
【人大普通法系列讲座:需提前报名】Sir Jefferey Jowell QC/杰弗里·乔韦尔爵士

2018-02-27 学术之路

【普通法系列讲座】The Common Law Development of Standards of Administrative Review in England

演讲人/SpeakerSir Jefferey Jowell QC/杰弗里·乔韦尔爵士




时间/Time: 2018228日周三16:00-17:30/4-5.30pm,February 28, 2018

地点/Venue: 中国人民大学法学院明德法学楼725/ 725 Mingde Law Building

主办/Organized by 中国人民大学普通法中心/ Centre for Common Law Renmin University of China



Jeffrey Jowell practises as a barrister at Blackstone Chambers. From 2010-2015 he was also the Founder-Director of the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law. Previously he combined practice with his Chair of Public Law at University College London (UCL) (where he was twice Dean of the Law Faculty and a Vice Provost) . He has authored numerous leading publications in the area of constitutional and administrative law.  He has received a number of honorary degrees and awards including from the Universities of Cape Town, Athens, and Paris.Jeffrey’s practice in public law includes litigation in the UK and abroad and advice on the constitutions and administrative justice laws in a number of countries across the world including South Africa, the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Jersey, the Maldives, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Georgia.  From 2000-2011 he was the UK’s Member on the on the ‘Venice Commission’ (the Council of Europe’s Commission for Democracy through Law) where he advised on the constitutions and institutions of a number of countries in the former Soviet Union.

杰弗里·乔韦尔爵士曾任职伦敦大学学院(UCL)公法系主任、法学院院长。现担任Blackstone Chambers大律师。2010—2015年间,他曾任伯明翰法治中心的创始人兼主任。获得开普敦大学、雅典大学和巴黎大学等校荣誉学位及奖项。杰弗里在公法领域的执业活动包括在英国和国外的诉讼以及在全球许多国家的宪法和行政司法法律咨询,遍及南非、开曼群岛、直布罗陀、泽西岛、马尔代夫、缅甸、斯里兰卡和格鲁吉亚。2000年至2011年,他担任威尼斯委员会(欧盟委员会通过法治实现民主委员会)的英国会员,就前苏联地区多个国家的宪法和机构提出建议。2014年起,受聘担任中国人民大学普通法中心学术咨询委员会委员。


