

学术之路 2021-09-18

The 2019 Chicago-Tsinghua Young Faculty Forum on Law and Social Science selected twelve scholars to present work-in-progress papers written in English. Each paper will be given a 45-minute slot, which will begin with a brief, 15-minute presentation by the author, introducing the main argument of the paper. The presentation will then be followed by group discussion and Q&A for another 30 minutes.


The purpose of the Forum is to allow for open conversation with free flow of ideas and wide participation, in the round table style workshop. To facilitate this format, there will be no prepared comments by the discussants. All papers will be distributed and read by all participants in advance, to enable rigorous and broad discussion.

 The 2019 Chicago-Tsinghua Young Faculty Forum on Law and Social Science

❖ 时间:June 13 – 14, 2019

❖ 地点:University of Chicago Center in Beijing & Tsinghua University School of Law

❖ Please scan the QR code to register

❖ Language: English


❖ Sponsors:

Tsinghua University School of Law

University of Chicago Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics

University of Chicago Center in Beijing


Weixing SHEN 申卫星


School of Law

Tsinghua University


Leo and Eileen Herzel Professor of Law

Kearney Director of the Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics

University of Chicago Law School


 Thursday, June 13th

Day 1: UChicago Center in Beijing



Opening Remarks

Weixing SHEN, Tsinghua University School of Law

Omri BEN-SHAHAR, University of Chicago Law School


Panel I

Criminal Law

Moderator: William HUBBARD, University of Chicago Law School



Why Do We Persistently Overestimate Public Punitiveness in China?  Perils of the Internet Echo Chamber

John Zhuang LIU, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen



Authoritarian Trade-off: Regulating P2P Platforms through the Criminal Process

Michelle MIAO, Chinese University of Hong Kong



Fear of Crime and Citizen Attitude toward Judicial Error: A Global Perspective

Moulin XIONG, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics


Panel II

Civil Litigation and Judicial Decisionmaking

Moderator: Ruoying CHEN, University of New South Wales Business School & Peking University Law School



The Influence of a Company's Ownership on its Decision to Appeal an Employment Lawsuit Judgment in China Abstract

Zhenxing KE, Nankai University



Reverse Piercing of the Corporate Veil and the Rule of "Debts-Follow-Assets": Can the Theory of Asset Partitioning Explain Chinese Law?

James Si ZENG, Chinese University of Hong Kong


Panel III

Academic Scholarship and Legal Theory

Moderator: Haitian LU, Hong Kong Polytechnic University



How to Use, and Not to Use, Proportionality Principle

Xin DAI, Ocean University of China



Rethinking Law School Tenure Standards

Kyle ROZEMA, University of Chicago Law School



Friday, June 14th

Day 2: Tsinghua University School of Law



Opening Remarks

Guobin CUI, Associate Dean, Tsinghua University School of Law



Panel IV

Financial Regulation

Moderator: Guobin CUI



The Cross-border Transplantation of Variable Universal Life Insurance into China

Xingxing LI, Jinan University Law School



Court as Market Regulator: Proactive Rulemaking of the Supreme People's Court of China on Economic Regulation

Pan SU, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics



Does Reputational Capital Affect Credit Rating Agencies? Empirical Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China

Wenming XU, Chinese University of Political Science and Law


Panel V

Business Innovation

Moderator: Anthony CASEY, University of Chicago Law School



Through the Anti-Monopoly Lens: What Constitutes 'Unfairly High Patent Pricing' in China?

Yuan HAO, Tsinghua University School of Law



Contractual Innovation in China's Venture Capital Market: The Case of Valuation Adjustment Mechanism

Lin LIN, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore


Xin DAI 戴昕

Professor & Associate Dean 

Ocean University of China Law School

Yuan HAO 郝元


Tsinghua University Research Center of Innovation and Intellectual Property

Zhenxing KE 柯振兴

Assistant Professor

Nankai University School of Law

Lingxing LI 李杏杏

Associate Professor

Jinan University Law School

Lin LIN 林琳

Assistant Professor

National University of Singapore Faculty of Law


John Zhuang LIU 刘庄

Assistant Professor of Law and Economics

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen School of Management and Economics


Michelle MIAO 苗苗

Assistant Professor

Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law


Wachtell Lipton Fellow in Behavioral Law and Economics

University of Chicago Law School

Pan SU 苏盼

Assistant Professor

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Law School

Moulin XIONG 熊谋林

Associate Professor

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Law School

Wenming XU 徐文鸣

Associate Professor and Associate Dean

China University of Political Science and Law School of Law and Economics

 James Si ZENG 曾思

Assistant Professor 

Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law


Anthony J. CASEY

Professor of Law

University of Chicago Law School

Yun-chien CHANG 张永健

Research Professor at Institutum Iurisprudentiae

Director of Empirical Legal Studies Center

Academia Sinica

Ruoying CHEN 陈若英

Dean's Research Fellow/Senior Lecturer

University of New South Wales Business School & Associate Professor

Peking University Law School (on leave)

Guobin CUI 崔国斌

Associate Dean & Associate Professor

School of Law, Tsinghua University 

Simin GAO 高丝敏

Associate Professor

School of Law, Tsinghua University

William H. J. HUBBARD

Professor of Law

University of Chicago Law School

Dongyan LAO 劳东燕

Professor of Law

School of Law, Tsinghua University

Haitian LU 陆海天

Associate Dean of Faculty of Business

Professor in Law

Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Accounting and Finance

Xin TANG 汤欣

Professor of Law

School of Law, Tsinghua University

Yingmao TANG 唐应茂

Associate Professor & Deputy Director

Nuclear Policy and Law Center

Peking University Law School

Yuyu WANG 王煜宇

Professor of Law

Director of China Institute for Rule of Law in Finance

Southwest University of Political Science and Law

Defeng Xu 许德峰

Professor of Law 

Peking University Law School

Xiaohong YU 于晓虹

Associate Professor of Political Science

Associate Director 

Tsinghua University Legal Data Research Center

来源:清华大学法学院 第 92 


责任编辑 | 马海晶











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