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2016-03-30 卫报 英文联播

When I read the transcript of the nomination speech I saw with my mother-in-law on the south side that night in 2008, I realised he had quoted Martin Luther King but declined to mention him by name, referring to him instead as the “old preacher”. 


“If a black candidate can’t quote Martin Luther King by name,” I thought, “who can they quote?” I jokingly referred to him as the “incognegro”.



Obama never promised radical change and, given the institutions in which he was embedded, he was never going to be in a position to deliver it. You don’t get to become president of the United States without raising millions from very wealthy people and corporations (or being a billionaire yourself), who will turn against you if you don’t serve their interests. 


Congress, with which Obama spars, is similarly corrupted by money. Seats in the House of Representatives are openly and brazenly gerrymandered.



This excuses Obama nothing. On any number of fronts, particularly the economy, the banks and civil liberties, he could have done more, or better. He recognised this himself, and in 2011, shortly before his second election, produced a list of issues he felt he’d been holding back on: immigration reform, poverty, the Middle East, Guantánamo Bay and gay marriage.


By 2011, even those closest to Obama could see he was losing not only his base but his raison d’être as an agent of change. “You were seen as someone who would walk through the wall for the middle class,” his senior adviser David Axelrod told him that year. “We need to get back to that.”


Back then, Obama’s prospects looked slim. His campaign second time around was a far cry from the euphoria of the first. The president’s argument boiled down to: “Things were terrible when I came to power, are much better than they would have been were I not in power, and will get worse if I am removed from power.” What started as “Yes we can” had curdled into “Could be worse”.




The Republican party effectively undermined and humiliated their nominee, , who then proved a terrible candidate. In 2012, I went to vote with Howard Davis, the man I’d met weeping at a Chicago polling station back in 2008, who voted Obama again. There were no tears this time. In the words of Sade, it’s never as good as the first time.


As Obama comes to the end of his tenure, we are no longer confined to discussing what it means that he is president; we can now talk in definite terms about what Obama did. 


Indulging the symbolic promise of a moment is one thing; engaging with the substantial record of more than seven years in power is quite another.


Everybody has their list. None is definitive. Obama withdrew US soldiers from Iraq (only to resume bombing later), , reached  and 


Twenty million uninsured adults now have health insurance because of . Unemployment was 7.8% and rising when he came to power; today, it is 4.9% and falling. 


He indefinitely , and expanded that protection to children who entered the country illegally with their parents (). 


He eventually . He appointed two women to the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina. 


When those on the left question Obama’s progressive bona fides, this is generally the list that is read back by his defenders – as though  when he asks, “What have the Romans ever done for us?”



There are, of course, other facts to contend with. Obama escalated fighting in Afghanistan and ; used the 1917 Espionage Act ; oversaw  (not to mention Yemen, Somalia and elsewhere), resulting in between 1,900 and 3,000 deaths, including more than 100 civilians; executed US citizens without trial; saw  and  grow as ; led his party to 


In Syria, he drew a red line in the sand and then claimed he hadn’t; he said he wouldn’t put boots on the ground, and then he did.


The discrepancies between Obama’s campaign promises and his record in office have been most glaring on . “This administration puts forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we provide,” he said as a candidate on 1 August 2007. 


“You can’t have 100% security and then 100% privacy and zero inconvenience,” he said on 7 June 2013, during . “We’re going to have to make some choices.”


And finally, there are the things Obama didn’t do. He didn’t ; he didn’t pursue  in connection with the 2007/8 crash; he didn’t .


But a legacy is not a ledger. It is both less substantial than a list of things done, and more meaningful. 


“At some point in Jackie Robinson’s career, the point ceases to be how many hits he got or bases he stole,” , who played a leading role in both Obama campaigns, tells me. “As great and important as all these stats were, there was a bigger picture.”


Legacies are about what people feel as well as what they know, about the present as much as the past. Aesthetically, there has always been something retro about Obama’s public profile. The original campaign posters announcing “Hope” and “Change”; the black-and-white video clips in 



With his family at his side, his brand offered not glamour exactly, but chic. Like John F Kennedy, he projected an image that enough Americans either wanted or needed, or both: a young, good-looking family, a bright future. He offered Camelot without the castle: no ties to the old, all about the future.



Photographs of Obama at the White House suggest both he and Michelle grew into this role quite happily. Whether it was  or  and chasing toddlers around the Oval office, they returned a sense of playful normality to the White House: an unforced conviviality that did not detract from the gravity of office.


“It’s important to remember that he was more recently a normal person than most people at that level,” one veteran member of his team told me. “For the 2000 convention, he couldn’t even get a floor credential. In 2004, he introduced the presidential nominee. In 2008, he was the nominee. It’s tough to see him and Michelle, and not give him that benefit of the doubt. He’s had small kids in the White House. I think people will remember that as a moment and an era.”


When Virginia McLaurin, a 106-year-old African American woman, was granted her lifelong dream to visit the White House earlier this year, the president and his wife . “Slow down now, don’t go too fast,” Obama joked. 


“I thought I would never live to get in the White House,” McLaurin said, looking up at her hosts. “I am so happy. A black president, a black wife, and I’m here to celebrate black history.”


Legacies are never settled; they are constantly evolving. A few years before he died, almost , because of his stance against the Vietnam war and in favour of the redistribution of wealth. 


Yet within a generation, his birthday was a national holiday; when Americans ranked the most admired public figures of the 20th century in 1999, .


Ronald Reagan is now hailed as a conservative hero, even though  and massively inflated the government deficit. During the final year of Bill Clinton’s presidency, most guessed that his legacy would be one of scandal. Instead, he was hailed for presiding over a sustained economic recovery. 


But as , he has had to recant key parts of that legacy – the crime bill, welfare reform, financial deregulation – those elements which have disproportionately impoverished African Americans and enriched the banks.


“History will be a far kinder judge than the current Republican congress,” Stewart tells me. “It will rest on the untold successes that this administration has had. Energy efficiency, carbon efficiency. He reformed the student loan programme, which is going to have an impact on a generation of students. He’s catapulted the US forward in ways that will continue to pay dividends long after his presidency. His legacy will be about these smaller, unsung accomplishments that will have a generational impact.”


