英语演讲君只想说,少年郎,你还是太年轻了。每周一次的英国首相质询(Prime Minister's Questions,简称PMQ)才能诠释辩论的最高境界,尤其是当下脱欧议题上面的出枪舌战。
Alex McDermott 更是论点充足,摆事实,举例子,滔滔不绝的口才让议长大人也一直赞不绝口,毕竟就算是前首相来下议院辩论都曾“吓尿”过呢。
I'm going to call the mirror of the First Nation and I want you to give the mover of the First Nation and of all subsequent nations terrific support and encouragement, to move the motion,I call from the East Midlands Alex McDermott.
thank you very much mr. speaker. this is the single most important issue you all here today, votes at 16, this is it, but you've heard it all before? haven't you?
this has been a UK YP national campaign for the past two years, it's been debated and debated and debated and nothing has happened.
there has been no change, I was born on the 20th of November 2003, believe it or not I might not look it but I am 14 and between that day in this day daph being 16 parliamentary bills and there have been seven Democratic cause for change children young people's unit 2002 2003 2006 2007 2014 2012 to 2018 and just three weeks ago, this very House of Commons briefing paper 42 pages was published, and I'm sure you've all read it in detail, and yes like I say you have heard it all before and still no change.
so I'm not going to go over old ground, I'm not going to remind you of the compelling evidence for giving us the votes of the marcus wagner electorial study from austria where by the way the voting age is 16 which proves the quality of young people's votes is just as good as the quality of the older voters.
I won't need to revisit the idea that 16 and 17 year olds till illegally marry, fight for and have sex with their MPs but they can't vote for them, only one bothered to frighten you with the risks of not giving young people a voice with disaffection and this engagement was lack of faith in our political system.
we're seeking a voice elsewhere through gangs to crime their extremism and through evolution no no, I'm not going to do any of that simply because you've heard it all before, so is nothing changed simple there is not the political will those in power do not want another group to win who's speaking languages they don't understand you operates on social media platforms.本文由精彩英语演讲整理而成,转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。
they've never heard of and young people like to change things including the people who lead them and so they won't give us the votes , unless we the UK Youth Parliament make it happen and therefore I'm going to ask you one question and one question only and each of you will need to decide how do you wish to be judged by your children and the future generation, when they look back at your decision today.
let me give you some context who would say this about women getting the votes oh yes sir, women would be neglecting their hos if they came into the Commons it would be cool to drag them into the political arena to ask them to undertake responsibilities which they did not understand and which they did not care for no who would say this.
I'll tell you, 112 years ago sir Samuel Evans MP for Mid Glamorgan and sir Randall Cramer Liberal MP for Hackney who presented the arguments on this very spot. now how would judge this kind of view now sexist arrogant ignorant and prejudicial, so we stand here at yet another crossroads in the UK's democracy how do you wish to be judged by the future generations, don't vote for our games don't vote for ignorant, don't vote for prejudice, don't be judged by the future generation for depriving as the youth of a voice.
yes yes you've heard it all before but this time let's make a real difference, let's engage our youth, let's lobby our MPs, and let's make votes for 16 our national campaign. thank you!
in a moment my friends I shall call the speaker for the opposition to this motion and I invite you to give that person an equally warm and acclimate warmly reception bird you just want to say this as you know in the chairing of the Proceedings of the House of Commons.
on a day-to-day basis the speaker is required to be an umpire not a player, I'm independent of unconnected with owing their allegiance to expressing no support for any political party and I take great care when matters are debatedby members of parliament not to express my own views in the chamber and indeed even outside the chamber I have to take considerable care in what I say.本文由精彩英语演讲整理而成,转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。
but I just want to say two things first of all , I'm impartial between the parties but I'm not impartial about Parliament and I'm not impartial about the quality of representation and the force and significance of top-notch advocacy and Alex what we've just heard from you whatever you think and I think most of you agreed with Alex.
in terms of speech making and self-assurance and logical thread and formidable delivery was quite simply a brilliant speech a brilliant speech.
首相问答(Prime Minister's Questions,简称PMQ)是英国议会的一项传统,自19世纪开始运行至今,丘吉尔设定了固定时间问答的传统,当时每周二和周四下午各15分钟时间进行首相问答。自布莱尔当选首相后,首相问答时间改到每周三中午12点,时长为30分钟。
Prime Minister's Questions (often abbreviated to PMQs and officially known as Questions to the Prime Minister) is a constitutional convention in the United Kingdom, currently held as a single session every Wednesday at noon when the House of Commons is sitting, during which the Prime Minister spends around half an hour answering questions from Members of Parliament (MPs).
The first formal question on the Order Paper, posed by simply saying "Number one, Mr. Speaker", is usually to ask the Prime Minister "if he will list his engagements for the day". The Prime Minister usually replies:
议事日程表上第一个正式问题一般都是问“首相大人是否可以列出今天的行程”,而提出问题一般都是说“议长大人,第一个问题(Number one, Mr. Speaker)”而首相一般会回答:
“This morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in the House, I shall have further such meetings later today.”
Before listing his engagements, the Prime Minister sometimes extends condolences or offers congratulations after significant events. Occasionally the first question tabled is on a specific area of policy, not the engagements question.
议员在议会上的发言,理论上都是向议长陈述,多以“Mr. Speaker”开头,指代多方多用He或者the gentleman。执政党非极端情况下不会积极质询首相,议员用起立来引起议长注意,议长起立发言时,所有议员必须无条件坐下。