Thinking with Animals in Medieval Literature:
Cognition, Language, Politics
主讲人:Daisy Delogu(芝加哥大学罗曼语言文学系讲席教授)
In Le Totémisme aujourd’hui, French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss famously wrote that the totemic animals adopted by indigenous tribes of Africa, South America, or Australia – the focus of his research – are selected because they are “bonne à penser”, “good to think with”, that is to say, meaningful with respect to the ideas and the relationships that they illuminate. Lévi-Strauss’s insight has remained relevant within and beyond anthropology. Although Western metaphysical and scientific traditions have tended to suppress affinity between humans and animals, and instead to demarcate one from the other, the stubborn resistance of “the animal” to remain within its assigned boundaries attests to the fruitful and disquieting proximity of beings of different orders. Animals reveal to us what we admire, what we desire, and what we might wish to repress or disavow, whether in ourselves or in others. In this talk I will explore just some of the ways in which medieval authors and publics engaged with animals in both learned (Latinate) and popular (vernacular) cultural contexts, with particular focus on the areas of cognition, language, and politics.
Daisy Delogu:美国芝加哥大学罗曼语言文学系Howard L. Willett法国文学讲席教授,芝加哥大学巴黎中心学术主任(2021-22),主要研究方向为中世纪法国文学,已出版Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign: The Rise of the French Vernacular Royal Biography.(University of Toronto Press, 2008)和Allegorical Bodies: Power and Gender in Late Medieval France.(University of Toronto Press, 2015)两部专著,目前正在撰写专著The Political Pastoral: Shepherds, Sheep, and Wolves between Late Medieval France and Burgundy (1364-1461)。
Allegorical Bodies: Power and Gender in Late Medieval France