鳗草海草床修复工程方案策略 | 绿会生态修复工程案例研究
美国罗德岛州的的海草床修复利用了TERFS 把草苗或成年的海草用可以自然分解的绉纸系在钢丝网上,然后人工埋到海底沉积层里,大约一个月后等草苗的根固定到沉积层以内了钢丝则可撤出。罗德岛的移植工作:
References1. Orth, R.J., M. Luckenbach, and K.A. Moore. 1994. Seed dispersal in a marine macrophyte: implications for colonization and restoration. Ecology 75:1927-39.2. Churchill, A.C., A.E. Cok, and M.I. Riner. 1978. Stabilization of subtidal sediments by the transplantation of the seagrass Zostera marina L. New York Sea Grant Report, NYSSGR-RS-78-15, Albany, New York.3. Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET). 2002. "Density-dependent effects on grazing and success for seed generated seagrass (Zostera marina L.) plants." CICEET Progress Report for the period 08/01/01 through 01/31/02 (http://www.ciceet.unh.edu/spotlight/nixon.html). University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire.4. Govers, L. L. et al. Marine Phytophthora species can hamper conservation and restoration of vegetated coastal ecosystems. Proc. R. Soc. B 283, 20160812, doi: 10.1098/rsbp/2016.0812 (2016). 5. Govers, L., van der Zee, E., Meffert, J. et al. Copper treatment during storage reduces Phytophthora and Halophytophthora infection of Zostera marina seeds used for restoration. Sci Rep 7, 43172 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/srep431726. Rezek, R.J., Furman, B.T., Jung, R.P. et al. Long-term performance of seagrass restoration projects in Florida, USA. Sci Rep 9, 15514 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-51856-97. Churchill, A.C., A.E. Cok, and M.I. Riner. 1978. Stabilization of subtidal sediments by the transplantation of the seagrass Zostera marina L. New York Sea Grant Report, NYSSGR-RS-78-15, Albany, New York.8. Scott R. Marion and Robert J. Orth. 2010. Innovative Techniques for Large-scale Seagrass Restoration Using Zostera marina (eelgrass) Seeds. Restoration Ecology Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 514–526
#CBCGDF-Seagrass005●三机构发布《海草——海洋之肺:海草对环境和对人类的价值》报告 | "世界海洋日"绿讯#CBCGDF-Seagrass004●海草女士安妮塔·索赫(Anitra Thorhaug):从水下世界开始治愈地球 | CBCGDF-Seagrass004#CBCGDF-Seagrass003●周晋峰:建议曹妃甸海草床建立海洋保护地,并纳入世界自然遗产申报#CBCGDF-Seagrass002●800万粒种子、561万株补植,世界海洋日:绿会实地考察渤海湾首例海草床生态修复工程#CBCGDF-Seagrass001●周晋峰与加勒比能源和环境基金会主席Anitra Thorhaug探讨雨林修复合作分享是一种美德、关注是一种智慧