, the decisive states of Ohio and Florida. "I will win states where Republicans don't even go to campaign."


Ask how he will do it -- and how will keep his promise to win over large numbers of Hispanic and African-American and female voters who otherwise recoil from his rhetorical brawling -- and Trump answers in a single word: "Jobs."


He has boiled the entire election down to that fear in the pit of millions of stomachs that globalization is a rigged game in which Americans of all colors and genders are the marks.


Their jobs, their futures, are bleeding away to "Mexico, China, India, Vietnam, Thailand" --Trump ticks through the list at his rallies. 


Being a man who understands such matters, Trump says, he knows how to fix the problem. Let Clinton, whose partnership at the top of the Democratic Party has spanned the globalization era, answer that.


You can be sure, as well, he'll be throwing punches of his own. Trump likes tospeculate that Clinton's candidacy won't survive to see November. What if "Hillary can't run because she's indicted?" he wonders.


"RIght now, she's protected by the President, probably." But should Trump win the White House, "naturally you'd have your own people take a look at how [Clinton's email imbroglio] was handled."


A new Justice Department team might reopen the matter, he implies, "so she is literally fighting for her life" in her effort to beat Trump.



FAME IS LIKE TINTED GLASS ON a passing limo: it shields more than it reveals. Fame reflects our own images back at us -- what we desire, what we fear,what we thrill to.


You can study celebrities every day, watch every YouTube video, read every tweet and Facebook post, and still wonder: What are they really like? And youranswer will always say as much about you as it does about them.


As Donald Trump soars above the political landscape and listens to the cacophony he has stirred, even he is struck by how little people seem to understand him.


"I' am a uniter," he likes to say, who wants nothing more than "to make American great again." But this road to unity does not follow a straight line. "I lovethe Chinese," says Trump as he bashes China. "I love the Mexicans," he says, while promising to wall them out and make them pay for it. It's all part of negotiation. He's just making the sale.


Trump's astonishing rise to the top of the political world may end this year, or it may only be starting. No one has figured out how to stop him yet. 


Either way, he has already succeeded in making this presidential election into a referendum on him. Not the parties. Not conservative or liberal principles. It's Trump, yes or no: the man behind the tinted glass.


Untethered from party or philosophy or even history ("I was never big into the world of heroes," he sniffs), Trump offers America the Ultimate Deal. "I am the most successful person ever to run for President," he tells me. "I built an incredible business. But I also created, in The Apprentice, one of the most successful shows in television history. I've written 12 books, most of them best sellers. The Art of the Deal is the NO.1 best-selling business book of all time."


It comes down to a salesman's classic pitch: Trust me. Over the coming months, Americans will swallow hard and give their reply.


