
干货 | 多语对照:2024年政府工作报告要点及全文(附下载链接)

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➤ 国内生产总值增长5.2%China's gross domestic product expanded 5.2 percent last year.➤ 粮食产量1.39万亿斤Grain output reached a record of 695 million metric tons.➤ 城镇新增就业1244万人The country created 12.44 million urban jobs in 2023.➤ 全年新增税费优惠超过2.2万亿元Additional tax and fee relief measures introduced last year resulted in savings exceeding 2.2 trillion yuan.➤ 新能源汽车产销量占全球比重超过60%China accounted for over 60 percent of global electric vehicle output and sales.➤ 电动汽车、锂电池、光伏产品“新三样”出口增长近30%There was a 30-percent increase in exports of the “new trio,” namely, electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and photovoltaic products.
➤ 国内生产总值增长5%左右GDP growth of around 5 percent➤ 城镇新增就业1200万人以上Over 12 million new urban jobs➤ 居民消费价格涨幅3%左右CPI increase of around 3 percent➤ 粮食产量1.3万亿斤以上Grain output of over 650 million metric tons➤ 单位国内生产总值能耗降低2.5%左右A drop of around 2.5 percent in energy consumption per unit of GDP
➤ 财政:赤字率拟按3%安排China has set its ratio of deficit to GDP at 3 percent for 2024.一般公共预算支出比上年增加1.1万亿元General public expenditures in the government budget are projected to increase 1.1 trillion yuan over last year. ➤ 政府投资:拟安排地方政府专项债券3.9万亿元China will see 3.9 trillion yuan of special-purpose bonds for local governments to be issued in 2024.中央预算内投资拟安排7000亿元This year, 700 billion yuan will be earmarked in the central government budget for investment.➤ 特别国债:从今年开始拟连续几年发行超长期特别国债,专项用于国家重大战略实施和重点领域安全能力建设,今年先发行1万亿元China will issue ultra-long special treasury bonds over each of the next several years for the purpose of implementing major national strategies and building up security capacity in key areas, starting with 1 trillion yuan of such bonds this year.➤ 未来产业:开辟量子技术、生命科学等新赛道Open up new fields such as quantum technology and life sciences➤ 数字经济:开展“人工智能+”行动Launch an AI Plus initiative➤ 消费:鼓励和推动消费品以旧换新,提振智能网联新能源汽车、电子产品等大宗消费Encourage and promote consumer goods trade in programs and boost spending on intelligent connected new energy vehicles, electronic products, and other big-ticket items➤ 住房:加大保障性住房建设和供给,完善商品房相关基础性制度Scale up the building and supply of government-subsidized housing and improve the basic systems for commodity housing➤ 就业:要强化促进青年就业政策举措Do more to promote employment for young people分类完善灵活就业服务保障措施Improve services and assistance for people in flexible employment based on their type of employment➤ 乡村振兴:在全国实施三大主粮生产成本和收入保险政策Implement nationwide full-cost insurance and income insurance for the three main grain crops of rice, wheat, and corn, and improve mechanisms for ensuring the incomes of grain growers加强充电桩、冷链物流、寄递配送设施建设Build more electric vehicle charging facilities, cold chain logistics, and courier delivery facilities➤ 城镇化:稳步实施城市更新行动China will steadily advance the urban renewal projects推动解决老旧小区加装电梯、停车等难题Resolve problems such as the need to install elevators and parking shortages in old residential compounds.➤ 教育:开展基础教育扩优提质行动Launch an initiative to upgrade basic education推动学前教育普惠发展Enhance public-interest preschool education➤ 医保:居民医保人均财政补助标准提高30元Government subsidies for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents will increase by an average of 30 yuan per person.
➤ 社会保障:城乡居民基础养老金月最低标准提高20元The minimum basic old-age benefits for rural and non-working urban residents will be raised by 20 yuan per month. 继续提高退休人员基本养老金Continue to increase basic pensions for retirees在全国实施个人养老金制度Implement the private pension system nationwide多渠道增加托育服务供给Increase the supply of childcare services through multiple channels➤ 开放:全面取消制造业领域外资准入限制措施,放宽电信、医疗等服务业市场准入。All market access restrictions on foreign investment in manufacturing will be abolished, and market access restrictions in services sectors, such as telecommunications and healthcare, will be reduced.提升外籍人员来华工作、学习、旅游便利度Make it easier for foreign nationals to work, study, and travel in China➤ 环保:完善支持绿色发展的财税、金融、投资、价格政策和相关市场化机制Improve fiscal, tax, financial, investment, and pricing policies in support of green development as well as relevant market-based mechanisms
government-subsidized housing


1.保障性住房 government-subsidized housing2.充电桩 electric vehicle charging facilities3.国内生产总值 China's gross domestic product (GDP)

4.粮食产量 Grain output

5.城镇就业 urban jobs

6.新增税费 Additional tax and fee

7.新能源汽车/电动汽车 electric vehicle

8.锂电池 lithium-ion batteries

9.光伏产品 photovoltaic products

10.赤字率 ratio of deficit

11.量子技术 quantum technology

12.生命科学 life sciences13.地方政府专项债券 special-purpose bonds for local governments

14.超长期特别国债 ultra-long special treasury bonds

15.国家重大战略实施 major national strategies

16.重点领域安全能力建设 building up security capacity in key areas

17.消费品以旧换新 the trade-in of consumer goods18.商品房 commodity housing

19.灵活就业 flexible employment20.冷链物流 cold chain logistics

21.寄递配送设施 courier delivery facilities

22.基础教育扩优提质 upgrade basic education

23.学前教育 preschool education

24.托育服务 childcare services

25.个人养老金制度 private pension system

26.居民医保财政补贴 Government subsidies for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents27.城乡居民基础养老金 basic old-age benefits for rural and non-working urban residents



Report on the Work of the Government

A Review of Our Work in 2023


We secured a smooth transition in epidemic response following a major, decisive victory in the fight against Covid-19. The main goals and tasks for economic and social development in 2023 were accomplished, and we made steady progress in pursuing high-quality development, maintained overall social stability, and made solid advances in building a modern socialist country in all respects.

——经济总体回升向好。— Overall economic recovery and growth were boosted.
——现代化产业体系建设取得重要进展。— Significant progress was made in building a modernized industrial system.
——科技创新实现新的突破。— New breakthroughs were made in scientific and technological innovation.
——改革开放向纵深推进。— Reform and opening up were deepened.
——安全发展基础巩固夯实。— The foundations for secure development were further consolidated.
——生态环境质量稳中改善。— The environment saw steady improvements.
——民生保障有力有效。— People’s wellbeing was ensured.........


It is important, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, to do the following:
  • follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese
  • Characteristics for a New Era
  • implement the guiding principles from the Party’s 20th National Congress and the second plenary session of the 20th Party Central Committee
  • act on the guidelines of the Central Economic Work Conference
  • adhere to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability
  • fully and faithfully apply the new development philosophy on all fronts, move faster to create a new pattern of development, and promote high-quality development
  • deepen reform and opening up on all fronts
  • achieve greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology
  • strengthen macro regulation
  • expand domestic demand and deepen supply-side structural reform
  • promote new urbanization and all-around rural revitalization in a coordinated way
  • ensure both high-quality development and greater security
  • boost economic vitality, prevent and defuse risks, and improve public expectations
  • consolidate and build momentum for economic recovery and growth
  • continue to effectively pursue higher-quality economic growth and appropriately increase economic output
  • improve the people’s wellbeing
  • maintain overall social stability

These efforts will ensure that we make further progress in building a great country and advancing national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization.........

(一)大力推进现代化产业体系建设,加快发展新质生产力。1. Striving to modernize the industrial system and developing new quality productive forces at a faster pace推动产业链供应链优化升级。We will work to upgrade industrial and supply chains.积极培育新兴产业和未来产业。We will actively foster emerging industries and future-oriented industries.深入推进数字经济创新发展。We will promote innovative development of the digital economy.
(二)深入实施科教兴国战略,强化高质量发展的基础支撑。2. Invigorating China through science and education and consolidating the foundations for high-quality development加强高质量教育体系建设。We will develop a high-quality education system.加快推动高水平科技自立自强。We will move faster to boost self-reliance and strength in science and technology.全方位培养用好人才。We will develop and make best use of talent in all sectors.
(三)着力扩大国内需求,推动经济实现良性循环。3. Expanding domestic demand and promoting sound economic growth促进消费稳定增长。We will promote steady growth in consumer spending.积极扩大有效投资。We will work to increase effective investment.
(四)坚定不移深化改革,增强发展内生动力。4. Continuing to deepen reform and boosting internal momentum for development激发各类经营主体活力。We will work to stimulate the vitality of market entities.加快全国统一大市场建设。We will move faster to build a unified national market.推进财税金融等领域改革。We will advance fiscal, taxation, and financial reforms.
(五)扩大高水平对外开放,促进互利共赢。5. Pursuing higher-standard opening up and promoting mutual benefits推动外贸质升量稳。We will work to steadily increase the volume and raise the quality of foreign trade.加大吸引外资力度。We will intensify efforts to attract foreign investment.推动高质量共建“一带一路”走深走实。We will deepen high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and achieve solid results.深化多双边和区域经济合作。We will deepen multilateral, bilateral, and regional economic cooperation.
(六)更好统筹发展和安全,有效防范化解重点领域风险。6. Ensuring both development and security and effectively preventing and defusing



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