


CNKI eBooks


Collects Chinese Classical Academic Works· Reveals Authoritative Academic Achievements· Highlights Chinese Humanities & Social Science Researches.


The Most Popular Book Series of 2017

● 民国图书荟萃系列:全套丛书共318册,内容包括文学巨匠的作品集,如鲁迅先生的散文集、小说集、书信集、语录、回忆录、纪念册等等;民国出版的中外文学作品,是文学史研究的必备素材;亦包括民国出版的政治、军事、外交、货币、财政、金融类图书。

Minguo Book Collection Series: 318 books in this series, including collected works of literary giants, such as Mr. LU Xun’s works, Chinese and foreign literature, political, military, diplomatic, monetary, and financial books published in the Period of Minguo.

● 中华文化系列:全套丛书共877册。主要介绍了回族文化、伊斯兰文化、岭南文化、敦煌文化、庐山文化、西湖文化与中华文化精神书系等内容。

Chinese Culture Series:There are 877 books in this series. It mainly introduces the Hui culture, Islamic culture, Lingnan culture, Dunhuang culture, Lushan culture, West Lake culture and Chinese cultural spirit.

● 珍贵史料:主要为民国时期史料,包含《上海文献汇编》经济卷五十册、文化卷四十册、史地卷三十三册&建筑卷三十五册;《北洋军阀史料》全二十一册;《严修手稿》全二十五册;《华北水利月刊》全十卷。

Precious History Materials of Minguo: The books in this series are mainly published during the Republic of China, including Collection of Shanghai Literature (Economic volume 50 books, Culture volume 40 books, History volume 33 books, and Building volume 35 books), The Historical Materials for Northern Warlords (21 books), Manuscripts of Yan Xiu (25 books) and Journal of North China Water Conservancy (10 volumes).

● 中国人文与思想系列:丛书共575册,主要包含中国人民大学出版社出版的当代中国人文大系、中国近代思想家文库与暨南大学出版社出版的人文学丛书。

Chinese Humanities and Thought Series: This series includes 575 books, the Contemporary Chinese Humanities and Anthologies of Modern Chinese Thinkers published by China Renmin University Press, and Humanities Series published by Jinan University Press.


Content Coverage & Resources Advantages


Rich Collection: Selects landmark book series and published masterpieces with typical documental value; 3801 books have been put online, with a monthly increase of more than 100 volumes.


Diverse Languages: Accelerates the pace of cooperation in English books. Established cooperation with China Renmin University Press, Central Compilation & Translation Bureau, and will sign strategic cooperation protocols with more outstanding English resource publishers, such as China Architecture & Building Press, China Social Sciences Press.


Meticulous Classification: Includes five series: Philosophy/Humanities &Social Sciences, Politics/Military Affairs/Law, Education & Social Sciences, Economics & Management, and Chinese Traditional Medicine & Chinese Pharmacology. Based on the features of the books, it is divided into 14 featured series, such as Chinese Culture, Chinese Humanism, contemporary Chinese humanities series, and Publications of the Republic of China.


Long Publication Span: Year coverage is 1905-2016, including both historical documental treasures and latest published masterpieces.

产品功能&平台特色   Functions &Features

● 轻度版权保护的PDF格式,无需安装插件和阅读器,自由在线阅读与下载;

PDF format allows free online reading and download with no need for any plug-in or reader.

● 多角度检索方式(书名、作者、出版社、ISBN、摘要、目录、全文等),提高检索速度和准确性;

Multiple search terms (title name, author, publisher, ISBN, abstract, catalogue, full-text, etc.) help to quickly and accurately find the needed information.

● 多维度导航方式(学科导航、特色专题导航、出版社导航等)让您快速选择所需图书。

Multiple navigation methods (browse by subjects, featured subjects and cooperate press) reveal contents from more dimensions.

中国学术典藏图书库: http://book.oversea.cnki.net/CCGBWEB/Book/Index

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