据《镜报》、《每日邮报》等多家英国媒体报道,英国哈里王子与女友梅格汉·马克尔(Meghan Markle) 好事将近。
梅格汉也已经宣布不再接演她的成名剧集《金牌律师》 (Suits),因为她已经决定与哈里王子订婚,喜讯将在今年圣诞节前公布。
今年36岁的梅格汉·马克尔(Meghan Markle)是非裔美国演员,比哈里王子大三岁并且离过婚,演艺事业也并未大红大紫,或许旁人很难理解哈里王子钟情于她的理由,然而在翻过Meghan的私照后,或许你就会找到答案。
I like Meghan’s speech a lot – I like the personal story and the statistics she included, and I like that Meghan is voicing her support for gender equality. I also like that not only is she saying women are and should be equal to men socially, etc. but she’s championing women being leaders and decision makers.
Honestly, it makes me sad thinking about Meghan having to defer to Harry because he’s the blood royal, and having to stop championing women in politics because royals don’t comment on politics.
I’ve never seen Suits, so I’ve never actually heard Meghan speak before. Her voice is higher and less commanding than I thought it would be. It’s not that her voice is weak, but it’s not sharp and commanding either.
“I am proud to be a woman and a feminist, and this evening I am extremely proud to stand before you on this significant day, which serves as a reminder to all of us of how far we’ve come, but also amid celebration a reminder of the road ahead.
“I want to tell you a story that’ll sort of give context to my being here and my work with UN Women. When I was just eleven years old, I unknowingly and somehow accidentally became a female advocate. It was around the same time as the Beijing conference, so a little over twenty years ago, where in my hometown of Los Angeles a pivotal moment reshaped my notion of what is possible. See I had been in school watching a TV show in elementary school and, um, this commercial came on with the tag line for this dish washing liquid and the tag line said, ‘Women all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans’. Two boys from my class said, ‘Yeah, that’s where women belong, in the kitchen’. I remember feeling shocked and angry and also just feeling so hurt; it just wasn’t right, and something needed to be done. So I went home and told my dad what had happened, and he encouraged me to write letters, so I did, to the most powerful people I could think of.
“Now my eleven year old self worked out that if I really wanted someone to hear me, well then I should write a letter to the First Lady. So off I went, scribbling away to our First Lady at the time, Hillary Clinton. I also put pen to paper and I wrote a letter to my news source at the time, Linda Ellerbee, who hosted a kids news program, and then to powerhouse attorney Gloria Allred, because even at eleven I wanted to cover all my bases. Finally I wrote to the soap manufacturer. And a few weeks went by and to my surprise I received letters of encouragement from Hillary Clinton, from Linda Ellerbee, and from Gloria Allred. It was amazing. The kids news show, they sent a camera crew to my home to cover the story, and it was roughly a month later when the soap manufacturer, Proctor & Gamble, changed the commercial for their ivory clear dish washing liquid. They changed it from ‘Women all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans’ to ‘People all over America’. It was at that moment that I realized the magnitude of my actions. At the age of eleven I had created my small level of impact by standing up for equality.
“Now, equality means that President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, whose country I recently visited as part of my learning mission with UN Women, it means that he is equal to the little girl in the Gihembe refugee camp who is dreaming about being a president one day. Equality means that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is equal to the young intern at the UN who is dreaming about shaking his hand. It means that a wife, it means that a wife is equal to her husband; a sister to her brother. Not better, not worse – they are equal.
“UN Women, as you guys know, has defined the year 2030 as the expiration date for gender inequality. And here’s what’s staggering, the studies show that at the current rate, the elimination of gender inequality won’t be possible until 2095. That’s another eighty years from now. And when it comes to women’s political participation and leadership the percentage of female parliamentarians globally has only increased by 11% since 1995. 11 percent in 20 years? Come on. This has to change. Women make up more than half of the world’s population and potential, so it is neither just nor practical for their voices, for our voices, to go unheard at the highest levels of decision-making.
“The way we change that, in my opinion, is to mobilize girls and women to see their value as leaders, and to support them in these efforts. To have leaders such as President Kagame of Rwanda continue to be a role model of a country which has a parliamentary system comprised of 64% female leaders. I mean, it’s the highest of any government in the world and it’s unbelievable. We need more men like that, just as we need more men like my father who championed my eleven year old self to stand up for what is right. In doing this, we remind girls that their small voices are, in fact, not small at all, and that they can effect change. In doing this, we remind women that their involvement matters. That they need to become active in their communities, in their local governments, as well as in the highest parliamentary positions. It is just imperative: Women need a seat at the table, they need an invitation to be seated there, and in some cases, where this is not available, well then you know what, they need to create their own table. We need a global understanding that we cannot implement change effectively without women’s political participation.
“It is said that girls with dreams become women with vision. May we empower each other to carry out such vision — because it isn’t enough to simply talk about equality. One must believe it. And it isn’t enough to simply believe in it. One must work at it. Let us work at it. Together. Starting now.”
不过就在前段时间,"花花公子"哈里王子突然对外公布了婚约:要在圣诞节前和女友梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)订婚!而且已经带女友见过了家长,无论是奶奶英国女王,还是哥哥一家都对这位准王妃表示满意。
凭借好衣品,梅根不仅和美国名媛以及时尚博主Olivia Palermo成为好友,而且和未来的嫂子凯特王妃也一见如故,两人都有着亲和的笑容和不俗的时尚品味,要知道,当初凯特正是凭借这两点吸引了威廉王子。
不过梅根不仅会穿,还会设计!去年十一月,梅根曾和加拿大服装品牌Reitmans合作,发布了一系列自己参与设计的作品,并亲自担纲模特 。她说"我喜欢设计,我要把名字写在自己的作品上面。在时尚领域我会大有作为的。"
热爱分享的她还创建了生活时尚网站The Tig,自己担任主编,分享旅游攻略,美食品鉴,读书心得等一切和美好生活有关的事物,拥有一大批忠实粉丝。
而真正让哈里王子与她相识并相爱的,则是因为她的另外两个身份:人道主义者和慈善家。毕业于美国名校西北大学的她,拥有戏剧和国际关系双学位,毕业后曾在美国驻布宜诺斯艾利斯 大使馆工作。
王子与平民,两人的爱情虽然不是门当户对,但绝对是势均力敌。有自己的事业和兴趣爱好, 自信美好,坚韧善良,这样的梅根,根本不需要谁来拯救,她自己就可以活得光芒四射!
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