

2017-10-16 学术之路




Legal Intern (Executive Staff Support Team)


Duties and Responsibilities


  • Review and comment on all documents, including Memorandum of Understanding, Contribution Agreement, etc. to be signed by UNDP China and its partners from the public, private and third sectors. Archive and maintain all the signed documents.

  • Support the Deputy Country Director on negotiation with partners after measuring interest conflicts and assessing potential risks, and ensure a smooth implementation of each project throughout China.

  • Perform intensive research tasks as required by the Deputy Country Director and colleagues from other divisions in UNDP China Office.

  • Substantiate UNDP’s positions in certain projects from a legal perspective in a critical and pragmatic manner.




  • Good command of English and Mandarin, oral and written. Please indicate scores of IELTS, TOEFL, GRE or other standardized English tests in your CV. Previous experiences of working or living comfortably in a bilingual or wholly English-speaking environment are preferred.

  • Professionalism. As UNDP is an inter-governmental organization dealing with government agencies, other international organizations and high-profile corporations, interns are expected to have certain level of professionalism and sophistication, which may be indicated by your e-mails, written tests, CVs and phone communication.

  • Reliable legal research and legal translation skills, which may be indicated by former experiences (whether academic, industrial or volunteering).


Please complete the application through: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=75180.

