

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2022-08-28




Youtube演讲达人prince ea,通过模拟法庭的形式,将“学校”拟人化,对现代教育制度进行了一场咆哮式的彻底批判。铿锵有力句句都在点上,你怎么看?


Albert Einstein once said, everybody's a genius. . .
爱因斯坦曾说,每个人都是天才……But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.但如果你以爬树能力来评断一条鱼,它将一辈子相信自己是个笨蛋。Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, today on trial we have modern day schooling.陪审团的女士先生们,今天我要控告"现代教育制度"。Glad you could come.很高兴你们能来。Not only does he make fish climb trees but also makes them climb down and do a 10 mile run.他不仅让鱼爬树,还让鱼爬下来,参加10英里长跑比赛。Tell me school, are you proud of the things you've done?告诉我,学校,你是否对自己的所作所为感到骄傲?Turning millions of people into robots, do you find that fun?将无数学子变成机器人,觉得好玩吗?Do you realize how many kids relate to that fish?你知道有多少孩子变成那条鱼吗?Swimming upstream in class, never finding their gifts, thinking they are stupid, believing they are useless.在班级中力争上游,永远找不到自己的天赋,觉得自己笨,认为自己一无是处。But the time has come, no more excuses.但是时候到了,别再找借口了。I call school to the stand and accuse him of killing creativity, individuality and being intellectually abusive.我要求与被告进行答辩,我要控告学校谋杀创意和个体,以及滥用智商。He's an ancient institution that has outlived his usage.他是一个早已过时的古老机构。So your honour, this concludes my opening statement and if I may present the evidence of my case, I will prove it.庭上,我的开场陈述已经结束,请求继续提出我方的相关事证。Proceed.请举证。Exhibit A: Here's a modern day phone, recongnise it?物证A:这是一部现代手机,大家都认得吧?Here's a phone from 150 years ago, big difference right?这是一部150年前的电话,差别很大吧?Stay with me.继续看。Here's a car from today and here's a car from 150 years ago.这是一辆现代汽车,而这是一百五十年前的马车。Big difference right? Well get this.也差很多吧,看好。Here's a classroom of today and here's a class we used 150 years ago.这是现代学校的教室,这是150年前的教室。Now ain't that a shame?是不是觉得丢脸?In literally more than a century, nothing has changed.确确实实地过了一个多世纪,没有任何改变。Yet you claim to prepare students for the future?你们却宣称学校的存在是为了让学生为未来做准备?But with evidence like that I must ask.但是证据在此,我必须要问。Do you prepare students for the future? Or the past ?你们是让让学生为未来做好准备?还是为过去?I did a background check on you and let the records show that you were made to train people to work in factories.我做了背景调查,请记录下来,你们原本是为了训练人们进入工厂工作而创立的。Which explains why you put students in straight rows nice and neat.这也解释了为何你们让学生一排排整整齐齐地就坐。Tell them sit still. Raise your hand if you wanna speak.叫他们安静坐好,要讲话要举手。Give them a short break to eat and for eight hours a day tell them what to think. Oh, and make them compete to get an A.给他们短暂的休息时间去吃饭,一天八个小时告诉他们只能思考什么。哦还有,让他们为了得到"A"而竞争。Letter which determines product quality.一个用来衡量商品好坏的字母。Hence grade A of meat.所以叫A级肉品。I get it.我能了解。Back then times were different. We all have a past, I myself am no Gandhi.时代不同,人都有过去,我也不是圣雄甘地。But today we don't need to make robot zombies.但是现代的社会不需要僵尸机器。The world has progressed and now we need people who think creatively, innovatively, critically, independently with the ability to connect.社会在进步,现在我们需要的是思考上有创意,有新意,有批判性,能独立,能够创造连结的人才。See every scientist will tell you that no two brains are the same.每位科学家都会告诉你每个人的大脑都是独一无二的。And every parent with two or more children will confirm that claim.而每一对拥有2个或者更多孩子的父母都能证明这点。So please explain why you treat students like cookie cutter frames or snapback hats.所以,请你告诉我,为什么你们把学生当成是饼干模具或者是后扣帽。Giving them this 'one size fits all' crap.塞给他们"一视同仁"的狗屁。Watch your language. Sorry your honour.注意你的用词。抱歉,庭上。What if a doctor prescribe the exact same medicine to all of his patients. . The results would be tragic.如果一位医生开给所有病人的药全都一模一样,后果根本不堪设想。So many people would get sick yet.多少人会因此病得更严重。When it's comes to school, this is exactly what happens.但是换成教育制度,这正是现在正在发生的事情。This. . . educational malpractice.这是,教育上的误诊。Where one teacher stands in front of 20 kids, each one having different strengths, different needs, different gifts, different dreams.一位教师站在二十位学生面前,每一位都拥有不同的优点,不同的需求,不同的天赋,不同的梦想。And you teach the same thing the same way? That's horrific!而你却用同样的方式教导同样的东西?太可怕了。Ladies and Gentlemen the defendant should be acquitted. This may be one of the worst criminal offenses ever to be committed.各位,被告不应该无罪释放。这可能是人类史上犯下的最严重的罪行。Unless you mention the way you treat your employees. . .再来谈谈你如何对待你的员工……Objection! Overruled! I wanna hear this.抗议!抗议无效!我想听听看。It's a shame.真的很遗憾。I mean teachers have the most important job on the planet yet they're under paid?教师可以说是社会上最重要的工作,但他们却未得到相应的薪资。No wonder so many students are short changed.难怪学生也没获得应有的教育。Let's be honest.让我们诚实一点。Teachers should earn just as much as doctors.教师的薪资应该跟医生一样高。Because a doctor can do you heart surgery, and save the life of a kid.因为医生能够动心脏手术拯救孩子的生命。What a great teacher can reach the heart of that kid and allow him to truly live.而好的老师能够触碰到孩子的内心,让他活出自己的生命。See teachers are heroes that often get blamed but they're not the problem.教师是常被责难的英雄,但问题不是出在他们。They work in a system without many option or rights.他们是在没有太多选择或权利的体制下工作。Curriculums are created by policy makers.学校课程都是由政策制定者制定的。Most of which have never taught a day in their life.其中大部分他们可能这辈子都没教过书。Just obsessed with standardized tests. . . they think bubbling in a multiple choice question will determine success.只会把标准化测验当万灵丹……他们认为只要狂做多重选择题就能带来成功。That's outlandish.这太奇怪了。In fact these tests are too crude to be used, and should be abandoned.事实上这些测验是粗糙到不堪使用,应该被废弃。But don't take my word for it, take Frederick. J. Kelly.听我的不算数,听听看Frederick.J.Kelly怎么说的吧。The man who invented standardized testing, who said. . . And I quote.他是标准化测验之父,他就是这么说的,我来引述一下。There tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned.这些测验粗糙到不堪使用,应该被废弃。Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury.陪审团的各位女士们先生们。If we continue down this road, the results will be lethal.这条路继续走下去将是条不归路。I don't have much faith in school, but I do have faith in people.我对学校没什么信心,但我对人们有信心。And if we can customize healthcare, cars, and Facebook pages, then it is our duty to do the same for education.如果我们能定制健康医疗,汽车和脸书页面,我们就有责任也对学校进行定制。To upgrade it. Change it.更新它。改变它。Do away with school spirit, cos that's useless.别再颂扬校魂,因为那没什么用。Unless we are working to bring the spirit out of each and every student.除非我们能燃起每一位学生的学习之魂。That should be our task.那才是我们的任务。No more common core, instead. . . Let's reach the core of every heart in every class.不要再"共同核心标准",深入每个学童内心才是我们该做的。Sure math is important, but no more than art or dance.数学固然重要,但艺术与舞蹈也同等重要。Let's give every gift an equal chance.给予每一种天赋同等的机会。I know this sounds like a dream but countries like Finland are doing impressive things. They have shorter school days.我知道这听起来像是痴人说梦,但芬兰等国家已经拥有了不起的教育制度。他们的授课日数更短。Teachers make decent wage.教师薪资合理。Homework is non-existent and they focus on collaboration instead of competition.没有家庭作业。他们注重合作,而非竞争。But there's the kicker boys and girls.但是出人意外的是。Their educational system outperforms every other country in the world.他们的教育体制效果比世界上任何一个国家都好。Other places like Singapore are succeeding rapidly.新加坡等国家也正在快速崛起。Schools like Montessori. Programs like Khan Academy.蒙特梭利学校。可汗学院计划。There is no single solution, but let's get moving.没有单一解决之道,但是让我们向前进。Because while students may be 20% of our population.因为尽管学生只占总人口的百分之二十。They are 100% of our future.他们是这个社会未来的百分之百。So let's attend to their dreams and there's no telling what we can achieve.让我们呵护他们的梦想,即使未来不可捉摸。This is a world in which I believe. . . A world where fish are no longer forced to climb trees.我相信这是一个……一个鱼不应该再被逼着去爬树的世界。I rest my case.我的陈述完毕。












